NRL referees: Matt Cecchin may head to Super League and Todd Greenberg needs to get involved

Angus Reid

NRL referees: Matt Cecchin may head to Super League and Todd Greenberg needs to get involved image

Despite some terrific football being played during the 2018 NRL season, much of the chatter surrounding rugby league has been around the referees and their constant mistakes.

Week in, week out, we tend to hear about a decision that cost a team victory, with on-field refs, touch judges, or the dreaded Bunker causing havoc among the rugby league community. Refs boss Bernard Sutton is at the forefront of most people's issues, with his constant promoting of brother Gerard getting everyone offside.

During the most recent round, three specific refereeing blunders come to mind. There was a suspected forward pass that cost the Knights a huge victory, a bizarre sin-binning which led fans to blow their top, and finally, a strip that occurred right under a refs nose that went unnoticed.

NRL CEO Todd Greenberg, who over the weekend went to Singapore with ARL chairman Peter Beattie to discuss the international game, has copped it from fans almost every day of the season for his handling of the many issues currently in the game, most notably, the ref's department.

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Matt Cecchin, who the average rugby league fan will describe as easily the best official in the game, hasn't been featured in the top games that he deserves in 2018. Now, he is reportedly looking at other options overseas because of his continual relegation. For Origin, Ashley Klein and Gerard Sutton were the chosen whistleblowers.

2GB Morning Show host Ray Hadley revealed why Cecchin was dropped for this year's State of Origin series, with an NRL source suggested Cecchin was allegedly accused of leaking information to the media in a meeting with the senior of the Suttons and referees' coach Russell Smith.

"I'm told Cecchin asked what proof the accusers had of their allegations. I'm told they could offer no proof. I'm told Matt Cecchin as he was fully entitled to, stormed out of the office and slammed the door," Hadley said.

Peter Peters is sick and tired of the issues and excuses that come out of the refereeing department and believes Greenberg needs to pull his finger out and get involved.

"Absolutely the NRL needs to come clean about why Matt Cecchin isn't being appointed to higher ranking games," Peters told Sporting News.

"There are rumours around that he may go to the English Super League.

"If that happens, and he's that frustrated with the hierarchy of the referees, then Todd Greenberg shouldn't have been in Singapore at an international conference, he should be here in Sydney having a chat today with a guy that has refereed grand finals and refereed them well.

"A guy that is respected by the fans, clubs and players. Todd needs to get to the bottom of this.

"This is an internal problem obviously, where there is this clique supposedly in the referees and Cecchin is on the outside looking in. Other referees with less ability are getting major games ahead of him.

"That's not good enough for our game, we aren't that well endowed with top class referees to have some sort of inner-sanctum going on.

"If this is happening, Greenberg needs to find out why if he's going, and why he would go."

Dean Ritchie delved deeper into refereeing issues, revealing there may be legal action taken against the league.

"The mail out of the refereeing department is that the atmosphere is toxic," Ritchie said.

"That's why a lot of referees are talking about having some sort of group action against the NRL.

"There's obviously the nepotism innuendo with the Sutton brothers being there, but certainly, Matt Cecchin is our number one referee, that's no open for debate.

"The fans and the punters know he's the number one ref and he's being overlooked. It's going to perhaps drive him to England, and that would be a terribly sad day."

Earlier this year, former head of refereeing Bill Harrigan lost his mind over the issues that are plaguing our game on a weekly basis.

"What happened to Matt Cecchin, what's he done? He is regarded as the number one referee in the game now, he's probably the most experienced referee in the game, and hasn't done anything wrong," Harrigan said on Triple M following the announcement of the Origin refs.

"Bernie Sutton comes out and says, 'the reason we didn't pick Cecchin is (because) he's slightly out of form.' Let me tell you if he was slightly out of form, and I don't think he is, but if he was, that would still be better than Ashley Klein on his best day.

"The boss Todd Greenberg's been quoted by saying, 'I've got to trust the people heading up departments and the processes we have in place, but in saying that, I've got to ultimately hold them accountable for their performance, and that's not just refereeing, but everybody in all areas of the game.'

"To me, that's Todd just saying, 'I'm not really happy with it and I'll hold them accountable.' That's strike one against those blokes Todd, don't let them get to strike two, you jump in next time and stop an injustice like this before it happens."

Angus Reid

Angus Reid Photo