Here's everything wrong with that crazy column about the Braves and Chief Noc-A-Homa

Jason Foster

Here's everything wrong with that crazy column about the Braves and Chief Noc-A-Homa image

There are bad ideas and there are BAD IDEAS.

For example, it's a bad idea to suggest the Braves need to bring back Chief Noc-a-Homa and his teepee when SunTrust Park opens next season. It's a BAD IDEA to put that idea into words and publish them for public consumption on a legitimate media website.

MORE: 40 sports teams that retired Native American mascots | Indians should retire Chief Wahoo

But just how bad of a BAD IDEA was Macon Telegraph columnist Bill Shanks' column Tuesday suggesting a return to ignorant and, for many, offensive imagery at Braves games next season?

Let's use a few snippets to break it down. (The column was quickly deleted from the Telegraph's website Tuesday evening, but nothing really dies on the Internet so you can still read it here.)

...(I)t's time to make the Braves special again as they move into SunTrust Park next season. It's time to bring back some of the things we grew up with that made the team special. It's time to bring back the teepee. And while we're at it, let's bring back Chief Noc-A-Homa and Princess Win-A-Lotta.

Hmmm. OK. He apparently believes that 14 straight division titles, five pennants, the 1995 World Series championship, eight Cy Young seasons, an MVP season, and a slew of Hall of Famers fails to match the specialness of watching 90-loss teams play in front of 6,000 fans. But yes, let's bring back things that we know for certain, like, without doubt would be highly controversial in 2017 and would almost certainly result in boycotts and lost revenue. If Bill Shanks isn't offended, why should anyone else be? Stop being fuddy-duddies, everyone! 

Many fans might not remember how it used to sound and feel at a Braves game. Chief Noc-A-Homa would sign autographs before the game, and then after the national anthem, the man named Levi Walker Jr. would do a dance on the pitcher's mound. He might even spit fire as he did his dance. The Chief also would walk around the stadium during games. ... If you were listening on the radio, you usually could hear him when he'd get close to the booth, as he'd let out a loud chant that would be followed by the fans following suit.

Not one of these beloved memories involves actual baseball. I'm no marketing expert, but I'm pretty sure the best way to get fans to enjoy Braves games again is to put a winning product on the field. By Shanks Logic, the '90s just weren't very much fun for fans because there were no dancing, fire-breathing Indians to distract them from the chore of watching Hall of Fame careers unfold before their eyes.

The modern Braves should be good again within a few years. The young talent headed to Atlanta will be reason enough to watch. There's no need for gimmicks now, especially such out-dated and culturally offensive ones. But maybe instead of "Star Wars" night they should have "Birth of a Nation" night. Have you thought about suggesting that, Bill?

The teepee became a story in 1982. Team owner Ted Turner (please come back Ted) ordered the teepee removed so the Braves could sell more seats as the team became the best ticket in town. Right after the teepee was taken down, the Braves lost 19 of 21 games and fell out of first place. The teepee went back up, and the Braves went on to win the division.

While factually accurate, this really feels like you're giving the teepee credit for the Braves' good play and using that as further justification for why it should return. I humbly suggest that it's actually good players that will lead to more good play.

Bringing back the teepee and the Chief likely will never happen as the Braves will be afraid of offending anyone. Three years ago, when worked leaked out that the Braves wanted to bring back the "screaming savage" Indian head for their spring training hats, they were worried about potential backlash and squashed the idea. Come on.

Yes, Bill, the Braves are/were wise to think this. It kind of goes without saying. Also, Bill, are you aware that you wrote the words "screaming savage" and then wondered why people would take offense at that image? 

The Braves' games used to be fun to go to, with a true appreciation for what the mascot means. The audacity of people wanting to have fun at a ballgame, right?

Again, Bill, the Braves were kinda sorta maybe a little bit fun from 1991 to 2005. But I'm starting to think you don't really care about the baseball part of attending a baseball game. But I guess it's possible you're right. Maybe watching a guy dressed as a stereotypical Indian dancing on the mound is more entertaining than watching Greg Maddux pitch from that mound. I'm kidding. That's insanely stupid.

But so was your column.

Jason Foster

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Jason Foster joined The Sporting News in 2015 after stops at various news outlets where he held a variety of reporting and editing roles and covered just about every topic imaginable. He is a member of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America and a 1998 graduate of Appalachian State University.