In a roller coaster season, Joe Biagini hoping he can develop consistency

Jenn Smith

In a roller coaster season, Joe Biagini hoping he can develop consistency image

TORONTO - Ask Joe Biagini if he’s into advanced analytics, as was recently suggested by Eno Sarris of The Athletic during an appearance on the Fan 590, and the answer is anything but straightforward.

"I would say it's partially true. I think it's pretty fascinating," Biagini said. "I wouldn't say that I'm religiously into it, but I would say that it's definitely intriguing to me about just how the league kind of adjusts their perspective on what's important and what isn't.”

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Biagini himself is anything but straightforward. Without missing a beat, he provides an example one might have come to expect from an interview with the 28-year-old reliever.

“I mean, for example, I'm interested in the advanced analytics of the best route to get to the stadium, most efficient way to get there,” Biagini said. “Or the advanced analytics of what is the most efficient order to put my jersey on. You know, I struggle with the timing of the belt, because sometimes I like to work on tucking in my jersey and if I've pre-applied the belt sometimes that gets in the way of the tuck.”

The deflection away from the topic of advanced analytics is purposeful; Biagini does not want to be a “disappointment” for being unable to discuss analytics if that’s the entire impetus for the interview. It is evident from the outset that he is a thoughtful individual, one can provide considerable insight made possible by self-reflection. Biagini teeters between having too little versus too much information; for him, it’s all about striking a balance.

“You can't cover everything - so knowing what's necessary, knowing what's more likely to consistently come up in a game versus knowing every single stat and then preventing you from being confident about 'well, this guy hits this certain pitch so I can never throw that pitch even though it seems like it's the right one in this situation, stuff like that,” Biagini said.

A quick look at the statistics shows that Biagini's numbers are down compared to prior seasons. Through 55 innings over 36 games, Biagini's ERA (6.38), WHIP (1.65), FIP (5.83) and xFIP (4.47) are all higher than his career averages, as are his HR/9 (2.13) and HR/FB ratio (22.8 percent). While his walks are down and punchouts are up, Biagini is set to put up a negative fWAR for the first time in his career.

"It's been kind of a frustrating season, just with the starting and going back and forth and it's been tough to find consistency," Biagini said. "I first of all really appreciate the organization for giving me opportunities to find that and they believe in me and believe in my stuff, that it can translate and it has before and so kind of using that to just keep in mind as I continue trying to develop.”

The numbers suggest that becoming acclimated to different roles has been a challenge for Biagini. His ERA is nearly two runs higher as a starter than as a reliever. While his K/9 is only slightly better as a reliever, Biagini has walked far fewer batters coming out of the bullpen. He has also given up more home runs per nine innings as a reliever this season.

Biagini believes that striking a balance between having enough information versus having too much information is the key to him finding greater consistency.

“I had a good talk with (bullpen coach) Dane Johnson in the bullpen last night during the early part of the game and we talked about kind of cultivating some sort of more of a consistent plan in terms of knowing the opponents and kind of the tendencies and the statistic coming in, especially recently, like, recent trends more so than overall career trends," Biagini said.

Coming up through the minors, Biagini said he had a tendency to overthink and overanalyze things, something that he has since tried to overcome.

“The balance between knowing - you can't cover everything - so knowing what's necessary, knowing what's more likely to consistently come up in a game versus knowing every single stat and then preventing you from being confident about 'well, this guy hits this certain pitch so I can never throw that pitch even though it seems like it's the right one in this situation, stuff like that," he said.

The plan for Johnson is to look through the recent trends of potential opponent hitters in various situations and provide Biagini with a template that focuses on a few key hitters that he doesn’t want to let beat him in a big situation.

He says that, along with taking suggestions from the catchers, is what will allow him to be confident with a plan going into a game and facing hitters.

“And, if that fails, I'll just get back into my finger painting because that has really paid off for me as well," Biagini quipped.

It’s at this point in the conversation that Biagini notices my gold nail art – a deflection of attention that clearly indicates his thoughtful answers belie how uncomfortable he is talking about himself. In the Blue Jays rotation, Marco Estrada is more of a throw whatever pitch the catcher suggest pitcher whereas Marcus Stroman likes to be more involved in his gameplan. Biagini considers himself on the lower-end of information overload.

