Israel Folau opens up about controversial social media post which led to Rugby Australia contract termination

Mark Molyneux

Israel Folau opens up about controversial social media post which led to Rugby Australia contract termination image

Israel Folau has opened up on the termination of his contract with Rugby Australia after he refused to back down from a controversial post he made on social media in 2019.

The aftermath resulted in Folau being ostracised from the game as he became a heavily criticised figure for expressing strong religious beliefs. 

"When I put up the post, I never thought that I’d get terminated for it," Folau told The Sporting News' Ebbs and Flows podcast. "It just never crossed my mind."

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Israel Folau opens up about controversial social media post which led to Rugby Australia contract termination

Folau admitted that before the controversial incident occurred, which ultimately ended in him being cut from the Waratahs and Wallabies, he had asked for his faith to be tested.

"A couple of months before it all happened, I said a prayer and asked God to bring a challenge on that would really test my faith," Folau said. 

"If I say I’m a man of faith, I don’t just want to say it giving lip service. I want it to be genuine. I asked to be put through something that would test me.

"I asked it not really thinking that he was going to give it, so when it all unfolded, I remember that moment."

Folau was publicly lambasted for his opinions when he put up a post on Instagram and Twitter that claimed "hell awaits" for "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists and idolaters".

A four-year deal he signed a year previously was promptly torn up after he had already received a warning from RA for posting a homophobic comment on social media. 

However, despite the public backlash, Folau remains steadfast in his belief he made the right call to not apologise and distance himself from the comments in order to keep his contract.

"I got offered a couple of times to take that post down and they wouldn’t terminate my deal," he said.

"So, the hardest part was being tempted to [take it down] and part of the deal was to issue an apology.

"I thought about it deeply, but this is important to me. Very important. It’s actually the most important thing to me, so I wasn’t going to back down."

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Folau took aim at the media for their treatment of his comments and claimed they took them out of context.

"A lot of people misunderstood the actual post, and the media played a huge part in taking it and spinning that one word," Folau said.

"If you know me personally, you’d know the intention behind the post. But the media played a huge part in taking it and spinning it the way they wanted to.

"I think that built all that pressure and momentum which went that way and ended up with me getting terminated."

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Five years on from the incident, Folau has sought to reiterate that his comments didn’t come from a hateful place.

"It obviously comes from the point of view of faith," he said.

"I believe in the Bible and what that says, which is why I stand by the post.

"In terms of hate, or anything towards the LGBT community, I don’t. My intention from the heart is to spread love based on what I believe from what the Bible says.

"I think there was a lot of pressure from the sponsors at the time and that’s why they made the decision, which I understand from a business point of view. 

"In the end, I’m a firm believer in God controlling all things, so it was out of my hands. The outcome was not in my control and that gave me a lot of peace and understanding during that time."

Although Folau admitted he was surprised by the reaction to his post, noting how his beliefs are widely held within society.

"I did see it as unfair at the time," Folau said.

"It was just my belief and it’s a universal belief across all Christians. I’m not the only one who believes in that. Even though I publicly posted it, I’m not on my own with this."

Folau declared he didn’t regret making the post outlining his religious beliefs as it acted as a further reinforcement of his faith.

"I can look back now and confidently say I’m glad I went through it, and I wouldn’t change it," Folau said.

"If I could go back in time and change certain things, I wouldn’t. The growth I’ve gotten from it is worth it." 

Folau's decision saw him miss out on selection for the Rugby World Cup in Japan as his contract was cancelled but he claimed it was the first of many occasions where high-profile players put their faith first. 

"You’re starting to see that it’s a lot more common now – guys coming out and expressing that they're a man of faith," Folau noted.

"You saw it with what happened to me in 2019 and the Manly guys where they had that little hiccup with the jersey.

"Those guys stood for what they firmly believed in and to some extent it’s just about understanding each other.

"I think you can agree to disagree – that’s the world we live in," Folau continued. 

"You talk about tolerance - being tolerant and inclusive. But those things have to go both ways. It’s not just a one-way street."

Mark Molyneux

Mark Molyneux Photo

Mark Molyneux is a freelance writer covering the NRL and UFC for Sporting News Australia. He has previously worked in the music industry and as a teacher around the world.