Are Women the New Wave of Italian Basketball?

Andrea Cassini

Are Women the New Wave of Italian Basketball? image

At the upcoming FIBA Women’s Basketball World Cup , to be held in Tenerife from September 22nd, Italy won’t be there.

The moment that spelled Italy’s elimination is still fresh in the collective memory. In a journey that led the Italian women to the quarter finals of the FIBA EuroBasket Women 2017, Latvia was the opponent in this decisive match. The game went down to the wire, and with the game on the line, a flagrant foul was called just a few seconds before the buzzer and the Baltic team ended up qualifying.

The Italian women’s basketball team has been missing from the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup since 1994, but it’s not for lack of trying or lack of  talent. Instead, female basketball is growing steadily and actually peaking at a new level of popularity. Besides, one can always look at the victories already achieved on different courts; smaller, perhaps, but with the same white lines. Italy has already garnered its international trophy for the current year. The team of Giulia Rulli, Marcella Filippi, Giulia Ciavarella and Rae Lin D’Alie (named the tournament MVP), coached by Angela Adamoli, won the gold medal in the 3x3 World Cup , held in Manila, Philippines last June, defeating powerhouses like USA, Russia and China along the way.

Italy FIBA 3x3 Champions Womens

It’s an up-and-coming sport that is gathering more and more fans with its fresh appeal, taken straight from the culture of pick-up basketball. We talked about it with Giulia Rulli, one of the players of the tournament. The most peculiar feature of 3x3 basketball, according to her, is the dynamism. “The pace is reckless, it’s a legit 10-minute sprint” says Giulia. “You literally have no time to focus on your mistakes, you have to keep running and giving everything you’ve got”. There’s also a great attention to tactical details, though. “Reading spaces correctly is even more important than in 5-on-5 basketball, it’s vital to stretch the court to keep the help defender away from the player attacking the basket in isolation. You need to keep track of passing lanes all the time, both inside the paint and beyond the three point line”. 3x3 basketball is proud of the peculiarities that separate it from “traditional” basketball, but the two sports aren’t fighting each other.

The Tokyo 2020 Olympics will host a 3x3 competition: a testimony to the good work made by FIBA to promote the game. Speaking of Italy (one of the few countries to bring teams of both genders to the 3x3 Eurobasket in Hungary, at the end of August), the gold medal that the women’s team won in Manila has been on everyone’s lips all summer long, rekindling the flame of female basketball’s popularity, growing steadily since Eurobasket 2017.

There’s a young prospect leading the charge: Cecilia Zandalasini is just 22 years old and already has a WNBA ring with the Minnesota Lynx. She’s the brightest talent Italy has seen in recent years. In the aforementioned losing effort against Latvia, she scored 25 points and collected 14 rebounds. But there’s more than meets the eye. The coaching staff led by Andrea Capobianco helped the evolution of other youngsters like Elisa Penna and Francesca Dotto, while more experienced players, Giorgia Sottana and Kathrin Ress for instance, were showcasing their skills as well.

The cornerstone of the Italian national team is still Raffaella Masciadri, one of the most recognizable names in all female sports since 2000. On the eve of the last season of her remarkable career – 14 Italian championships, more than 600 games played in Serie A1 (between Como and Schio) to go along with huge international experience – we sat with Raffaella to talk about the state of Italian women’s basketball; to feel the pulse of the movement.

“People are talking widely about our sport, whether it is 3x3 or 5-on-5, they’re even watching the youth teams closely and it’s a great thing overall” she said to me. “We’re experiencing a positive trend for what concerns our clubs, too. Italian teams, spearheaded by Ragusa, Schio and Venezia, are playing well in European competitions and this encourages the best foreign players to come to Italy, to compete in a strong league.

By opening the national league to 14 teams, there’ll be more chances for local players too”. The scenario seems very promising, and the goal is to boost the number of memberships  while cultivating homegrown talents. The social networks of the most popular players, like Cecilia Zandalasini, have a good following – it’s not a rare sight to come across a fan wearing her jersey – and online magazines like L’Ultimo Uomo and La Giornata Tipo are granting female basketball the space it always struggled to carve out in mainstream Italian media.

Everything suggests we are dealing with a significant and tangible trend, but on this subject Giulia and Raffaella, only one generation apart, still point out subtly different things. “To follow the trend of 3x3 basketball or the glamour surrounding one particular player” says Giulia, “is good to keep the interest alive, beyond a quick flash of interest. How does 3x3 basketball work? Which jersey are you wearing?

Questions are followed by answers, all working towards promoting the sport to the audience. Trends that gain momentum are a powerful way of communicating, nowadays”. Giulia is also referring to the recent move from Juventus FC: still with no immediate connection to basketball, Juventus has started selling basketball jerseys too, maybe foreseeing new business possibilities. Raffaella is quick to catch the marketing theme, like an assist. She thinks that there may also be opportunities for the Italian federation to promote the movement “from above” - with bold marketing strategies for team merchandising for example and to keep people talking about female basketball after a winning streak.

A trend is usually born from “below”, and can fade in a matter of days. The Internet, as we all know, has a short memory. “Every player is unique, in her own way. Every player has a story to tell” says Raffaella. “But maybe it doesn’t catch our eye because she doesn’t share it on her social networks. If the popularity of our sport grows in a more organic way, instead, it will be easier for fans to grow passionate about teams and players”.

Cecilia Zandalasini FIBA Italy

Giulia Rulli could very well be one of those women Raffaella is referring to, one with a story to tell. She has a degree in psychology and has studied the connections between her two main interests closely. Female sports are often only thought of in terms of how they compare to their male equivalent. But Rulli sees women’s sport and its differences as a key strength for many reasons. She argues that women’s sport offers us a priceless opportunity to investigate the emotional spectrum of athletes. As an example, we’re thinking about those mental health issues highlighted by Kevin Love during the last NBA season for example, when he opened up on his story of anxiety and panic attacks, followed up by Demar Derozan and Kelly Oubre among others.

