One voter's thoughts on Joe Morgan's Hall of Fame letter

Ryan Fagan

One voter's thoughts on Joe Morgan's Hall of Fame letter image

Joe Morgan’s letter was an unexpected start to Tuesday’s baseball conversation.

As you probably know by now, the Hall of Fame second baseman penned a letter to those of us BBWAA writers who vote for baseball’s Hall of Fame. Morgan, who wrote that he was speaking on behalf of other already enshrined Hall of Fame members, was urging voters not to help elect known steroids users into the Hall. 

Morgan left no room for ambiguity. 

“We hope the day never comes when known steroid users are voted into the Hall of Fame,” he wrote. “They cheated. Steroid users don’t belong here.”

MORE: The 2018 BBWAA Hall of Fame ballot

The letter came from an official Hall of Fame email account, the same one that usually is used for announcing ballots, or letting us know what artifacts are headed to Cooperstown from the World Series or for the always-helpful Around the Horn newsletter. 

This email was very, very different. After his signature and note that he’s a member of the class of 1990, he included “vice chairman.” As in vice chairman of the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum’s board of directors. Morgan’s been on the board since 1994, vice chairman since 2000. There are 15 members of the board, but only five former players: Morgan, Ozzie Smith, Brooks Robinson, Phil Niekro and Frank Robinson. 

This is a letter coming directly from the Hall of Fame, which has previously been silent on the topic of steroids users and Cooperstown. That alone is a stunning development.

Quite honestly, as I sit here contemplating my second Hall of Fame vote — all ballots are due by the end of December, with the announcement on Jan. 24 — I’m not exactly sure how that will impact my vote. I mean, I’m pretty sure I know. But I’d be lying if I said this letter, from the Hall, wouldn’t create at least a few sleepless nights. 

I struggled greatly with the decision leading up to my first vote last December. My first eight years in the BBWAA, I was thrilled because I would one day get a Hall vote; the last two years, as reality came rushing in, I relentlessly wrestled with the PED decision. Should I vote for the guys we know, with proof, used steroids (such as Manny Ramirez, who tested positive twice) or the guys we just think we know used PEDs (Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens), or should I leave them off my ballot?

I believe in transparency of voting for the Hall, which is why I’m telling you this now, and it’s why I wrote about it last December

As I plan to do every single year I’m honored to have a vote for the Hall of Fame, I will spend most of December thoroughly evaluating every candidate’s case, and that will include an assessment of the more complicated issues, such as PEDs. This year, Morgan’s letter gets thrown into that mix. 

But like I said earlier, I’m pretty sure I know which way I’m leaning. Last year’s vote wasn’t a snap decision. I had decided well before December 2016 that I was voting for Bonds and Clemens. I decided, and I slept on that decision for months. I was at peace with the decision every time I woke up in the morning.

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Last December, the hairs were lost trying to sort out the last couple of spots on my 10-person ballot, deciding between guys such as Vladimir Guerrero, Larry Walker, Trevor Hoffman and Curt Schilling. 

I want to look at a couple of things Morgan wrote in his letter, and why trying to find solid “moral” footing in the Hall’s complicated history with related issues isn’t simple. And to Morgan’s credit, he recognizes there are gray areas. 

Let me be clear about two things, here and now: 1. I am not ripping Morgan, at all, as some have done. I understand where he’s coming from. 2. I don’t have answers. I’d love to foster a rational conversation, and what you’ll read going forward (if you stick around) is my perspective at the moment. 

Here’s a thing Morgan wrote: 

But it still occurs to me that anyone who took body-altering chemicals in a deliberate effort to cheat the game we love, not to mention they cheated current and former players, and fans too, doesn’t belong in the Hall of Fame. By cheating, they put up huge numbers, and they made great players who didn’t cheat look smaller by comparison, taking away from their achievements and consideration for the Hall of Fame. That’s not right.

