What do MLB hitting coaches really do? Diamondbacks' Dave Magadan explains

John McMurray

What do MLB hitting coaches really do? Diamondbacks' Dave Magadan explains image

Hitting coaches have some of the most important jobs in major league baseball, but their work is often unappreciated. They work with hitters on mechanics and how to get out of batting slumps, and they help hitters make frequent adjustments. 

There's also the personal side of working with hitters on adopting new approaches. It's one of the most challenging jobs on a major league coaching staff. But having an effective hitting coach can make the difference in any team’s offensive success.

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Sporting News spoke to longtime major league hitting coach Dave Magadan, now with the Diamondbacks, to get insight into what a hitting coach does in today's game and the challenges they face.  

Magadan is highly respected for his work as hitting coach with the 2007 Red Sox championship team, and the 16-year major league veteran has worked with many of the best hitters in the game since becoming a major league hitting coach in 2003. 

The interview has been edited for clarity.

SN: What approach do you take when you’re trying to help a hitter out of a slump?

DM: The first thing we do is we go to the video and compare it to periods of time when the particular player was hitting well and see if there are any discrepancies. As a hitting coach, you already have an idea in your head of what the player does well, and, hopefully, you can recognize the problem as soon as you see it with your own eyes.  If you do, you go to the video to confirm it. Then you can do a comparison with what the player was doing two months earlier, or even a week earlier, whatever the case may be, and see if they are doing anything differently.

SN: When a hitter is in a slump, is the cause usually physical or mental?

DM: It’s probably a combination of the two. Sometimes, guys get away mechanically from what they do well at the plate. That’s really our job as hitting coaches, to know what these hitters do well when they’re in their good streaks. And when they’re going badly—not hitting balls hard and mis-hitting balls—you look to see if they’re doing anything differently. If they are, that invariably leads to the mental doldrums, when they’re not hitting balls hard and they start to question their confidence and get a little negative.  

Batting statistics can be failure-oriented numbers. You could be one of the best hitters in the game and fail seven out of 10 times. It’s a strange dynamic, but that lends itself to players sometimes being a little bit negative. 

A slump probably starts off as something mechanical. But, then again, it could begin as something mental, where a player is hitting balls hard but they’re being caught, and he starts pressing. He will start pushing himself to get hits, rather than staying with the process and continuing to try to hit balls hard.  In a case like that, the player can unknowingly start to change his swing a little bit, and then he’s doing something mechanically different. By that point, you’ve got a combination of the mental and the physical aspects of a slump.

SN: How have analytics changed what you do as a hitting coach?

DM: I don’t think analytics changes much of what I do as a hitting coach. They are just another way to quantify what the hitters are doing and, more or less, to solidify what we’re thinking as hitting coaches by pointing out ways in which players have to improve. Numbers like exit velocity and launch angle are just ways for us to grade out how the hitters are doing. It doesn’t really change anything that we do. We are trying to keep hitters sound mechanically and fundamentally, and if a player is doing that, he is going to hit a lot of balls hard.

SN: When you became hitting coach for the Boston Red Sox in 2006, the team improved that season in several offensive categories. Is there a player there with whom you developed particularly good chemistry as a hitting coach?

DM: Dustin Pedroia got called up in August 2006, and his first full year was in 2007. He really struggled in the first month of that season, and there were questions about him getting sent down. None of us wanted that to happen, and we made some adjustments. A lot of his struggles were mental too. He was hitting some balls and they were getting caught, and he started pressing a bit. 

At the beginning of the season, batting numbers fluctuate so much because of the lack of at-bats. As a young player, you’re always up there looking at the scoreboard and seeing you’re hitting a buck sixty or a buck seventy, and then, naturally, you start to press. I worked with (Pedroia) on staying confident, knowing that he was a big-league hitter and that he was going to turn things around. He just needed some balls to fall in. He cleaned up some things mechanically, and he was off to winning the Rookie of the Year award.

