Bruce Maxwell remains the lone protester in a white man's game

Nick Stellini

Bruce Maxwell remains the lone protester in a white man's game image

It’s been more than a week since Bruce Maxwell first took a knee during the national anthem, joining athletes across many sports to protest police brutality and racial socioeconomic inequality. He was first MLB player to do so, and likely will be the only one for a while.

Given that it was so stunning in the first place that a baseball player protested, we shouldn’t be surprised that the season came to an end Sunday without anyone else taking a knee.

Baseball is a white sport. It’s largely played by white players, and its primary market is older whites. It’s the oldest popular professional sport, with its records dating back to the late 1800’s. Because of this, it’s steeped in a sense of tradition that is exceedingly white. Baseball’s problem with racism and white dominance didn’t end the second Jackie Robinson put on a Dodgers uniform. 

The culture of baseball looks down on self-expression and large amounts of individualism. Don’t celebrate home runs or strikeouts too much, don’t do anything too crazy with your hair, and definitely don’t do anything political that doesn’t universally and unquestioningly praise America. Far too often it’s players of color who are the targets of this scorn.

GALLERY: National anthem protests in the NFL

Latin players are criticized for playing with too much flair and showing up opponents, for not “playing the game the right way.” Some of the most talented and productive players of color in the league are lambasted for being “lazy,” but you’d be hard-pressed to find a below-average white player who hasn’t been lauded for his “grit.”

Black players have learned to keep their heads down. The Orioles' Adam Jones told USA Today’s Bob Nightengale last year that black players have “two strikes against [them] already” when asked why no black baseball players were protesting during the anthem. That’s why Maxwell’s protest was so stunning, to say nothing of his status as an African-American player with less than a year’s worth of service time in the league. 

Only two African-American men managed in the big leagues this year, and only one Latino man. The racial makeup of MLB’s team ownership is overwhelmingly white. The mindset and control permeates from the top down. This is the nature of things in the game. It is a white man’s game, by and for white men.

It would be grossly irresponsible to call all white players, coaches and executives within the game racists. But a lack of non-white voices within the game leads to a loss of vital perspectives and ideas to which white individuals may not otherwise be exposed. You also don't have to actively engage in racism to hurt the causes of people of color. Simply looking at the status quo and deeming it acceptable is essentially deeming inequality acceptable.

Of course, black players aren't kept out of the game entirely because of racism. Youth baseball is an incredibly expensive game to play at a high level. The equipment costs a lot, and playing on travel teams and going to showcases to be noticed by scouts costs even more. Black Americans make much less per capita than white Americans, which means it's less likely that they'll be able to afford all that.

FOSTER: Bruce Maxwell shatters silly narrative of America-hating protester

The game doesn’t lack for outspoken black athletes, though. Veterans such as Jones and CC Sabathia aren’t shy about making their opinions known. Jones has spoken frequently about the role of race in the game, and found himself at the center of a national controversy after fans in Boston yelled racial slurs at him earlier this year. Sabathia told the Daily News that he would not go to the White House to meet President Donald Trump if the Yankees won the World Series.

Chris Archer is another relatively outspoken player. When asked whether he thought about joining Maxwell in protest, Archer responded: “From the feedback I’ve gotten from my teammates, I don’t think it would be the best thing for me to do, at this time.”

That quote speaks volumes. Archer doesn’t feel comfortable speaking up about an important civil rights issue because of the climate in the Rays clubhouse. It makes one wonder how many black athletes on other teams feel the same way. It also shows how impressive the players in the Oakland clubhouse are for supporting Maxwell in his decision to protest.

Of course, it’s not just black players who have the capacity to protest. Racial inequality demands attention from people from all colors. The notion that black lives do in fact matter, which is somehow viewed as controversial and divisive these days, is a cause that every human should champion.

John Wall of the Washington Wizards put it best, saying that this will just be a brown person’s cause until white people take it seriously and join in. Maxwell is a little-known player on a team that doesn’t get much national coverage. Even if someone such as Jones, Sabathia or Archer joined, it would still unfairly be viewed as a niche issue within baseball. Until white players (and, indeed white people in general) join in on these protests, it will be dismissed.

As Maxwell and others have pointed out, the protests are not aimed at the military, and do not deny the heroism of the first responders that save countless lives. They simply demand that police brutality against minorities come to an end, that the senseless killings of unarmed men and women of color be tolerated no more, and that the killers who abuse their positions of power be brought to justice. If that goal is a bridge too far, the we as a society are truly lost.

Maxwell is a pioneer who has gone against the grain of everything that baseball culture tried to teach him. For that he should be lauded. He may just be alone in his protest for a while to come.

Nick Stellini