WWE Elimination Chamber 2023 results, match grades: Roman Reigns beats hometown hero Sami Zayn in classic

Daniel Yanofsky

WWE Elimination Chamber 2023 results, match grades: Roman Reigns beats hometown hero Sami Zayn in classic image

An emotional night in Montreal ended with Roman Reigns once again walking out of an arena as the Undisputed WWE Universal champion. Despite losing, Sami Zayn proved for a brief moment that anything is possible. 

Reigns beat Zayn in front of 17,000-plus fans at Bell Centre on Saturday to remain champion and extend his hold on the belt to more than 900 days. Getting to that point was an emotional roller coaster in a bout that is an early front-runner for Match of the Year.  

The crowd was in full support of Zayn and against Reigns. It was reminiscent of RVD vs. John Cena in New York in 2006 and CM Punk vs. Cena in Chicago in 2011. Reigns realized this. Knowing that Zayn's wife was in attendance, he attempted to shake up the Zayn family. They didn't give in to Reigns' mind games and fought with valor. 

After multiple referee bumps, The Bloodline finally involved itself in the match. First was Jimmy Uso. Then Jey appeared. Jey, who had a special relationship with Zayn, was conflicted following Zayn's betrayal at the Royal Rumble. Reigns gave him a chair, but he would not use it. There appeared to be more tension with Reigns and Jey, but Jey also didn't support Zayn. In the end, Reigns pinned Zayn, leaving the crowd deflated and sad. 

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Zayn continued getting assaulted after the match until Kevin Owens came out. Best friends since they started wrestling, Owens and Zayn acknowledged one another but didn't embrace. Where that leaves the two of them, the Usos and Reigns heading into WrestleMania is unknown. What we do know outside of that is that Reigns will face Cody Rhodes for the title at WrestleMania 39. 

Also on the card: Logan Paul attacked Seth Rollins, potentially setting up a WrestleMania match between the two. Attacking Rollins allowed Austin Theory to retain the WWE United States title. At the post-event press conference, Theory said he wanted to have a U.S. title open challenge. Edge, who with Beth Phoenix beat Finn Balor and Rhea Ripley, accepted the challenge. 

Another WrestleMania match was set Saturday when Asuka won the women's Elimination Chamber match. She will face Bianca Belair for the WWE "Raw" women's title. 

The Sporting News provided results, match grades, and highlights from the Elimination Chamber event.

MORE: WWE WrestleMania 39 date, start time, channel

WWE Elimination Chamber 2023 results, highlights

Welcome to The Sporting News' coverage of WWE's Elimination Chamber event. Montreal is already loud as the fans are ready for a fun night. 

Michael Cole brought up Survivor Series 1997, aka The Montreal Screwjob. Oh, tonight should be fun. 

The women's Elimination Chamber match opens the card. Asuka has not blinked once since she entered the Chamber. 

Asuka wins women's Elimination Chamber, will face Bianca Belair at WrestleMania

Canada's own Natalya started things off against Liv Morgan. Morgan whipped Natalya into the chains on the cage. Natalya whipped her against the cage a few times. Raquel Rodriguez came out next and used her size to take everyone down. She tried to double-team them but Natalya and Morgan forced her to eat steel. Nikki Cross was out next. Cross was a true force, using her unpredictability and the environment to her advantage. Meanwhile, Carmella taunted everyone from her pod. 

Speaking of Carmella's pod, Cross climbed up and jumped off it to the other competitors. Carmella came out next. She went back in the pod but jumped out as Rodriguez slammed Cross through it. Cross was eliminated. Morgan was on top of Asuka's pod and hit a sunset flip to Rodriguez, but only for two. Asuka came out to a loud ovation and started beating up on Carmella. The crowd went wild as she dominated but didn't get a pin on anyone. 

Carmella hit a kick to Morgan and Natalya landed the Sharpshooter. Asuka added a submission of her own and Morgan was eliminated. Natalya was eliminated by Carmella. Carmella and Asuka teamed up against Rodriguez and eliminated her. Superkick by Carmella to Asuka for a scary close two. They traded moves until Carmella was forced to tap out. 

Asuka is going to WrestleMania to face Bianca Belair. The outcome may have been predictable, but how we got there was entertaining and brutal.