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SN: Paul Goldschmidt had a slow start to the 2018 season. Considering how good of a hitter he is, do you approach him when he is struggling or do you leave him alone, figuring that he will be able to work himself out of it?

DM: Staying away from guys is a good way to get fired. As hitting coaches, no matter whether it’s a superstar or a first-year player, we have to understand what makes them a really good hitter. That’s no different with Goldy. 

I have to know what Goldy needs to do well to in order to put good swings on the ball. There are some keys to his success: posture, being ready on time, good pitch selection, and understanding how the pitcher is going to attack him that night. Those are all things that he does a lot of homework on in order to understand how pitchers are going to pitch him that night.

It is our job as hitting coaches to understand what makes him tick as a hitter. What is he doing when he’s going well? What is he not doing when he’s struggling to get hits? Sometimes, with successful hitters, it is a very small thing which can manifest itself and lead to a bad habit. If the player develops a bad habit then he doesn’t drive the ball, doesn’t barrel up a lot of balls, or gets passive at the plate.

It doesn’t matter who you are, you could fall into many of those, like (Goldschmidt) did for a lot of the first six weeks of the season, when he was struggling like he had never struggled before. Nobody is immune to struggles.

SN: If someone is a .240 hitter, can you, as a hitting coach, make them into a .260 or .270 hitter?

DM: Sure. The goal is to max out everybody’s potential, but it takes two willing participants. If a guy is stubborn and doesn’t want to change and only wants to stay in what he’s doing, it puts a very low ceiling on what he can do. It happens probably more frequently than you’d care to admit. If a guy gets to the big leagues at the age of 25, and he thinks he already knows everything he needs to know to be a successful major league hitter, then he’s probably going to learn the hard way that he doesn’t know everything that’s going to make him a successful major league hitter. I wish I knew then what I know now when I was playing because I was probably that guy initially, where I was stubborn and thought I knew what it was going to take to be successful. Sometimes, that stubbornness limits a hitter’s potential. 

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SN: You were a natural hitter and not particularly big. With the New York Mets, you had also Howard Johnson and Keith Hernandez in front of you early in your career. Even so, because you were productive enough as a hitter you were able to make a place for yourself in the major leagues. What part of your own experience as a hitter do you use in your teaching as a hitting coach?

DM: I convey to my hitters that you never stop learning. That’s why it’s essential for you to get into the batting cage and get your work in because you never know when you’re going to hear something, whether it’s from another hitting coach or from another player, that you can apply to yourself. 

As a hitter, you always have to remain open. It doesn’t mean that you have to change with the different directions of the wind, but you still need to remain open and willing to make changes that can make you a better player. If you become closed off and stubborn and limited as to what you’re willing to try, then you’re going be very limited as a hitter.

SN: You were a line-drive hitter. Today, there are not as many line-drive hitters as there were when you got to the major leaguers in the 1980s. In this era of home runs, do you teach hitters to hit doubles in the gap, as you did?

DM: It is an issue now. I think that’s one reason why batting averages are so down in baseball this year. The overall major league batting average this year is under .250. It’s very low, and a big part of that is guys trying to lift the ball in the air.

I work with players who are not big guys and are trying to do too much. For a middle infielder, hitting fly balls to the biggest part of the park is not conducive to being a high-average hitter. You try to stay on them about hitting line drives through the infield instead. If they do, then their misses will be doubles into the gap or maybe even a home run that they get up into the air. 

When you’re trying to launch balls at the 25-degree optimal angle to hit a home run, your misses become pop-ups, swinging misses, or foul balls. Let’s get these hitters down to around a 12- to 15-degree angle, where they’re hitting just line drives over the infielders’ heads. Then when they get underneath a ball, that’s the one they are hitting out of the park. Failure is a motivator, and when you’re hitting .150 and not getting a lot of playing time, you’re going to be motivated to make changes. The guys that are willing to make those changes are the ones who stick around for a long time.

John McMurray