Athletics' Mike Fiers, now clean shaven, reveals story behind bizarre beard

Gabrielle McMillen

Athletics' Mike Fiers, now clean shaven, reveals story behind bizarre beard image

Those tuning in to the Athletics-Rangers game Saturday night likely were too distracted by Mike Fiers' odd beard to pay much attention to the actual game.

The Oakland pitcher had a G-shaped beard that strangely wrapped around his whole face, leading many to ponder one question: Why?

After the Athletics' 8-6 win over the Rangers, during which Fiers left the game in the second inning due to arm nerve irritation, he met with the media with a clean-shaven face, adding to the mystery of the beard. However, Fiers offered a simple explanation to the beard's short rise and fall.

"I got hurt," Fiers said when asked why he shaved, via NBC Sports. "I can't continue that. Just had to shave that off. One-start thing."

Fiers said the creation of the beard was something fun that he and his teammates came up with and it was mainly sported to create fun morale in the clubhouse.

"We were just looking up fun things to do because I was thinking about shaving my beard and starting fresh," Fiers said. "But we were thinking about something funny to do and we were searching on Google for funny beards and that was one of them that came up."

However, the nerve irritation in Fiers' arm is no laughing matter — he experienced numbness in his right hand and will undergo further testing to try and determine what's the cause of the nerve irritation.

Fiers says the pain and numbness went away after the one pitch, but it remained on his mind for the next couple of batters.

"It was just the one pitch," he said. "I threw it, my hand went numb, and I had to wait for some feeling to come back. It was more mental at that point than anything. Altering my delivery is something that you don't want to do. You can get injured further doing that."

The team will know his status Monday, which is when test results are expected to come back.

Gabrielle McMillen