'Field of Dreams': Exploring the father-son relationship, intertwined with baseball

Ryan Fagan

'Field of Dreams': Exploring the father-son relationship, intertwined with baseball image

The 30th anniversary of the wide release of “Field of Dreams” is on Sunday, May 5. We’ve done lists of the best quotes from other baseball movies, so let’s start with this: The most iconic line from "Field of Dreams" is, to me, an easy choice. 

Shoeless Joe asks, “Hey, is this heaven?”
Ray Kinsella, of course, answers, “No. It’s Iowa.”

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The top contender for the funniest line, in my opinion, is near the end of the movie, when Shoeless Joe invites Terence Mann into the mystical place beyond the outfield, and Ray is mad that Joe told him he wasn’t invited. He starts ranting and raving and delivers this classic line: “You guys are guests in my corn!”

The absurdity of that makes me laugh every time. But unlike “Major League” or “Bull Durham” or even “The Sandlot” or “A League of Their Own,” this isn’t a movie driven by witty one-liners. This is a movie — an often absurd movie with plot twists that ask a lot of leeway from its viewers, admittedly — about a fractured father-son relationship and how it’s intertwined with baseball. 

So that’s what we’re doing today. We’re looking just at the scenes and lines about Ray and his father, John, and I’ll fill in the plot-line details between those sections.

The setup: It’s the beginning of the movie, and Ray is telling us a bit about his family background and the dynamic between him and his father. Here are the relevant snippets.
The words …
Ray, narrating: “He settled in Chicago, where he quickly learned to live and die with the White Sox. He died a little when they lost the 1919 World Series, he died a lot the following summer when eight members of the team were accused of throwing that series.” 
Ray, narrating: “Mom died when I was 3, and I suppose dad did the best he could. Instead of Mother Goose, I was put to bed to stories of Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig and the great Shoeless Joe Jackson. Dad was a Yankees fan then, so of course I rooted for Brooklyn. But in ’58, the Dodgers moved away so we had to find other things to fight about. And we did. And when it came time to go to college, I picked the farthest one from home I could find. This, of course, drove him right up the wall, which I suppose was the point.” 

The setup: Ray hears the voice in the corn field saying, “If you build it, he will come.” And he sees the vision of the baseball field, and Shoeless Joe Jackson. He’s starting to think about actually building the field, a fact his wife, Annie, realizes right before they’re about to go to bed. She knows Ray’s a bit off — Berkley and all — but she basically gives him her best “Are you serious, Clark?” look. 
The words …
Ray: “I mean, I can’t think of one good reason why I should, but … I’m 36 years old. I have a wife, a child and a mortgage, and I’m scared to death I’m turning into my father.” 
Annie: “What’s your father got to do with all of this?” 
Ray: “I never forgave him for getting old. By the time he was as old as I am now, he was ancient. I mean, he must have had dreams, but he never did anything about them. For all I know, he may have even heard voices, too, but he sure didn’t listen to them. The man never did one spontaneous thing in all the years I knew him. Annie, I’m afraid of that happening to me. And something tells me this may be my last chance to do something about it. I want to build that field. Do you think I’m crazy?”
Annie: “Yes. But I also think, if you really feel you should do this, then you should do it.” 

The setup: The field is finished, and Annie and Ray are having a picnic on the grass. Ray’s telling baseball stories about Shoeless Joe. 
The words …
Ray: “You know, my father said he saw him years later playing under a made-up name in some 10th-rate league in Carolina. Said he’d put on 50 pounds and the spring in his step was gone, but he could still hit. Dad used to say nobody could hit like Shoeless Joe.” 
Annie: “I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen you smile when you mention your father.”

The setup: We’ve fast-forwarded quite a bit in the movie by this point. Ray’s gone to Boston, convinced him to attend a game at Fenway Park and then they drive to Chisholm, Minnesota, to find Archibald “Moonlight” Graham. Now, they’re on the way back to Iowa, but they’ve picked up a young hitchhiker — “I can use all the karma I can get right now,” Ray says — who reveals he’s Archie Graham. He’s looking for a place to play baseball, in a town in the Midwest. The kid falls asleep in the van, and Terrence and Ray chat.
The words …
Ray: “My dad did that for a while, but that was in the ’20s.” 
Terence: “What happened to your father?”
Ray: “He never made it as a ballplayer, so he tried to get his son to make it for him. By the time I was 10, playing baseball got to be like eating vegetables or taking out the garbage. So when I was 14, I started to refuse. Can you believe that? American boy refusing to have a catch with his father?” 
Terence: “Why at 14?”
Ray: “That’s when I read 'The Boatrocker,' by Terrance Mann.” 
Terence: “Oh God.”
Ray: “I never played catch with him again.” 
Terence: “You see? Thats’t the kind of crap people always try to lay on me. It’s not my fault you wouldn’t play catch with your father.”
Ray: “I know, I know. Anyway, when I was 17, I packed my things, said something awful and left. After a while, I wanted to come home but I didn’t know how. Made it back for the funeral, though.”