Giulia is a strong advocate for having a sport psychologist as part of every team’s medical staff, so that each player can find the peace of mind to fight his own demons while defeating the all too common approach of suffering in silence. Women, on this matter, have a lot to teach. “A woman often feels more free to show her emotions, while men are not allowed to do that, not even as children” explains Giulia.

“To shed a tear is not a synonym for weakness; it’s a sign that tells the world we’re experiencing emotion, we’re caring, we’re struggling: we’re human. Sometimes, women are criticized for being “emotional” too, but we’re granted some space to work.”

“In sports, at a high level, controlling our emotions is vital for both men and women. We’re talking about issues like depression and performance anxiety, but they’re almost taboo words. Who ever really heard about those things in our sports before Kevin Love shared his thoughts?

“A player who feels a strong sense of anxiety before a game is labeled as fragile, unreliable, or a ticking time bomb. Better to choose someone with a more laid-back attitude: such is the opinion of coaches and managers. Instead, we should provide players with the instruments to develop their emotional side”.

When the conversation shifts to differences between female and male basketball, other more practical problems arise. Raffaella Masciadri is very aware of that, after her longtime involvement in sports politics. She is the President of the Athletes’ Commission, a part of CONI (the Olympic national committee) and she worked towards the approval of a maternity fund starting at three million euros, finally signed last march.

People are debating more and more about women’s rights and female sports are conquering bigger and bigger parts of popular culture. Capturing this feeling, Donna Moderna – a popular Italian magazine – just released a wide set of interviews intended to depict Italian athletes starting from their human side, maternal instinct included.

Despite this shift,, according to Italian law 91/1981 as it currently stands, women cannot be considered professional athletes. They’re not granted access to collective bargaining agreements, insurance or social security, and their life after basketball is therefore put in jeopardy. “Many players”, Raffaella tells me, “are forced to knock on firms’ doors with an almost blank résumé in hand, because they’ve dedicated all of their time to a sport that requires a completely full-time commitment.

The world around us has changed drastically in the last forty years, but things can’t turn around overnight. We must question ourselves: what does it truly mean to be a professional? What are the pros and cons of the matter?” The next step will be opening a conversation about insurance and retirement benefits: Raffaella has no doubts we’re headed in the right direction, thanks to her efforts and to a large number of women occupying prominent roles in CONI’s offices – someone called it a “pink revolution”.

Italian Women

After all, just by looking at how the domestic league and international matches have improved, from a quality standpoint, it’s easy to realize how players, coaches and organizations have developed a hyper professional attitude towards the game – the very same we appreciate among men. “When I play against rookies in the Italian league”, Raffaella tells me while considering how things have changed from her first season in Serie A1, back in 1996, “what strikes me the most is the amount of work these girls put in, on a daily basis, and the refinement of their preparation too.”

“They’re ready to compete from a mental standpoint also, and some of them seek the support of highly qualified mental coaches like Gabriele Bani. They are accustomed to thinking about their body like a machine, where every part needs to function properly. We’ve all learned about this way of thinking eventually, but the new generations were raised with this very idea in mind from the outset”.

All things considered, the future of the movement seems to be in a good spot. Raffaella is already part of the coaching staff for the U14 girls of Famila Schio, but she also envisions a career as a Front Office Executive once her playing days are over. “I’d love to see players getting together during the summer” she tells me, “in a sort of traveling camp, NBA-style, to train alongside each other. Those three months, without the pressure of actual games, are key to improving individual skills”.

Italian women 3x3 fiba basketball

What else is required to bring back the Italian national team to the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup, which they haven't been a part of since 1994?

The table is set to see women become the new face of Italian basketball; a positive and inspiring face, a sight for sore eyes after the recent, troubled years of men’s basketball, vexed by disappointments and personal grudges. The current men’s national team’s cycle is almost over, and it has not fulfilled its potential. Behind NBA stars like Gallinari, Belinelli and Bargnani, the scene failed to push the domestic league to higher standards; teams are struggling to keep their economies sustainable and young players rarely find chances to showcase their talent.

During this chat we’ve tackled many times the discrepancy between “high” and “low”, the “above” and “below”: teams and individualities, trends and sports politics, the fight for victory and the fight to accept our own emotions. In this 2018 summer, Italian female basketball speaks the language of 3x3, and the best thing to do, in order to ascertain how healthy the basketball movement is, is to hit the road and experience its deepest, most humble and most popular soul.

On the playgrounds, basketball is still mostly a men’s sport. Why is that, I ask Giulia? “As a child, me and my sister were often the only girls on the playground” she tells me. “Boys are always amazed to spot a girl playing basketball, and scoring lots of buckets in their faces, for good measure. I think this serves as an extra motivation for us, but it would be nice to go to the playground and see more girls than guys, for a change. Whether it’s a World Cup or a neighbourhood tournament, everybody wants to win: sometimes, because of the imbalance between genders, girls lack confidence and are hesitant to join the game”.

To become a positive blueprint for the entire scene, Italian female basketball has emerged on the playground. Between the lines, it seems we can read an invitation: to appreciate the game in its purest form, to celebrate the fun that exists even outside of ‘professional’ sports - however you’re defining that term. It’s not by accident that every photo from Italy’s road to the 3x3 gold medal suggests the same word: joy.

Through basketball, joy can become the most contagious feeling, more powerful than any ‘trend’.

Andrea Cassini