If MLB wants more fans, baseball must shed the 'boring' label

Jason Foster

If MLB wants more fans, baseball must shed the 'boring' label image

It's time that MLB admit the hard truth: Baseball is boring.

Calm down. I know it's not actually boring — we die-hard fans wouldn't love it if it was — but that's how casual and non-fans often see the sport: a mostly action-less slog that's not worth their time. And because perception is reality, this is the real issue that must be addressed when pondering ways to attract new fans.

"Boring" has little to do with pace of play. It's about what fans are seeing vs. what they want to see. Sports fans in 2017 like a spectacle — and baseball lacks sufficient spectacle. But to shed the "boring" label, baseball needs to embrace spectacle. 

MLB commissioner Rob Manfred and others think that speeding up intentional walks, or limiting mound visits, or other pace-of-play tweaks will help do away with this "boring" perception, but it really won't. Nor will players' association head Tony Clark's assertion that MLB can keep people interested by educating them more about the nuances of the game. All of these miss the point.

MORE: MLB's pace of play is just fine, thanks

Fans will not turn away because a game takes 3 hours 10 minutes instead of 2 hours 55 minutes, or because they don't get why a guy laid down a sac bunt in the third inning. Fans will turn away because MLB has failed to sufficiently entertain them. And in today's full-throttle entertainment culture, it's going to take more than pace tweaks, nuance and nostalgia to keep people watching.

It's not just about seeing more homers, or more runs, or more sparkling defense. No, it's about fun — specifically, fun in the way that the NBA and NFL are seen as fun to the casual fan. It's about the overall viewing experience, personalities and flash. It's about that spectacle.

Casual sports fans — including, perhaps most importantly, America's youth — will not look to baseball to entertain them when they're far more easily wowed by the NBA and NFL. In other words, many more kids today likely fantasize about being the next LeBron James or the next Tom Brady than being the next Kris Bryant or the next Mookie Betts. 

Baseball has personalities, and it could have flash. The only problem is that both of those are actively discouraged in the name of playing the game "the right way."

Fun is "disrespectful." Flash is making oneself "bigger than the game." Spectacle is eschewed. We're told that to appreciate baseball, we must embrace stoicism. Failure to do that is, supposedly, a blow to baseball itself. Or a blow to America. Or a blow to polite society, depending how much of a quasi-religious quality one chooses to attach to the game. 

Baseball's stiff reputation is what happens when there's a worship of unwritten rules, an odd insistence on stoicism, the insistence on policing fun and a strict adherence to that "right way," which could rightly be interpreted to mean "the boring way" for someone looking to be entertained by more than strategy, sacrifice bunts and defensive shifts.

MORE: Manfred rips union for denying 2017 rule changes

This is where some die-hard fans might say of the casual fan: Screw 'em. If they don't like baseball, we don't need 'em. While I understand the sentiment, it's just not a realistic approach for a sport trying to expand its reach and stay relevant among a younger sports populace. 

Which brings us to another hard truth: Baseball has no national names. There is no "face of baseball" that's instantly recognizable among casual sports fans on the street. Not Mike Trout. Not Bryce Harper. Not Kris Bryant. Not anyone. This is a major problem.

There is no LeBron James of baseball, no Tom Brady of baseball. Many fans have their heads in the sand about this, assuming, for example, that just because Trout is statistically the best player on the planet that he's also the most famous player on the planet. These are definitely not the same thing.

That MLB has failed to market itself properly isn't a new revelation, but it remains an important one. If baseball wants casual fans, especially younger ones, to get excited about the sport, it must go out of its way to make the sport's stars known. There's no reason why an exciting and eye-friendly in-sport star such as Bryant can't be a beyond-the-sport superstar with the likes of James and Brady. But, of course, this takes work on the part of MLB — and MLB needs to recognize this, rather than placing its hopes for growth on tweaks that won't make much difference in the end.

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MLB must stop trying to coast on the very outdated notion that the sport is still America's pastime and that it will always have a special place in the hearts of sports fans. Not only is this nowhere near true anymore, but baseball has long since failed to consistently capture the nation's sports consciousness the way it did for much of the 20th century.

American sports have evolved. Entertainment in general has evolved. Baseball must evolve, too. 

So, please, MLB, don't be boring.

Jason Foster

Jason Foster Photo

Jason Foster joined The Sporting News in 2015 after stops at various news outlets where he held a variety of reporting and editing roles and covered just about every topic imaginable. He is a member of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America and a 1998 graduate of Appalachian State University.