Stat to the Future: Why it's time to stop relying on batting average

John Edwards

Stat to the Future: Why it's time to stop relying on batting average image

Editor's note: This is the first installment in a new Sporting News series that looks to bridge the gap of understanding between adherants of traditional baseball statistics and new-school analytics.

Viva la revolution! I am here today to argue for the peaceful overthrow of one of baseball’s oldest institutions. It has oppressed appropriate evaluation of players for decades, stymied the progression of accurate statistics, and sparked many a Twitter argument. I am here today to ask that you join me in renouncing batting average.

OK, I'm exaggerating a bit. Batting average certainly does not need to be struck from the history books or made a taboo stat. But there should not be such a heavy reliance upon this outdated stat, especially in 2017, when far better metrics exist for measuring players’ abilities.

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What does batting average measure?

Batting average is one of the simplest calculations in baseball. Simply divide a player’s hits by his at-bats to get a percentage. That percentage measures how frequently a player picks up hits — or, ideally, measures a player’s skill at producing hits.

Unfortunately, this is not the case. A player can influence batting average partially — but so much more of it is out of his hands.

By far the largest factor in determing batting average is Batting Average on Balls In Play, or BABIP. BABIP measures how frequently balls that a player puts in play result in hits, and is calculated similarly to regular batting average: hits divided by balls in play (balls in play taking the place of at-bats). For instance, if a player puts 10 balls in play and three of them fall in for hits, the player’s BABIP would be .300.

However, BABIP is unreliable. While players can exert some control over their BABIP by making hard contact and spraying the ball, BABIP is also largely dependent on the defense of the other team, as well as a bit of luck. If you’re hitting screaming line drives directly at fielders, you’re getting unlucky. Thus, assigning players a batting average is to hold them accountable for the defense, and for their own luck (which is supposedly out of their control).

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Why you shouldn't care about batting average

The biggest issue with batting average is the way it's used: Announcers, reporters, managers and even the players talk about performance in terms of batting average, using it as a catch-all for production in the batter’s box. But batting average doesn’t do a truly good job of capturing a player’s performance in such a handy way — it’s one of the most chronically misused stats in baseball.

Let’s compare two guys who are on opposite ends of the batting average spectrum. In 2017, Dee Gordon is running a .294 average. A batting average around .300 is considered good, so Gordon looks like a good hitter based on that. Meanwhile, Joey Gallo is running a terrible batting average, hitting .211.

And yet, despite the difference in average, Gallo has been a substantially more productive player than Gordon this season. Gallo’s OPS is more than 200 points higher than Gordon’s, and most other metrics agree that Gallo has been better. The discrepancy results from Gordon hitting for an “empty average.” Gordon tends to be a singles hitter who walks very infrequently — thus, he doesn’t get on base frequently, and when he does, he doesn’t hit for much power.

Meanwhile, Gallo hits for extraordinary power. His .577 slugging percentage is higher than sluggers such as Andrew McCutchen and Jay Bruce, and he draws walks at three times the rate of Gordon. While he may not collect as many singles as Gordon, he hits for more power and walks enough to make up for it. Thus, he’s a more valuable player. Gordon is proof that you can run a good batting average and be a mediocre hitter, and Gallo is proof that you can run a bad batting average and be a good hitter.

The stat(s) you should use instead

So, let’s say you want to break the habit and stop relying so heavily on batting average. What should you use instead?

There are plenty of options, each with its own benefits.

OPS (on-base percentage plus slugging percentage) is the classic metric, and it’s very easy to use. OPS is useful because the two most important skills for a hitter are getting on base (be it with walks or with singles or a combination of the two) and power. However, OPS by itself leaves a lot to be desired. League-wide offense changes over time, which OPS fails to consider.

As an example, David Ortiz posted the best OPS last season with a 1.021 figure, but that would have been only 10th best in 2001. In addition, OPS doesn’t look at park factors. If a batter has Coors Field as his home field, his stats will be far better than if he had played at a pitchers’ park such as AT&T Park.

Baseball Reference, a popular baseball stat site, houses OPS+, which is a version of OPS that considers these factors by normalizing a player’s production based on league and park factors. In other words, it looks at how well a player performed compared to everyone else in the league, and how well he performed compared to everyone else who batted in that park. OPS+ works a little different compared to OPS, as everything is based on the league average, which is set to 100. For instance, David Ortiz posted a 164 OPS+ in 2016, which means that he performed 64 percent better than a league-average batter after taking park and league factors into account.

OPS and OPS+ are useful, but we can take them a step further by not weighting on-base percentage and slugging percentage the same, as not all hits/walks are created equal.

On-base percentage is calculated by dividing the number of plate appearances in which a batter reaches base by the total number of plate appearances. So, if over the course of 10 plate appearances, a player walks twice, homers and hits a double, his OBP calculation will look as follows: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 / 10 = .400. It doesn’t give much insight into what each of those times reaching base meant. Someone who hits four home runs in 10 plate appearances is providing more value than a player who walks four times in 10 plate appearances, but on-base percentage measures them as being the same.

We can fix this by not treating all times a player reaches base in the same way. We can quantify the value of a walk compared with a double, or to a home run, or to a single by looking at how many runs a hit or walk creates in an inning on average. Then, those values are weighted so that when we add them together they paint a better picture of value. So instead of 1 (walk) + 1 (walk) + 1 (2B) + 1 (HR) / 10 = .400, we get something like .693 (walk) + .693 (walk) + 1.232 (2B) + 1.980 (HR) / 10 = .459. 

Note: The weighted values are based on a formula derived from run expectancy, which will be explained in a future installment of Stat to the Future.

This stat is called Weighted On Base Average, or wOBA, because it’s essentially OBP but each event of reaching base is weighted appropriately — so we get a more complete picture of how much value a player provides. Just like OPS, wOBA has its own component that is adjusted for league and park factors, called Weighted Runs Created+ or wRC+, which is on the same scale as OPS+.

OPS, OPS+, wOBA, and wRC+ each have their own merits, and it might simply be a matter of personal preference as to deciding which to use. But the important thing is that each does a far more comprehensive job of capturing a player’s production at the plate with a single number than batting average.

So, break free from tradition. Rise up stop using batting average as a catch-all offensive stat.

Have any questions about stats, sabermetrics and advance analytics? Want to debate the merits? Tweet @John_Edwards_ to get your stats skepticism remedied.

John Edwards