Baseball Hall of Fame: Could A-Rod, David Ortiz provide bump Bonds and Clemens need?

Ryan Fagan

Baseball Hall of Fame: Could A-Rod, David Ortiz provide bump Bonds and Clemens need? image

Let’s talk about Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens and Cooperstown.

This was the duo’s seventh year on the BBWAA Hall of Fame ballot — only too perfect that they became eligible the same year, right? — and whatever momentum toward election they had gained over the past couple of years seems to have vanished. 

You’ve heard, certainly, some folks declare their chances dead after the class of 2019 results were announced Tuesday. Not so fast, though. There’s an X-factor — two of them, actually — that could breathe life into the duo’s chances of being elected by the BBWAA: Alex Rodriguez, and to a lesser extent, David Ortiz. We’ll come back to those two shortly. 

MORE: A-Rod says no one to blame but himself if he doesn't make HOF

First, I will never quite understand how someone can vote for one and not the other, but Clemens checked in at 59.5 percent in the results announced Tuesday, and Bonds was just a shade behind at 59.1 percent. For Clemens, that’s a meager gain of 2.2 percentage points over 2018 and 5.4 over 2017. For Bonds, it’s a gain of 2.7 over 2018 and 5.3 over 2017.

With only three years remaining on the ballot, gaining two or three percentage points a year will not be enough to get either player to the 75 percent threshold needed for election. Let’s look at their year-by-year vote totals.  

2013: Clemens, 37.6 percent; Bonds, 36.2 percent
2014: Clemens, 35.4 percent; Bonds, 34.7 percent
2015: Clemens, 37.5 percent; Bonds, 36.8 percent
2016: Clemens, 45.2 percent; Bonds, 44.3 percent
2017: Clemens, 54.1 percent; Bonds, 53.8 percent
2018: Clemens, 57.3 percent; Bonds, 56.4 percent
2019: Clemens, 59.5 percent; Bonds, 59.1 percent

What their candidacies need is a bump, a reason for voters entrenched in their thought process to change their minds. They’ve received two distinct bumps in past years. 

The first one came before the 2016 vote, and it was a reaction to a very specific action by the Hall of Fame. In the past, all BBWAA members who had been with the organization at least 10 years were eligible to vote for the Hall of Fame, whether they were still actively covering the sport or not. Once you had a vote, you kept it as long as you wanted. The Hall board of directors changed that, so only active members or members who had been active within 10 years could vote. It’s a reasonable rule, to be honest.

But what this action did was take away the vote from a generation of retired BBWAA members, a bloc of voters who were largely opposed to the inductions of Bonds and Clemens, or anyone connected to PEDs. A total of 549 votes were cast in 2015, and that number dropped to 440 for the class of 2016. After a couple of years of being completely stagnant, Clemens jumped 7.7 percentage points and Bonds jumped 7.5.

The second bump came before the next voting cycle. On Dec. 4, 2016, the Today’s Game Era committee announced that former commissioner Bud Selig had been elected to the Hall of Fame. For all the massive monetary growth baseball experienced during his long tenure, Selig was the commissioner during the Steroid Era, and had often been accused of turning a years-long blind eye to the problem before eventually cracking down and instituting strict testing and harsh punishments. 

MORE: Breaking down the newcomers on the 2020 Hall of Fame ballot

If the Steroid Era commissioner was in the Hall, the logic went, how could voters keep the Steroid Era players out of Cooperstown? Clemens jumped another 8.9 percentage points, Bonds another 9.5.

Since then, though, the swell has dissipated. Any gains have been limited to first-time voters, a group that has overwhelmingly checked the boxes next to Bonds and Clemens. Ryan Thibodaux, who runs the essential ballot tracker, reports that of the 36 first-timers who made their votes public the past three years, 32 voted for Clemens and 31 voted for Bonds. 

My vote was included in that total. I’ve had the privilege of voting for the Hall three times, and I’ve voted for both players all three times. Quickly, here’s my rationale, as explained in my nearly 7,000-world explanation column earlier this month.

Thoughts: As always, I’m grouping these two together because their cases are essentially identical. On the field, they produced like few players have produced in the history of this great sport. Bonds won the MVP award a record seven times and finished in the top five on five other occasions. Clemens won the Cy Young award a record seven times and finished in the top six on five other occasions. Their counting stats are jaw-dropping and their advanced metrics are elite. They’re also forever linked to performance-enhancing drugs. Either you think that disqualifies them from the Hall of Fame or you don’t. I see both sides of that debate, and I had long vacillated on this issue. 

