MLB is an embarrassment to its players and baseball fans everywhere

Joe Rivera

MLB is an embarrassment to its players and baseball fans everywhere image

MLB has tried for years. The unwritten rules, embarrassing front office mishaps, free agency or an aversion to promoting its stars. I've fought through it.

But on Monday, they did the impossible. MLB left me feeling embarrassed to be a baseball fan.

Rob Manfred's five-day pivot from being "100 percent certain" there will be baseball in 2020 to his "not confident" comments Monday opened my eyes. To make matters worse, Manfred's quote came after players all over the Twittersphere started using the "When and Where" hashtag to simply ask owners, well, when and where they're playing in 2020.

Unfortunately, Manfred and the league's owners apparently are thinking twice about a season, if Monday's drama is any indication. I mean, after all, owning a baseball team is a losing-money proposition, apparently.

It would have been one thing had the players and owners disagreed on health and safety protocols heading into the season, or MLB decided it was simply too unsafe to play games in the middle of a pandemic (things that are still true). But that three-word "When and Where" rallying cry changed it all.

We're in the middle of a global pandemic. Coronavirus cases are spiking around the country. Civil unrest is raging around the U.S. as Americans mourn the unjust deaths of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd. Black Lives Matter movements are creating action and giving voices to the voiceless. Simply put, it seems petulant and egocentric to beg for the return of baseball when there are matters much more serious than tape-measure homers and nasty breaking balls.

MORE: Rob Manfred's flip-flop on MLB season seen by players as stalling tactic, more bad-faith negotiating

It's selfish and irresponsible to beg for sports to come back, to entertain us, to distract us, to give us something to discuss or to debate in this climate. Baseball doesn't need to exist in 2020, and the players and the sport don't owe us anything.

But there was still a sliver of selfish hope: Had MLB taken the stage in July and been the first major U.S. sports league back in the wake of a devastating global pandemic, the players would be viewed as superheroes and saviors. It's Sammy Sosa running out on the Wrigley Field outfield with the American flag after 9/11 or Mike Piazza hitting a home run that was a cathartic release for many. It's MLB continuing during World War II at the urgings of FDR.

No matter when, where or what, baseball has seemingly always been there for people in times of need. It's fought through terrorist attacks on the country and wars spanning continents. But greed could take it down in 2020. Because of this, baseball has made it impossible to defend.

The beauty of the hardball is still awe-inspiring. Ask any rational baseball fan. One of the main goals is to share the sport globally, to new audiences. Any baseball head will be more than willing to explain their love — and hate — of the game to you to help you understand.

But when you have billionaire owners who would much rather sacrifice a season to prove a point, to out-muscle players and crush the MLBPA, how do you defend it?

When the minor leagues are crunched, suffocating small markets and cutting off rural areas from good, home-grown baseball, how do you build a case?

Folks, I'm tired. I'm tired of having to explain to people why I love baseball. Why I love the drama, the pageantry, the evolution. I'm tired of seeing owners chase the bottom line over the health and future of the game. That's not a new thing. It's just more apparent then ever. It's exposed like a nerve for all to see, and the fans and players are the victims here.

I'm tired of reaching for defenses of MLB now. I still love baseball, and I probably always will. But to love something is to not be afraid to critique it — to want to make it better.

MORE: MLB uses positive COVID-19 test results to justify playing as few games as possible

Maybe it's time for a baseball reckoning. Maybe it's time for all the skeletons to come out of the closet, so that the owners who chase the dollar can wake up and see this isn't just about prorated salaries. It's about something bigger. It's about the players and the fans.

Maybe the owners need to wake up and realize they don't throw 95 with a nasty slider. Max Scherzer does. The owners don't hit 400-foot blasts. Aaron Judge does. MLB owners have made it clear that their goal is to play as few games as possible, and potentially even nuke the 2020 season should it get to that point. 

Just look at how other sports have approached this while MLB is spinning its wheels. The NBA is debating whether or not to put on a season in the midst of racial injustices, but commissioner Adam Silver has been equal parts employee of the owners and diplomat in negotiations to return. There's a reason why Silver and the NBA are viewed as gold standards among pro sports leagues — they understand their players are the most prized product.

Saying "product" seems harsh in a way. It's not meant to diminish the players as individuals, as athletes with voices: just to point that there seems to be a very simple understanding in the NBA that without the players, you've got nothing.

Even the NHL, the distant fourth-place sport in the U.S., has decided and voted on a practical return-to-play plan. It is on track to be the first major professional sports league to return to play, all while MLB owners are still quibbling over percentages and paycuts among its players.

Does the country need baseball in 2020? Of course not. It would be justifiable should coronavirus continue to spread that the logistics of an MLB season just do not align with reasonable expectations.

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There's a simple reason why the start of this season is so tremendously frustrating and it's because the answers are tremendously simple: open the books, give the players their full, prorated salaries and let's get this party started.

Unfortunately, MLB owners have rejected those answers in pursuit of the dollar sign, and now more owners are crying poor and likely want no season because of it.

Just a reminder:

Makes sense.

To that end, it also makes so much sense that players are seeing straight through the ruse. Reds pitcher Trevor Bauer — Trevor Bauer has become the voice of reason here, people — detailed as much after Manfred revealed his apprehension as to whether or not a season will get underway on Monday night.

Saying "the future of baseball is at stake" is slightly hyperbolic. Fans will come back, they always do. It might take a while, but something will happen to bring them back. 

Though attendance numbers have dipped over the last four years, the 2020 season was rife with storylines that could have made this the best season in years: the fallout from the Astros sign-stealing scandals, tight division races, potentially dominant teams and underdogs all were set to make headlines this year.

Playing the 2020 season is more than about just 2020. It's about 2021, and it's about the expiration of the CBA following that season. Unfortunately, though, it feels like fans have reached the point of exhaustion of all of this *waving arms frantically.* Like the players, just tell us when and where.

Let me make it stupid, simple clear in summation: Major League Baseball blew it.

This was a golden opportunity to introduce the game to new fans and reinvigorate longtime fans when they needed it most. This was an opportunity to introduce Pete Alonso, Mookie Betts, Mike Trout to the masses and give fans of all sports a little sense of normalcy in times where normal is leaving your house with a face mask, washing your hands every 36 seconds and crossing the street to stay six feet away from someone else.

MLB ownership has made its stance clear, as has Manfred. Save money. Gut the minor leagues. Try and win back more money. Manfred might be the employee of the owners, but sooner or later the egg on his face will get on their suits.

I'm just tired of it all. I'm tired of loving a sport that seems to want to destroy itself.

I love baseball. But it's time for baseball to love the fans and its players back.

Joe Rivera