Here’s the thing with players who “cheat the game we love” … cheating has happened throughout the history of this great American sport. Some haven’t been very good at cheating, and some have been great cheaters. 

For generations, pitchers used spitballs — not just spit, of course, but anything they could find — and scuffed baseballs to alter the way the ball moved to gain an advantage. That’s cheating. Hall of Famer Gaylord Perry made a career out of affecting the flight of baseball, and even wrote a book about it (seriously, it’s called “Me and the Spitter.”) And for decades, players used amphetamines to give themselves a little pep in their step on the field, or as a way to recover from rough nights. Amphetamines are a banned substance now. 

I know what you’re going to say. Are amphetamines and steroids the same thing? No, of course not. Did they help players in equal ways? No, of course not.

But I’m not so sure that’s the point.

Amphetamines were, to use Morgan’s words, “body-alerting chemicals” used to improve play. When amphetamines — “greenies,” as they were known — were prevalent in baseball, they were the best non-natural way players had of improving their performance. Same with spitballs and scuffed baseballs. The only real constant in the sport of baseball has been players trying to find some sort of edge that helps them become better. 

Morgan and his fellow old-school players didn’t use steroids, but not because they made a conscious, moral choice not to enhance their play. Steroids weren't really around then. They don’t know for sure they would have stayed away because it wasn’t an option for them to consider. 

And just because players popped a handful of greenies doesn’t mean those players would have taken steroids if they were around, of course. But guys in the 1960s, '70s and '80s popped greenies because greenies made them better ballplayers. Guys in the 1990s and 2000s made the same choice. The difference was that the science had improved massively. 

The appetite was there. It’s always been there. Do we now draw the line with steroids because steroids are more effective than greenies? Do the old-school players get a pass because they were cheating but not cheating cheating? 

One more thing Morgan wrote that I’d like to discuss. 

Section 5 of the Rules for Election states, “Voting shall be based upon the player’s record, playing ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character, and contributions to the team(s) on which the player played.” 

I care about how good a player was or what kind of numbers he put up; but if a player did steroids, his integrity is suspect; he lacks sportsmanship; his character is flawed; and, whatever contribution he made to his team is now dwarfed by his selfishness.

The character clause has long been the pillar of the “keep them out” folks. If we’re being honest, character has never really been part of the election process.

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So many pitchers who scuffed baseballs or players who popped greenies have plaques in the Hall of Fame. Find me one worthy person who was ever on the ballot who was denied a spot in Cooperstown because of character issues; and no, players on baseball’s restricted list (Joe Jackson, Pete Rose, etc.) don’t count. 

And because “character” has no set definition, you have to consider other flaws that could fall under that umbrella. You can look at Ty Cobb, who was, by all accounts, a horrible person. You can look at Cap Anson, the racist turn-of-the-century superstar who helped make sure baseball would remain a segregated sport for a generation or two. Or any of the other powers-that-be folks who made sure segregation was as much of a part of their sport as balls and bats and bases. 

Cooperstown is full of folks who would fail character tests. Is the steroid use of guys like Clemens and Bonds worse than the racism of Anson or the scuffing of Perry or the greenie-poppers of Morgan’s era? How in the world can we answer that? 

And I’ve seen this thought, too: But should we allow the failures of past voters to dictate the path of current and future voters? Should their acceptance of people with character flaws mean it’s OK for us to accept that? Shouldn’t we be better? 

Honestly, that’s an interesting question.

Look, this whole “steroids in Cooperstown” thing is a good debate. It’s worth talking about, which is why I read Morgan’s letter with an elevated degree of fascination. I can’t wait to see if/how it impacts voting totals. 

Ryan Fagan

Ryan Fagan Photo

Ryan Fagan, the national MLB writer for The Sporting News, has been a Baseball Hall of Fame voter since 2016. He also dabbles in college hoops and other sports. And, yeah, he has way too many junk wax baseball cards.