The setup: This is really only a couple of seconds later, but there was enough of a pause and scene break that I’m splitting it up into two section. Terence, the author and deep thinker, wants to know why Ray and his father had their falling out.  
The words …
Terence: “What was the awful thing you said to your father?”
Ray: “I said I could never respect a man whose hero was a criminal.” 
Terence: “Who was his hero?”
Ray: “Shoeless Joe Jackson.” 
Terence: “You knew he wasn’t a criminal, so why’d you say it?”
Ray: “I was 17. Son of a bitch died before I could take it back. Before I could tell him … you know. He never met my wife, never saw his granddaughter.”
Terence: “This is your penance.” 
Ray: “I know. I can’t bring my father back …”
Terence: “So the least you can do is bring back his hero. Now I know what everybody’s purpose here is, except mine.” 

The setup: They’re at the field, and lots has happened. Moonlight Graham stepped off the field to save Karin, Ray’s daughter, from choking. Annie’s brother finally sees the ballplayers. Shoeless Joe invites Terence into the corn. And then Shoeless Joe turns around to reveal the only player left on the field. Ray immediately recognizes the catcher. 
The words …
Ray: “Oh, my God.” 
Annie: “What? What is it?”
Ray: “That’s my father. Ease his pain.”
Annie: “Go the distance.”
(Ray turns to Shoeless Joe) 
Ray: “It was you?”
Shoeless Joe: “No, Ray. It was you.”

MORE: The 10 best baseball movies of the '90s, ranked

The setup: Ray is, as you can imagine, stunned. His dad — as he was in his early 20s, not the older man Ray knew growing up — is walking toward him, and Ray’s not really sure what to do, as he talks with his wife. 
The words …
Ray: “My God, I only saw him years later when he was worn down by life. Look at him. He’s got his whole life in front of him and I’m not even a glint in his eye. What do I say to him?” 
Annie: “Why don’t you introduce him to his granddaughter?”
(His dad arrives)
John: “Hi.”
Ray: “Hi.” 
John: “Just wanted to thank you folks for putting up this field, letting us play here. I’m John Kinsella.” 
Ray: “I’m Ray. My wife, Annie. This is my daughter, Karin. Karin, this is my … this is John.” 
Karin: “Hi John!”
John: “Hiya, Karin.” 
Annie: “Well, we’re gonna let you two talk. I mean, if all these people are going to come, we’ve got a lot of work to do. It was very nice meeting you.”
John: “Ma’am.”
Annie, to Karin: “C’mon, hon.”

The setup: Even with everything that’s happened over the past weeks and months, Ray is still flabbergasted by this turn of events. I mean, what do you say to your dad when you never thought you’d see him again? Ray and his dad are standing on the field. 
The words …
Ray: “You catch a good game.”
John: “Thank you. It’s so beautiful here. For me … well, for me it’s like a dream come true. Can I ask you something? Is this heaven?” 
Ray: “It’s Iowa.” 
John: “Iowa?” 
Ray: “Yeah.” 
John: “Could have sworn it was heaven.” 
Ray: “Is there a heaven?” 
John: “Oh yeah. It’s the place dreams come true.” 
Ray: “Maybe this is heaven.” 
John: “Well, good night, Ray.”
Ray: “Good night, John.”
(John turns to walk away, but Ray calls after him.)
Ray: “Hey, dad? You wanna have a catch?” 
John: “I’d like that.” 

They have a catch, the catch Ray’s waited for forever. Now go call your dad, people. 

Ryan Fagan

Ryan Fagan Photo

Ryan Fagan, the national MLB writer for The Sporting News, has been a Baseball Hall of Fame voter since 2016. He also dabbles in college hoops and other sports. And, yeah, he has way too many junk wax baseball cards.