NSW CEO David Trodden says police could take action over Blues sex tape claims

Troy Whittaker

NSW CEO David Trodden says police could take action over Blues sex tape claims image

NSWRL chief executive David Trodden says a police investigation could be conducted into the source of a viral sex tape that was alleged to involve a Blues player.

The Blues were hit by the accusation on Monday, two days out from the State of Origin series opener, as they boarded a plane to Queensland.

NSW quickly and strongly refuted claims that any of their players featured in the video and reported it to the NRL, who are looking into the matter.

MORE: NSW player falsely accused of sex tape claims considering legal options

The tape's release was supposedly an attempt to unsettle the Blues before Origin I.

Trodden believes police will consider taking action once the Blues are back in Sydney after Wednesday's clash with the Maroons.

"I think once the dust settles, it may well become a police matter," Trodden said on Tuesday.

"Because disseminating that sort of stuff and making allegations about people who are not connected with it, inferring that they are connected with it, that's very serious stuff.

"I think it's the sort of stuff that the police may well have an opinion on."

Trodden maintained NSW have not been affected by the drama as they steel themselves to face Queensland at Suncorp Stadium.

"It's got nothing to do with anyone in our team so I'm very confident it won't have any impact whatsoever on us," he said.

"I'm really disappointed that that sort of thing would happen to anybody. It's a pretty disgusting thing to do to anyone in any circumstance.

"You just wonder what motivates people to do that. I'm angry about it but I'm confident it won't have any impact on us."

Trodden said the player targeted by the malicious rumour is mostly unbothered by the ordeal.

"There's a particular allegation about one guy but it's not him, so he's fine," Trodden said.

" ... The timing's interesting, isn't it? It's difficult to speculate about motivations but there are people outside of the team that are dealing with it rather than the team itself.

"So we're really confident it won't impact on the team's preparation."

The NRL are expected to wait until the Blues return to the Harbour City before launching properly into their probe.

The NSWRL will also assist in attempting to uncover who uploaded the footage and made the allegation.

"We haven't really had time to do that as yet but I'm sure we will," Trodden said.

"... I think everyone seems to be comfortably satisfied that it's not anyone in our team that it's not anybody in our team that's involved."

The player accused of being in the explicit video is reportedly considering his legal options.

Troy Whittaker