But the Hall is full of two things: Players who displayed "character flaws" in all aspects of their lives, and players who used every possible advantage — legal or illegal — to achieve greatness. The only difference with Bonds and Clemens is that the advantages available to them were more impressive than the advantages that were available to the generation that popped greenies before and during games. I’ve now voted for Bonds and Clemens all three years I’ve had a ballot, and I’m at ease with the decision.

The truth is this: Bonds and Clemens are not getting elected by the BBWAA solely on the strength of new voters. The math doesn't work. Something massive would have to happen to change the minds of those voters who have previously voted no. 

How about this: Bonds and Clemens will appear on the BBWAA ballot for the last time as part of the potential class of 2022. Know what players make their ballot debuts that year? 

Alex Rodriguez and David Ortiz. 

Interesting, eh? 

A-Rod, of course, was twice suspended by baseball — including for the entire 2014 season — for failing PED tests. But based on what he did on the field, he’s a no-doubt first-ballot Hall of Famer. He’s a three-time MVP, a 14-time All-Star and he finished with 696 career homers. Hell, over a 14-year stretch from 1996 to 2009, he averaged a 7.6 bWAR, 41 homers, 120 RBIs, 21 stolen bases and 119 runs, to go with a .307/.393/.581 line and a 149 OPS+. That’s insane.

And he’s basically completely revamped his image in the years since he’s retired. A-Rod has been a fixture in FOX’s baseball coverage, a regular on MLB Network and even an ambassador for the game on a global scale — he traveled across the Atlantic Ocean in November in an official capacity to promote the 2019 London Series between the Yankees and Red Sox. 

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David Ortiz’s connections to PEDs aren’t nearly the same as A-Rod’s, of course. Let’s be clear about that. He reportedly — in a 2009 New York Times article — was one of the players who tested positive for PEDs in 2003, along with A-Rod, Sammy Sosa, Manny Ramirez, Barry Bonds and others, when MLB did an anonymous screening process to see what percentage of players tested positive. 

MLB instituted testing in 2004, and Ortiz never tested positive or was suspended by baseball while piling up Hall of Fame numbers — 541 homers, a 141 OPS+, three World Series rings (with a .455 average, 14 RBIs and 1.372 OPS in those 14 games) — with the Red Sox. Ortiz has been a fixture in Boston, a part of FOX's coverage and an ambassador for the sport since his retirement. I'll vote for both A-Rod and Ortiz, btw.

So let’s play out the situation using a bit of logic, shall we? 

Baseball has, essentially, fully forgiven and embraced a two-time steroid violator in Rodriguez and a guy with a PED connection in Ortiz. If they’re both in MLB’s good graces and an integral part of how the league promotes its sport, how can BBWAA voters choose to exclude them from a spot in Cooperstown? They both have clear-cut Hall of Fame cases, based on what they did on the field. 


Alex Rodriguez has rehabilitated his image within baseball and among fans, despite two suspensions for PED use. (Getty Images)

OK, so following baseball’s lead, BBWAA voters check the boxes on their ballots next to A-Rod and Ortiz.

And then ask yourself this: How could anyone vote for A-Rod and not Bonds or Clemens? 

I can at least see how a voter could choose Ortiz — who played 12 years after stricter measures were implemented without a failed test — and not Bonds/Clemens. But A-Rod? A guy who was suspended twice by MLB for PEDs, including an entire year? How can anyone vote for him but not Bonds and Clemens, two players with admitted strong PED ties but zero actual MLB suspensions? The mental gymnastics required to get to that conclusion would be, well, kind of insane.

Please don’t try to invoke the character clause. Don’t say it’s OK to vote for A-Rod and not Bonds/Clemens because A-Rod was media friendly and Bonds/Clemens were often (always?) jerks to the media. The Hall of Fame is full of awful people whose character flaws/sins were much worse than being jerks to the media. The character clause is vague and a little self-serving, a way for voters to avoid electing people they don’t like. 

It’s about what happened on the field.

And on the field, Bonds and Clemens were Hall of Famers, just like Alex Rodriguez and David Ortiz. 

Ryan Fagan

Ryan Fagan Photo

Ryan Fagan, the national MLB writer for The Sporting News, has been a Baseball Hall of Fame voter since 2016. He also dabbles in college hoops and other sports. And, yeah, he has way too many junk wax baseball cards.