Stop being offended by people being offended by Chief Wahoo

Jason Foster

Stop being offended by people being offended by Chief Wahoo image

Say anything negative about Indians mascot Chief Wahoo and sensitive types who claim that you’re actually the sensitive one will start with the name-calling.

Snowflake. Pinko. Idiot. There are many colorful monikers for people who think the Cleveland mascot is racially insensitive and should go away. And in nearly every instance of these verbal or written barbs, the ol’ chief’s most vigorous defenders are middle-age white people, essentially — but distantly — claiming to hold the monopoly on wisdom and proper judgment in social matters. And Hell hath no fury like a middle-age white person (allegedly) scorned.

MORE: A history of Chief Wahoo in Cleveland

We can probably get ready for another year of (louder) moaning and groaning among the chief’s devotees, as it was announced Monday that the team would stop using the logo on its caps and jerseys in 2019. This should seemingly bring the long-simmering debate to an end, or so one would hope. But something tells me it won’t.  

So let me say this up front, dear fellow white people: We don’t get to decide what’s offensive to another race. Your need for nostalgia or a cool logo does not override another person’s desire to rid the world of dumb, stereotypical imagery. (Note: I'm aware that the chief's supporters include non-white people. But come on: The loudest pro-Wahoo voices are reliably and overwhelmingly those of white people.)

The Indians apparently agree.

In a statement, MLB commissioner Rob Manfred said the team has agreed with his (and many others’) assessment that the logo “is no longer appropriate for on-field use in Major League Baseball.” One could argue that it was never appropriate, but alas.

“We have consistently maintained that we are cognizant and sensitive to both sides of the discussion,” Paul Dolan, the team's chief executive, said in a statement provided by MLB. “While we recognize many of our fans have a longstanding attachment to Chief Wahoo, I’m ultimately in agreement with Commissioner Manfred’s desire to remove the logo from our uniforms in 2019.”

Last year, Dolan said that he and MLB were “not exactly aligned” on the mascot’s future — “There’s a lot of pressure on the national scene” — but that a solution could come before the start of the 2018 season. Most took that to mean the team would remove, or at least severely limit, the use of Chief Wahoo in 2018 and beyond (the team had already begun to somewhat limit its visibility, removing the image as its main logo in 2016), but now it seems there will be a clean break on the field, although fans will reportedly still be able to buy items featuring the logo.

The removal is not about white guilt or political correctness or safe spaces or any other such excuse. It’s about common sense and decency.

MORE: Sports mascots: The good, the bad, the ridiculous

It just seems logical that if a sports image or mascot name is genuinely offensive to a large number of people from another race, efforts should be made to remove that image or name. It seems crazy to even have to say it, but here we are.

Think about it: By using the nickname “Indians,” Cleveland’s use of Chief Wahoo is essentially saying, “This is an Indian. This is what they look like,” which makes it easy to understand why someone would find such a stereotyped caricature offensive.

The argument against that view is that Chief Wahoo isn’t actually offensive, that it’s just a beloved image of the local nine that’s brought joy to countless fans for decades, and that anyone who is actually offended just doesn’t get the cultural significance.

Let me translate: “If I don’t think it’s offensive, it’s not offensive.”

(Check your social media feeds for the next few days to see the latest variations of this bulletproof logic.)

Strangely, many of the people telling everyone to stop being offended are the same ones who demand boycotts over the colors on coffee cups or the words “happy holidays.”

Tell them to calm down about those things and you’re an enemy combatant in the War on Something.

In other words: “My emotional thing is a bigger deal than your emotional thing.”

MORE: Sports teams that have retired Native American mascots, nicknames

The point is that people who aren’t part of the offended class don’t get to declare something not offensive. The reasoning doesn’t matter. If a majority of Native Americans is offended over a name or a mascot, non-Native Americans don’t get to dismiss that. Same goes for any other race, religion or nationality.

So, white people, if Native Americans say Chief Wahoo is offensive, don’t tell them he’s not. If they say they don’t like the Braves’ tomahawk chop, don’t call them crazy. If they want a new name for the Redskins (or Indians, or Braves), don’t give them grief.

Stay in your lane, fellow white folks. These aren’t your truths to determine.

Jason Foster

Jason Foster Photo

Jason Foster joined The Sporting News in 2015 after stops at various news outlets where he held a variety of reporting and editing roles and covered just about every topic imaginable. He is a member of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America and a 1998 graduate of Appalachian State University.