MLB Draft 2019: The five best things you probably didn't see

Joe Rivera

MLB Draft 2019: The five best things you probably didn't see image

SECAUCUS, N.J. — The MLB Draft might not have the pageantry, glitz or glamour of other sports drafts, but it still lends itself to cool stories for the die-hard baseball nerds.

Amateur players, Hall of Famers, notable baseball folks and big-time personalities take to Studio 42 for the draft every year, but it's what you don't always see on TV or in pictures that makes for some of the best stories.

MORE: Live 2019 MLB Draft tracker for Rounds 1-10

Here are some: 

A packed house

In years past, Studio 42 hasn't really been Studio 54 when it comes to action and population. In 2019, it was the opposite.

For those unfamiliar with Studio 42 — a replica baseball stadium that doubles as a TV studio for MLB Network — it comes complete with seats that are … sittable. 

While only four players attended this year's draft, there was barely an empty seat in the house among media, family members and others. The MLB Draft is growing, or at least it seems to be.

Swish and the Crash Test Dummy dap it up

Oakland A's players have a very particular persona. Usually loud, exciting and with more energy than a Labrador, Oakland is one of the few franchises that has a palpable attitude.

Nick Swisher, the player rep for Yankees, and Eric Byrnes, player rep for the A's, exchanged a big-time bro hug and a few words before the draft got underway. I wish I was a fly on the wall for that conversation. It probably went something like this:

Swisher:  BRO!

Byrnes: DUDE!

Swisher:  BRO!

Byrnes:  DUDE!

Swisher:  BRO!

Byrnes:  DUDE!

Swisher:  BRO!

Byrnes:  DUDE!

I'm surprised the universe didn't implode from the sheer force of  bro  that happened between the two, but it was very clearly an exciting, animated conversation. Use your imaginations for the rest.

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Byrnes gets pumped for Giants pick

As previously mentioned, Eric Byrnes is a pretty excitable man. That was especially apparent when the Bay Area team opposite his A's made its pick. 

Byrnes was admittedly biased when Hunter Bishop's name was called. He stood up, fist pumped and clapped his hands, visibly excited for Bishop.

Byrnes said he saw Bishop play at his alma mater, Arizona State, in his freshman year and knew then he was going to be a special player.

Well, Byrnes is a soothsayer, apparently.

The Big Unit's fashion statement

On the night of the draft, it was about 75 degrees and sunny in Central New Jersey. Shorts and T-shirt weather, really. But the second you step inside of Studio 42, it's like Mr. Freeze's secret lair in "Batman & Robin." It's an icebox. 

It takes a special type of dude to rock a leather jacket in June, and it's safe to say that Randy Johnson is special. Johnson, Hall of Fame pitcher and player rep for the Diamondbacks, decided to suit up in none other than a polo and leather jacket, striding through Studio 42 before and during the draft, too cool for school. While everyone else was wearing suits and ties, Johnson couldn't have been more Johnson.

The Fonz. Danny Zuko. Randy Johnson.

Jack and Jackson snap a photo

Washington's first-round pick, Jackson Rutledge, is an absolute unit. I was in awe at the size of that lad. 

The 6-8 righty pitcher was thrilled to join the Nationals, getting an opportunity to speak with team reps Jack McKeon and Johnny DiPuglia for a photo opportunity 

DiPuglia snapped a pic of the towering Rutledge with the noticeably shorter McKeon. Just before DiPuglia grabbed a second photo, he lowered the camera and said, "He's a little taller than you, Jack." The peanut gallery laughed.

Deadpan humor is the best humor.

Joe Rivera