Grade: A-

Bobby Lashley def. Brock Lesnar via DQ

The third singles match between Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley starts now. Lesnar has Canadian citizenship, and everyone in Montreal loves him.

He took Lashley to Suplex City right away, forcing Lashley outside the ring. Back in the ring, Lashley speared Lesnar. Another spear by Lashley. F5 by Lesnar. Another F5 by Lesnar but only for two. A third F5 attempt but Lashley speared Lesnar again.

Lashley locked in the Hurt Lock but Lesnar went low. Lesnar won via DQ. He then hit the F5 on the referee and then Lashley. Lesnar hit the F5 on Lashley onto the announce table to end things. He did the same to the referee.  

While DQ results are not favorable, everyone knows you can’t have another Lesnar-Lashley match without a definitive finish. It was fun while it lasted, though. Looks like these two will see one another at WrestleMania.

Grade: C+

MMA legend Georges St-Pierre and Ariel Helwani are shown in the crowd. 

Edge and Beth Phoenix vs. Finn Balor and Rhea Ripley is up next. Edge needs his revenge, but Ripley losing so close to WrestleMania wouldn't be ideal.

Edge & Beth Phoenix topple Judgement Day

Edge and Balor started the match. Edge bullied Balor by the ropes and Phoenix attacked Balor. Both women entered the ring, and they tried to outpower the other. Clothelines were exchanged, to the delight of the crowd. Dominik Mysterio gave some advice to Ripley. Riptide attempt but Phoenix landed a big clothesline. Dominik was forced to run after he distracted Phoenix but he returned not long after.

It was a struggle for Phoenix to get to Edge. Phoenix was getting manhandled by Ripley. She escaped, landing chops to Ripley and a superplex. Edge finally came in and cleaned house. He went for the Sharpshooter, Phoenix speared Ripley, and they both locked in the move. Dominik distracted the referee. Edge was hit by brass knuckles but Phoenix stopped the count (they did botch the move). Chaos unfolded as the crowd was now deflated. Tower of Doom powerbomb spot brought the crowd back to life.  

Ripley went for the chair shot on the steps but Phoenix escaped. Glam Slam on the outside by Ripley. Edgecution by Edge followed by a suicide dive to Dominik, and then a spear attempt was blocked. He landed a spear, and a Shatter Machine with Phoenix won them the match. 

Balor ate the pin as Ripley couldn't afford to. Edge got his revenge. Hopefully, the rivalry is over following a good match. 

Grade: B-

The men's match for the WWE United States title is up next. Champion Austin Theory is going into a pod first. Johnny Gargano vs. Seth "Freakin'" Rollins starts things off. Can't go wrong with that. 

Austin Theory retains U.S. title, Logan Paul returns and attacks Seth Rollins

Rollins and Gargano traded moves to start the match, with Gargano spearing Rollins onto the hard floor. Theory was next, and he immediately went toward rival Rollins. He attacked Gargano, his former mentor. It backfired on Theory as Rollins and Gargago locked a pod to take down Theory. Damian Priest entered the match and cleaned house. Theory continued to get destroyed by the competition. Following a series of moves, Priest was the last man standing. 

Bronson Reed was next. He manhandled Rollins and Gargano. Priest and Reed exchanged moves in an impressive battle of the big men. Reed splashed Priest into the pod, but it did not break. Montez Ford was the last to enter, meaning the Chamber was full. As expected, Ford picked up the speed. Ford tried doing a Rock impression but it failed. Everyone tried to take down Reed, to no avail. Ford climbed up the Chamber, all the way to the ceiling. He dropped down on everyone. His singles run, whenever that is, will be great. 

Reed was getting teamed up on. A Stomp and a Frog Splash later, and Reed was the first eliminated. Rollins, Gargano, Priest and Theory all climbed the cage. Rollins and Gargano got on top of the pod, Rollins tried a powerbomb and Gargano countered with a hurricanrana off the top to the others. Wow! Gargano was on fire until Priest hit the Razor's Edge for the elimination. A Blockbuster by Ford and Rollins eliminated Priest. Rollins and Ford had an exchange, and then Ford went wild once again. Ford tried for a Frog Splash but Theory countered. Rollins hit a Stomp and Ford was eliminated. 

