Wayne Bennett's first day: Master coach takes the helm at South Sydney

Adam Lucius

Wayne Bennett's first day: Master coach takes the helm at South Sydney image

Five minutes before the start of Wayne Bennett’s first press conference as South Sydney coach, the media was told he would not be taking any questions on Brisbane.

“If you keep asking, he’ll walk out,” we were warned.

As one seasoned reporter quickly noted: “He’s not in Brisbane anymore.”

Definitely not.

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It’s hard to imagine Bennett struggling to be heard at a Broncos press conference over the sound of a council lawnmower.

Or fighting off the sweet smell of stale urine from a nearby stairwell.

This is Redfern, not Red Hill.

So the questions about his abrupt exit - slash sacking - from Brisbane started and didn’t stop.

Was he heart-broken?

“Do I look heart-broken?” he replied with his best Gran Torino grin.

Probed further about the circumstances surrounding his dumping, the 68-year-old responded politely but firmly: “That can wait for another day. I’m not here to go into detail.”

So the questions kept coming…and coming.

But still no walk-out, perhaps in part because he was sandwiched between John Sutton and Sam Burgess with little room to escape.

Or perhaps it was more to do with a lack of familiarity with the Redfern layout.

He doesn’t yet know all the escape routes.  

“I’ve said enough, okay,” Bennett declared a little more sternly when one final Brisbane question was launched.

The inquisition stopped dead in its tracks.

Bennett had started his first day as Souths coach dressed in a new club-issued polo shirt and shorts, cap pulled down tight, eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses and with hands firmly in pockets.

Then he leant against a goalpost.

Occasionally he walked towards the players and pulled out a piece of paper, perhaps using photos to match the names to faces of some of the players now under his watch.

He slowly moved from the northern end of the ground to the southern and back again, hardly uttering a word but just quietly taking everything in.

Lurking with intent.

All he needed was a schooner in hand and he’d have looked like a bloke stationed a foot from the dancefloor waiting for the right song before making his move.

Nearby a bloke who looked like he’d been waging war with the best Carlton & United could throw at him watched training from the adjacent park as his dog took a massive dump.

The dog owner shrugged his shoulders and walked off.

Just another small reminder we were at Redfern, not Red Hill.

As the session drew to the end, Bennett began to impose himself more on the playing group.

He mingled with coaching staff, saying a word here, making a suggestion there.

Senior players Sutton, Burgess, Adam Reynolds and Cody Walker were pulled aside for a chat.

Burgess and coach shared a joke.

And with that, Wayne Bennett’s first session as Rabbitohs boss was done and dusted and he entered his first press conference to the sound of loud applause from excited locals.

This promises to be one helluva ride.

Adam Lucius