State of Origin: Do Red Bulls explain Kevin Walters' behaviour?

Adam Lucius

State of Origin: Do Red Bulls explain Kevin Walters' behaviour? image

It might just be the best explanation yet for the bizarre behaviour of Queensland coach Kevin Walters during his first 24 hours in Origin camp.

Chief NSW adviser Greg Alexander cheekily suggested Walters may have overdosed on energy drinks after the Maroons boss declared all-out war on the Blues and then boldly predicted the Maroons would definitely win game one on June 5.

Walters then went a step further by refusing to mention NSW by name in interviews – they are now southerners - and requesting local journalists not ask his players questions about the Blues.

The under-pressure Maroons boss is apparently reading off a tip sheet provided by mind coach Bradley Stubbs.

But the change in personality from the normally ‘no BS’ Walters personality has left everyone a little perplexed.    

“I didn’t see it (the Walters interview) but I’ve heard about it. Someone said he might have had one too many Red Bulls,” Alexander told Sporting News.

“I don’t know whether Kev thought he had to do something different but I have seen him talk about Queensland in the past and get a bit emotional.

“I guess this was just more of that.”

NSW coach Brad Fittler did have the market cornered for wackiness until Walters unexpectedly raised the bar.

But the cosmos has told Freddie not to make it personal. 

Asked about Walters ‘war’ line, a laidback Freddie removed his shoes to feel the earth before replying: “Origin’s as physical as it gets in our game and our game’s among the most physical in the world.

“We always say it’s the closest thing to war and we will be ready for war come June 5.

“But we’re eight days away – I don’t think they’re going to smash us at the moment.”

Pressed on Walters’ sudden personality change, Fittler said: “I don’t take too much notice.

“Too much to think about for me. I try to keep it as simple as possible.

“I can’t think that much. I didn’t see it but I was told he was very emotional.

“They wear maroon and we don’t like them. Simple.”

Adam Lucius