Q&A with The Freeze, Braves superhero on fast track to internet stardom

Andy Wittry

Q&A with The Freeze, Braves superhero on fast track to internet stardom image

By now you've seen the video

The one where Nigel Talton, an Atlanta Braves grounds crew member-turned-promotion extraordinaire better known as The Freeze, gives a fan a  massive head start in a race around the warning track at SunTrust Park. The fan showboats, then falls, and The Freeze wins the race . Beat The Freeze, he did not.

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Sporting News spoke with The Freeze/Talton to learn about his origin story (every great superhero has one), his track background and the viral video that made him famous.

SPORTING NEWS: How were you chosen to become The Freeze?

THE FREEZE/TALTON: I’ve been working for the grounds crew since 2012 and when I first started, the grounds crew would rake the field at the bottom of the third (inning) and bottom of the sixth, so at Turner Field, the grounds crew location was at the right field foul pole so people didn’t want to go to third base because it was far from where we come out at. So I always went to third, so the first time I went to third, they were like, "He’s fast." My supervisor was like, "He’s fast," so every time while I’m working at Turner Field I always run (to) third. Nobody goes to third, I always go to third, and then last year at Turner Field, the farewell, they gave me the chance to do the stolen base challenge because they knew I was fast and training for track and field, so I did it in like 13, 14 seconds. Near the end of the year, they were like, "We’re coming up with an idea for the new stadium" and they were like, ‘’We're thinking about having someone race a fan," and they were like, "Do you want to do it?" and I was like, "Sure." I like to run, I like to have fun and entertain, so that’s how I became The Freeze.

SN: What is your running background?

TF: I ran high school track my junior year, then I ran all my college years and now I'm post-collegiate, training professionally.

SN: Where'd you run in college?

TF: I went to Iowa Wesleyan for a year and then I transferred to Shorter (University) and then I finished out at Kennesaw (State), but I didn't compete at Kennesaw. I just trained with the Kennesaw team.

SN: Walk us through the race that went viral, when a fan was showboating and then tripped as you won the race.

TF: It was fun because they let him go, then they let me go, so I was running and when I was coming off the curve, he showboated twice. The first time he was pointing at his friends or someone, he was pointing, and when I was coming off the curve, already in my head, I was like, "I'm gonna catch you no matter what." He showboated that one time, then he showboated again and that's when I passed him. As I passed him, he looked at me and that's when he fell so I just kept going.

SN: Do you talk any smack to the contestants before or after the race?

TF: Oh, no, I don't talk smack at all. I know it's not for me, like none of it is for me, it's for the fans. I just like entertaining Braves Country and now the MLB. I don't do it for myself, I just do it for the fans. I don't talk smack, I'm very respectful to the contestants.

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SN: Is it your choice when you start running or does someone else tell you when to start?

TF: There's a guy on the field that tells me when to go and I believe upstairs, that they tell him when to tell me to go. I'm supposed to go when they say "Unleash The Freeze." I just go whenever they tell me. 

SN: What's your record so far?

TF: My record so far is 6-4. 

SN: So you've been beaten four times?

TF:  (Laughing) Oh, yeah, it's not because they're faster than me or I couldn't catch them, it's because (the people upstairs) malfunctioned and by the time they let me go, they'll be halfway finished.

SN: How are the contestants chosen?

TF: The Tomahawk Team or someone from promotions asks the fans if they feel like running today. They walk around and ask people if they want to do it but now that it's gotten so popular, everyone's going to want to try to beat The Freeze.

SN: People have compared your suit to Frozone in "The Incredibles." Did you have any say in designing your suit?

TF: No, I don't have any say on the suit.

SN:  Are you surprised by how popular the promotion has become?

TF: It surprised me. When I first did it, the guys on the grounds crew were like, "You should make a Twitter account" and we made a Twitter account. We didn't think it'd blow up or anything but then that kid fell and the video went viral.

You can follow The Freeze on Twitter at  @BeatThaFreeze .

Andy Wittry