Ask Jason: On free agents, Braves memories, barbecue and who would play me in a movie

Jason Foster

Ask Jason: On free agents, Braves memories, barbecue and who would play me in a movie image

Last week's inaugural Ask Jason column was a lot of fun. Or, at least, enough fun for me to want to do it again this week. But, hey, I got more questions this week than last, so maybe this thing will catch on after all. 

This week, topics range from those still-unsigned free agents, to my opinions on barbecue, to really hard-to-break records, to who would play me in a movie, and more. Let's get started.

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Q: "What are the possibilities that FAs like Arrieta, Cobb, Moustakas, etc. find a job by Opening Day and how devastating it would be for the league if they don't in terms of a potential lockout?" — @TJenningsBBE

I think there's a good chance at least one of them will still be unemployed on Opening Day, but I do think at least a couple will sign before that. As for who, it's anyone's guess. It wouldn't be the first time this has happened with big free agents (here's a look back). As for the prospect of that leading to a work stoppage (I assume you mean a strike, rather than a lockout), I think it's more likely to just add fuel to the already building tension that will accompany the next CBA negotiation. In other words, I don't know that Arrieta, Cobb or Moustakas not having a contract on Opening Day would be enough to sway players any more than they're already swayed on the need for a better system. (UPDATE: Moustakas agreed March 8 to a one-year, $6.5 million contract with a mutual option for a second year, according to reports.)

Q: "If you could play catch with any former player, who would it be and why? If you could play catch with any current MLB player, who would it be and why?" — @Ethan_Bryan

That's a tough question. I'm not sure what criteria I should use for making my choices. But for the former player, I'll go with Babe Ruth. For one, it would just be cool to play catch with Babe Ruth. But it would also be cool to pick his brain about baseball, about his era, and get his thoughts on the modern game (assuming I could also show him some video and have time to chat). For the current player, I guess I'd pick Ichiro. He's one of the few players older than I am, so it would be cool and perhaps inspirational to play catch with him and learn from someone who has managed to stay in good shape well into his 40s.

Q: "What was your favorite memory of the #Braves division title run ('95-'05) that didn’t involve a World Series title?" — @MaxWildstein

I don't know that I have a favorite Braves memory from those years. If you mean the entire division title run from 1991 onward, I'd probably choose Kent Mercker's no-hitter on April 8, 1994, against the Dodgers. It was a Friday night, and I watched the whole game with my dad. I still remember where we were sitting in the den when Mercker got the final out. The irony in choosing that as my favorite memory from the run is that 1994 was the only year they didn't finish in first place. A close-second favorite (or maybe tie) would be Game 7 of the 1992 NLCS.

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Q: "I’m a big Larry Walker advocate. Potentially the biggest one on Twitter. What are your thoughts on him and his (HOF) candidacy?" — @HotStoveStats

Walker was definitely a tremendous player, and I'll admit that he has a compelling Hall of Fame case. But I'm not completely sold on him yet. I'm not as big on the Coors Field component of Walker criticism as a lot of people, but I don't discount it either. Still, he ranks right up there in terms of WAR and JAWS, so I think he gets in eventually. I don't have a vote yet, but I wouldn't have voted for him in the class of 2018. That ballot was just too crowded. But that's not to say I wouldn't vote for him in the future. I'm always willing to be persuaded on players' Hall of Fame cases, as I've been in recent years with Tim Raines and Edgar Martinez. So I'm definitely open-minded about Walker.

Q: "Who would you want to play you in a movie about your life?" — @jtimm684

Hmm. Let me think. There are two ways to go: 1) An actor who sort of looks like me; or 2) An actor who doesn't look like me but is cool and/or talented. There aren't any actors I know of who look like me, though on multiple occasions strangers have come up to me and said I look like Matthew Perry (seriously; I don't see it). So I'll go with an actor you're probably not expecting: Topher Grace. I've always liked him and he seems to have the flexibility to play anything.

Q: "Resolved: The hardest single-season/career record combo to break will not be strikeouts or home runs; nay, it shall be Owen 'Chief' Wilson's 36 three-baggers in a season and 'Wahoo' Sam Crawford's career mark of 309. What say you?" — Gary Perilloux

That's a good topic, and your conclusion is probably correct. Nobody's had more than 20 triples in a season since 2007 (Curtis Granderson had 23), and most of the past 20 years the top number has tended to be in the mid-teens. Given that, and that players don't usually play long enough to amass hundreds of triples, I will not argue with you on this. In fact, the only active player in the top 100 on the all-time triples list is Jose Reyes with 128 — in 85th place.

Q: "Should the Braves be in on Jake Arrieta?" — @dwest9cubs

I don't think so. Arrieta, while still good, is also somewhat of a question mark as he enters his Age 32 season after a dip in performance last season. It's possible he could return to his 2015 Cy Young form, but given his asking price and the Braves' plans to continue to build and develop young talent, it's probably not the wisest investment at this point. The team has dealt with a few bad contracts in recent years that affected Atlanta's ability to spend, and a long-term deal for Arrieta would have all the markings of something that could hold the team back in the later years of the deal.

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Q: "Eastern or Western North Carolina BBQ? Please explain your answer and/or show your work." — @nontweetingchad

*Googles difference between Eastern and Western North Carolina barbecue*

Does it make me a bad North Carolinian that I don't have a strong opinion on this, or even much knowledge about it? I've lived in the Tar Heel state most of my life, yet I've never taken time to study the Very Important Barbecue Issue. Truthfully, though, I like barbecue of all kinds. It comes down to this for me: If it tastes good, I like it. I've had great barbecue with all kinds of sauces and in all kinds of styles. I like ribs, brisket and pulled pork in all their forms. Perhaps this somewhat non-offensive opinion qualifies me to run for governor. 

Q: "How can I write for you?" — @steverudden

I get this question often. The answer is simple: If you have a great story, or can consistently execute cool and unique ideas, chances are good that we'll find a way for you to contribute. This goes not just for baseball, but all sports. 

That's all for this week. Let's keep the questions coming. This is fun. As always, you can @ me or DM me on Twitter (@ByJasonFoster) or email [email protected].

Jason Foster

Jason Foster Photo

Jason Foster joined The Sporting News in 2015 after stops at various news outlets where he held a variety of reporting and editing roles and covered just about every topic imaginable. He is a member of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America and a 1998 graduate of Appalachian State University.