“I'm trying to get more towards the middle because I do see the value in all this information that we have and, for me, one huge aspect is consistency and just making sure that I’m doing my thing right which, you know, I've been trying to figure out," he said.

Estrada, he says, knows his stuff is good enough to get anybody out if he executes it most of the time, a self-assuredness that Biagini does not quite yet seem to have in himself.

“For Marco, I feel like he's the same guy every start and the catchers know him so well that they can kind of use that with their knowledge of the hitters and their advanced research that they do, and kind of take over that for him," Biagini said. "It's almost like the catcher is the one playing the game and he's the one just, like a machine, that's executing it.”

Execution, Biagini claims, is the foundation to performing well – something in which Biagini is still seeking the consistency. Biagini believes that consistent execution that will bring him confidence on the mound, with analytics being the frosting on the cake.

“As my game is still kind of evolving, that sometimes the catchers aren't - like, I put the catchers in a position where it's difficult for them to kind of know what I’m thinking and know what I want to try to do and what pitchers I'm featuring," he said. "I've talked to Maile and I've talked to Russ in the past about this where they say, you know, like, shake to a certain pitch or let me know if there's a certain pitch that you're coming out of the bullpen with what feels good that day so that we can feature it a little more.

And so I have kind of a starting repertoire, and so to have that as a reliever sometimes it's a lot to have control of. And so I think when you think about your career and you think about taking responsibility for what goes on on the field, I think it's important to make sure that you are confident with what you're doing and like, I'm going to throw the pitches that I want to throw, you know, because I've been doing this for a while and sometimes even though you may doubt yourself you realize all this experience doesn't just mean nothing, you know.”

It’s at this point that Biagini again deflects the conversation away from himself, first by pointing out that I’ve crossed the line of tape he put between us before the interview began (no, I’m not kidding) and then by asking who was in the photo featured on my media identification tag (the photo is stretched to make it fit). His awkwardness is endearing; it is neither contrived nor rude, but instead is perhaps a tactic to alleviate what appears to be his own discomfort at talking to others, particularly about himself. One can imagine how this manifests itself on the mound; the potential to overthink and overcompensate when something doesn’t feel quite right.

I circle back to something he said earlier and ask what’s been the most frustrating thing about his season.

"Probably this interview."

Second most?

"We don't ever get tater tots in the clubhouse anymore. Third most?"

Third time’s a charm.

"Third most would be, I think, probably knowing that I have the ability to be productive and then it's not necessarily one day into the next, it's more so just like a phase of inconsistency. I know that if I’m consistent I'm going to be fine, just like anybody with the talent that they have here," Biagini said. "And so, I would say having to remind myself that there's still work to do. There's still time to get it right. It's frustrating to think that because it's like, at some point you always dream of kind of getting it-” (he snaps his fingers for effect), “and then clicking and staying that way forever and to be like, okay, this is my third year and yeah, I had some inconsistency with my roles but I should have been able to kind of handle that better.”

Biagini said the most difficult thing about going between different roles is how it changes his preparation. Finding a rhythm is important, and that rhythm can be disrupted when going between being a starter and a reliever.

“There's just so many little nuances and little minutiae of things that come into play so it's a challenge to keep track of everything,” he explained. “But I feel like you'd probably be pretty good at it, I'd say. You're handling this, whatever this is, pretty well."

In his quest for consistency, Biagini has focused recently on making adjustments to both his changeup and curveball, trying to throw harder with improved his arm action.

“The last couple of games I've thrown a lot of curveballs away in the dirt because I've been trying to throw it harder," Biagini recalled. "But I just need to give it time to make the adjustment so that, yes, arm action's good, action's good on the pitch, and then it will just give me time to get in sync with where I need to release it.”

This offseason Biagini intends to eat BLTs and not take his teammates’ advice to watch Game of Thrones. On a serious note, Biagini said his offseason preparation will focus on core strength, balance and flexibility in order to put himself physically in a position to be – you guessed it – more consistent.

It is clear that consistency lies at the root of Biagini's intent and that striking a balance – to be thoughtful as is his nature without falling into the old habits of being overly analytical – is key to his success. Being analytical without overdoing it seems like a dichotomy, but so too does his personality – the considerate answers cut with awkward jokes that, for him, seem to ease the tension as he tries to explain his process. It’s that balance that works for him off the field – and one that, if found on the mound, should work for him on the field as well.

Jenn Smith