Bryan Price is obscenely wrong, even beyond his obscenities

Jesse Spector

Bryan Price is obscenely wrong, even beyond his obscenities image

Bryan Price’s apology on Tuesday morning was worse than his tirade on Monday afternoon.

The rant that turned Price from a nationally anonymous manager of a struggling Reds team into a household name overnight was peppered with, as C. Trent Rosecrans of the Cincinnati Enquirer tallied, 77 uses of the F-word "or a variant and 11 uses of a vulgar term for feces (two bovine, one equine),” not to mention the creative “p— up a rope.”

Bryan Price (Getty Images)

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After getting to sleep on it, Price put out an apology through the Reds’ Twitter feed, saying, “I used wholly inappropriate language to describe the media coverage of our team. While I stand by the content of my message, I am sorry for the choice of words.”

Rosecrans is a grown-up, and has been the target of worse tirades than the one Price unleashed, such as when Reds second baseman Brandon Phillips went to a personal level and called him a “fat motherf—“ for criticizing his on-base percentage. No virgin ears heard uncensored audio of Price. While it is nice for him to apologize for the torrent of obscenities, he is completely wrong to stand by the content of his message.

Here’s the exchange that Price should be apologizing for, with the profanity removed in order to better get to the heart of the issue.

Price: "I just want to know how we benefit from these people (knowing) we don’t have a player here. Can you answer that? How is that good for the Reds?"

Rosecrans: "I don’t know."

Price: "Yeah, well it’s making my job harder."

Rosecrans: "I’m sure it is."

Price: "Well, thank you. I don’t know if that’s what we’re supposed to do. … I just want an answer on how we benefit from (the Cardinals) knowing that Devin Mesoraco isn’t here."

Rosecrans: "I don’t think you do, and I don’t think that’s my job."

Price: "Your job is not to sniff out everything about the Reds and put it out there for every other guy to hear. It’s not your job."

It is precisely his job.

In this case, Rosecrans didn’t even have to deal with any anonymous sources to report that Mesoraco had not been traveling with the Reds, nor that Tucker Barnhart was getting called up from Triple-A Louisville. All Rosecrans did was get on a plane and report the two players were his fellow passengers en route to St. Louis. He even added in his report that Barnhart had been instructed not to tweet about his promotion to the big leagues.

It’s Barnhart’s job as a Reds employee to follow those instructions. Rosecrans is a journalist, and a darn good one at that, and he saw players from the Reds in a public place. Any person on the plane who had recognized Mesoraco and Banhart, who are public figures, easily could have snapped a photo of them, put it on Twitter and been their own newsbreakers in this scenario. That Rosecrans is one of the few people who would actually recognize them, well, bad luck for the Reds, and if you want to keep your players’ movement secret, set up an account with NetJets.

Price’s position is that the Enquirer somehow owes it to the Reds not to print things that would put the team at a competitive disadvantage. He fundamentally misunderstands the role of independent media, which for a manager in his second season in the major leagues is not the least bit understandable. He feels that it is a quid pro quo for his own honesty in his dealings with the media.

Price: "I talk to you guys like men, I tell you what’s going on with the team, I tell you how I’m feeling as candidly as possible and then this? You’ve got to watch this? I’ve got to read on a tweet on our own people in here that we don’t have a player? How does that benefit the Reds?"

It doesn’t, and it’s not supposed to. Just because Price has, at least in his view, been candid with the media does not mean that journalists stop doing their jobs. The Enquirer is not the Reds’ mouthpiece.

Tony La Russa understood this when he managed the Cardinals and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch ran an article in 2007 that needled the Cubs over their then-99 year championship drought. La Russa said that he would not answer questions from the Post-Dispatch during that weekend’s series with Chicago, and then things became heated.

“I know it’s the editor who makes those decisions, but I have a couple of ways to do it,” La Russa said. “The one way I’m gonna do it, I’m not gonna answer questions from the Post-Dispatch. If you disagree with that, write that you disagree with it. I don’t care. I really don’t. What I care is that I don’t put my stamp in any way, shape or form on a cheap shot like that to a major league organization. I’m saying it. I’m saying it right now. You’re recording it, you can write it, but I chose not to talk to the Post-Dispatch and that’s what I’m gonna do.”

If Price wanted to zip his lip, either by giving non-answers to questions from Rosecrans or his paper, or by simply going into Bill Belichick mode, that option is available to him. Plenty of managers and coaches across the sports world have had hostile relationships with the media. Plenty have had friendly relationships, too. The thing that remains the same regardless of the tenor between skipper and reporter is that the reporter’s job is to report, without regard for whether the facts of the story are beneficial to the subject of the story.

MORE: Listen to the censored audio from Deadspin below. We have to caution listeners about the inappropriate language. Those beeps only do so much.

Jesse Spector