NRL 2020: Cronulla Sharks the big losers in Valentine Holmes' return

Adam Lucius

NRL 2020: Cronulla Sharks the big losers in Valentine Holmes' return image

Val Holmes’ first press conference as a North Queensland Cowboy went for around 20 minutes.

Cronulla got one, two-second mention.

Amid all the back-slapping and self-congratulations going on up in Townsville, spare a thought for the Sharks.

They are the big losers in all this.

They discovered Holmes when he somehow slipped the net of the sleepy North Queensland recruitment team and made his way to Sydney’s south armed with a ton of raw talent and potential.

He was just 17.

Over the next few years Cronulla developed him into arguably the best winger in the game.

Premiership success was closely followed by State of Origin glory and national recognition.

MORE: Cowboys thrilled to land 'big-game player' Valentine Holmes

Then, 12 months ago, Holmes suddenly announced he wanted a split from the NRL to pursue a new dream.

The ‘R’ was replaced with a ‘F’. The NFL was now his thing, despite his only connection being via fantasy league.

Don’t worry about the minor detail of him having a year to run on his Sharks deal.

Or the fact Cronulla had settled on its 2019 roster, with Holmes very much front and centre.

Paul Gallen’s last year as a one-club man?

Nah brah, catch ya later.

Cronulla had put an offer to Holmes midway through 2018 that would have made him the highest paid player in their 50-year history.   

They gave his partner a job at the club

But the love was not reciprocated.

Holmes hadn’t bothered clearing things with the Sharks before declaring he was swapping Bonnet Bay for the Big Apple.

Minor detail.

There was an unspoken threat Holmes would sulk through his final year if Cronulla didn’t grant him an immediate release.

Who wants an unhappy player on their books?

So, the early exit was granted and they waved their best player goodbye with forced smiles and some flimsy agreement he will give them first right of refusal should he return.

The refusal never came because it was never offered.

The 24-year-old was always going to head home to Townsville once the NFL dream died an inevitable death.

Cronulla have never fully recovered from Holmes’ abrupt departure.

They picked up Shaun Johnson on the rebound but it’s hardly turned out a like for like replacement. 

The Cowboys’ gloating social media feeds on Monday were laced with highlights of Holmes tearing it up for the Sharks, like the new boyfriend parading away your glamour ex.

Paul Green looked convinced when he said every NRL fan should be happy Holmes is back in the game.

Try telling that to Sharks fans, Greeny.

Adam Lucius