Ford needed medical attention. Rollins hit the Pedigree on Theory. Logan Paul entered the match thanks to the open door and took out Rollins. He landed the Stomp on Rollins and locked the Chamber back up. Theory landed his finishing move to retain the U.S. title. 

What a match! Ford had a star-making performance, and everyone delivered. Paul entering the match means we are getting Paul vs. Rollins at WrestleMania. What's next for Theory? 

Grade: A

All right, it's time for the main event. Sami Zayn is challenging Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal title. What a great story. Reigns is coming out first, which is normally not a good sign for the champion. Is WWE just trolling us? Montreal LOVES them some Zayn. The vibe is electric.

Roman Reigns def. hometown hero Sami Zayn in emotional classic

Reigns appeared to have some doubt as the crowd's respect for Zayn got to him. They finally locked up after four minutes, with Reigns taking control. Reigns used his power to establish dominance. Zayn took Reigns out of the ring and dived to the outside onto him. By the corner, Zayn unloaded on Reigns and landed an elbow, but only for one. Big right by Reigns dropped Zayn and then he hit the drive-by on the outside. Zayn was struggling as Reigns started to speak to the crowd. 

Reigns taunted Zayn's wife at ringside. Zayn attempted to fight back, but to no avail. Huge clothesline by Zayn finally connected. He took Reigns down again and toward the outside. With his wife watching, Zayn beat up Reigns. The couple then kissed. Once back in the ring, Reigns tried to hurt Zayn on top, but Zayn landed a sunset flip powerbomb, though only for two. A Rock Bottom by Reigns. Zayn went for the Superman Punch but landed an exploder instead. Reigns went for the Helluva Kick but landed the Superman Punch. 

Reigns teased the spear, but Zayn jumped. Another exploder by Zayn. He landed the Superman Punch and then the Helluva Kick, but only for two. Reigns ducked out of the ring. Zayn almost landed a middle-rope DDT but Reigns countered. Reigns missed a spear and went through the barricade. Zayn put Reigns in the ring and landed a Blue Thunder Bomb, but only for two. Reigns backed Zayn into the referee, who went down. Helluva Kick by Zayn but the ref was down for the cover. 

Jimmy Uso came out and attacked Zayn. A new official came out for a Reigns pin attempt but Zayn kicked out. The crowd was elated. The wrestlers exchanged blows in the ring to "yays" and "boos." Zayn had Reigns by the corner and outside. He kicked Jimmy out of the ring, and a spear by Reigns only got two.

Reigns taunted Zayn again, saying he is nothing without him. Zayn slapped Reigns, and Reigns then Superman Punched the ref. They exchanged Superman Punches. Paul Heyman got a chair for Reigns. Jey Uso came out. Standing in the middle of Reigns and Zayn, Reigns gave Jey the chair. He dropped the chair and Reigns slapped Jey. Zayn accidentally attacked Jey. The emotions! 

Reigns hit Zayn with the chair. Reigns hit the spear and got the three. 

It was unknown what exactly WWE would do with this match. It didn't pull the trigger on a hot Zayn, which may disappoint fans. But his story is not over. An excellent match that featureed all the emotions you could ask for in a wrestling program. Now we wait to see what happens. 

Grade: A+

Jimmy attacked Zayn after. Kevin Owens came out and attacked Jimmy to a thunderous ovation. Owens took down Reigns and stunned him and Jimmy. He powerbombed Jimmy on the table. Heyman tried to attack Owens and got stunned. Owens got out of the way for Zayn to hit the Helluva Kick to Reigns. 

WWE Elimination Chamber 2023 results 

  • Roman Reigns (c) def. Sami Zayn for the Undisputed WWE Universal title
  • Austin Theory (c) def. Seth "Freakin" Rollins, Johnny Gargano, Bronson Reed, Damian Priest, and Montez Ford in an Elimination Chamber match for the WWE United States title
  • Edge and Beth Phoenix def. The Judgment Day (Finn Balor and Rhea Ripley)
  • Bobby Lashley def. Brock Lesnar via DQ
  • Asuka def. Liv Morgan, Nikki Cross, Raquel Rodriguez, Natalya and Carmella in an Elimination Chamber match to determine the No. 1 contender for the "Raw" women's title

Daniel Yanofsky