Are detox health drinks the answer to beating hangovers?

Gloria Fung

Are detox health drinks the answer to beating hangovers? image

From swallowing spoonfuls of butter before a long night of drinking to sticking to a one-to-one drink-to-water ration, there are plenty of hacks people use to avoid nasty hangovers after a night of drinking. According to a paper published in Harvard Health Publishing,  there are several ways to ease a hangover. 

Dehydration, overstimulation followed by withdrawal and an excessive intake of sugars in cocktails and wines cause headaches, nausea and overall grogginess. 

Despite various products on the market, from vitamins-like pills to energy drinks, that claim to provide an instant cure to the dreaded hangover, research seems to point to the disappointing fact that they don’t work. 

According to research published in the peer-reviewed journal Addiction, there is little evidence hangover cures on the market have any on easing hangovers. The study, conducted at  King’s College London and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, found remedies such as clove extract, red ginseng and Korean pear juice to be of little benefit. 

Despite so, addressing the symptoms might be the best course of action when dealing with the unpleasantness. Brands like Hong Kong-based soda producer Eve are taking on a detoxing approach rather than focusing on beating hangovers alone. 

Athletes and those dealing with dehydration have long turned to electrolyte-infused beverages to speed up rehydration. However, various essential nutrients are also vital for beating muscle soreness, headaches and fatigue. 

Photo: Eve Recovery Soda
Photo: EvePhoto: Eve Recovery Soda

Infused with herbs and fruits and loaded with vitamin B6, B12 and C, Eve acts as a detox after a night of partying. Its founder Amy Tsien says it’s much more than a hangover fix; it’s an ‘urban detox’ and a mood booster. Not dissimilar to detox smoothies, beverages like Eve and the US-based Teatonic Fresh Pop provide a quick nutrient boost to the system.

Ingredients such as anti-inflammatory Japanese turmeric and Potassium Chloride work together to ease muscle tension and tiredness and target detoxification rather than those pounding headaches alone. 

The King’s College London-driven research shows the best course of action to eliminate hangovers is to stay away from alcohol. If the study is any indication,  there’s no magic potion to relieve the discomfort instantly; addressing the underlying symptoms might be the best course of action after a night of overindulgence. 

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Gloria Fung

Gloria Fung Photo

Health & Fitness Editor