How James Shields changed his delivery to change his luck

Jared Wyllys

How James Shields changed his delivery to change his luck image

CHICAGO — It was a game at Fenway Park last August, James Shields remembers, when he was fed up enough to try something different. His “Big Game James” moniker by then was ill-fitting, or worse, a cruel inverse of the praise it had been during his years in Tampa Bay and Kansas City. Now, after a 2016 trade from San Diego to Chicago, Shields was in his first full year with his new team, and it was going horribly.

In the first three innings of that start, Shields had given up three runs on two homers. He had an ERA north of 6.00 going into the game, a continuation of what he had done since joining the White Sox. But during the third inning, with one out and Eduardo Núñez at the plate, Shields dropped his arm slot and punched out the Red Sox shortstop on a slider.

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“I’ve been messing around with it for 10 years,” Shields told Sporting News of the in-game change in his arm slot. “The rest of the game, I threw dropdown everything. I ended up striking out five or six dudes in three innings.”

Baseball is a game of sticking to a personal routine in order to adapt and adjust to the fluctuations of a season, so switching an arm slot mid-year is a little unusual. Doing it during a game, even more so. Doing it during an at bat? Good luck.

White Sox pitching coach Don Cooper believes that it’s the kind of thing only a guy like Shields could pull off because he was at the point in his career when it was a no-lose proposition. Pitching the way he had wasn’t working anymore, so there was little risk in making an adjustment. Borrowing from the common definition for insanity, Cooper said it had come time for Shields to stop doing what he had always done in hopes of different results. Thankfully, it worked.

Shields threw four quality starts after facing Boston, and so far in 2018 he has thrown 13. This doesn’t mean Shields has returned to the Cy Young-caliber pitching of yesteryear, but it has allowed him to go deep into his starts with a consistency that had been lost. Cooper calls the new arm angle a part of the metamorphosis into the second phase of Shields’ career.

“He started getting some weird swings from people who hadn’t seen him there. So we’re looking to cultivate that,” Cooper said. “He’s combining all his years of experience with the new angles.”

Chicago manager Rick Renteria said he has seen better action in the lower parts of the zone since Shields tweaked his arm slot. Another result of this change has been success against left-handed hitters. In 2016, they hit .287 against Shields, but thanks to the adjustment, that dropped to .279 last season. This year, it’s all the way down to .206.

“Before the year started — I’ve been talking to him last year as well as the offseason — I went to him and said, ‘Hey, we gotta come up with something for lefties, lefties are f—ing killing us,” Cooper said.

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And the solution, Cooper said, was to adopt a more unconventional approach to left-handed hitters. Instead of mostly going after them inside, Cooper said, Shields “attacks from all different angles.” A lot of it, as Cooper describes Shields’ game plan, has been him leaning on his experience and embracing new analytics.

Cooper likes to joke that Shields has the highest spin rate for his age group. He and Shields will routinely have hour-long meetings before a start just to discuss each batter in an opposing lineup and which pitches each one is likely to take. Cooper called that looking for “free” pitches, working to hit the zone when the batter is not likely to swing anyway.

The educated approach and new arm slot are great, but the sad reality of the White Sox these days is that wins are hard to come by. The rebuild is almost fully past selling off the best assets to build the farm and on to developing the talent they have stockpiled. Shields plays an important role here, too.

Dylan Cease, enjoying a successful season at Double-A, credits a tip Shields gave him in spring training for a 2.87 ERA and .199 batting average against this season. Shields told him to watch his plant foot, and Cease — acquired from the Cubs last July — was all ears. The future for the White Sox hinges largely on the success of some of the young pitching they have, both in the majors and throughout their minor league system, so Shields’ wisdom has value.

“They’re my teammates,” Shields said. “I don’t care if they’re in Double-A or the big leagues, or how old they are or how young they are. I’m going to do everything I possibly can from my experience to help them out.”

Shields said that because he came up with a group of young pitchers in Tampa Bay — guys including David Price and Matt Garza — who all spent time communicating with each other and learning from each other, he relishes the position he’s in now. And his advice extends outside the White Sox organization. Former teammate José Quintana said he used to wonder at how much time Shields spent in the gym, and one day asked him about it.

“I said to him one day, ‘Why do you do so many things?’ He said, ‘For my mind. It makes me stronger when I go to the games’,” Quintana said.

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When asked, the first thing Quintana said about Shields is his focus. The two were only teammates for about a year, but the Cubs pitcher said it has continued to motivate him.

Renteria appreciates both the success Shields is having on the mound and the effect it’s having on the younger pitchers on the staff. They’re watching the veteran at his craft and taking note.

“He’s weathered the storm and truly reinvented himself,” Renteria said. “These guys have seen that. I know they talk a lot, they try to figure out what’s the approach, what are the mindsets that take you to doing things like that.”

But the problem with being a veteran pitcher who can do deep into games, and with a team option for 2019, is that he’s an attractive trade piece. The non-waiver deadline is nigh, and Shields knows it.

Pushing aside the distraction, he said, comes down to focusing on the controllables. He’s been through it before; the Rays traded him in December 2012, and the Padres in July 2016. It’s probably likely that it happens again. Like the on-field guidance he gives, Shields has helped teammates with the distraction of being trade fodder. Before Quintana was dealt to the Cubs on the other side of town last July, he said he was having a hard time tuning out the rumors. It was Shields who helped him with some healthy perspective.

“He said, ‘You know what, if somebody wants you, it’s because you’re doing something good.’ Sometimes you don’t want to get traded, but that happens, that’s the business. After that, I started enjoying the moment,” Quintana said.

For now, Shields is still in Chicago, and he looks like he’s back, at least to some degree. This has been his best season in several years, even though close scrutiny of his peripherals might indicate that his success is partly just voodoo trickery, and he’s bound for baseball’s cruelest joke, regression.

But, as Cooper said, he’s an intelligent pitcher who’s willing to explore new ways to keep being productive. His longevity is impressive, even if he’s not Big Game James anymore — maybe Big Game James 2.0, if you ask Cooper — and he’s left his mark on the game in a way beyond his performance.

While in Tampa Bay, he helped initiate a program for foster children to spend time with prospective adoptive families in a special suite at Tropicana Field, and though he hasn’t pitched there in six years, the program still operates. If he’s traded, he is well-equipped to contribute down the stretch for a contender. If not, he’s the perfect fit for a White Sox team on the cusp of a lot more winning.

Jared Wyllys