Bay Area TV station uses racist headline in describing Cardinals' NLDS Game 5 win over Braves

Thomas Lott

Bay Area TV station uses racist headline in describing Cardinals' NLDS Game 5 win over Braves image

There was a lot wrong with this headline.

After the Cardinals defeated the Braves 13-1 in Game 5 of the National League Division Series on Wednesday to book a ticket to the NLCS, Bay Area TV station KTVU described the victory with a header that is sure to offend a portion of the population.

We will warn you, the phrase may offend you.

"Braves Scalped," the header read.

See for yourself.

It's insensitive at the least, but also, the timing couldn't be any worse considering some of the issues surrounding this series.

The Braves actually decided not to pass out foam tomahawks for the game due to a complaint from Cardinals reliever Ryan Helsley who is a member of the Cherokee Nation.

They also said they would not do the famous tomahawk chop if he were to pitch in Game 5.

There's absolutely zero reason to ever use a headline like this, but considering Helsley already called both the tomahawk chop offensive during this exact series, this headline is at least in poor taste.

At the most it's intentionally racist toward Helsley.

No matter how you slice it though, this is a bad, bad look.

Thomas Lott