Paul Gallen: NRL must reduce interchange to fix 'ridiculous' time-wasting

Angus Reid

Paul Gallen: NRL must reduce interchange to fix 'ridiculous' time-wasting image

NRL veteran Paul Gallen has called for the NRL to reduce interchanges and bring more fatigue into the game so that time-wasting is decreased.

Almost every week it seems that play is stopped for an absurd amount of time so that players can receive treatment for insignificant injuries.

Add that to the time spent talking to referees, checking decisions and waiting for scrums, and the game takes an age to complete.

Gallen, while he admitted that his body enjoys the extra rest, appreciates how frustrating it can be for fans who are hoping to see an entertaining game of rugby league.

MORE: Jack Wighton ban: Paul Gallen slams 'inconsistent' NRL

"As a player, the oldest in the competition, I don't mind it because I get a rest," Gallen said on 100% Footy.

"As a fan, who wants to see a war of attrition, the fittest, fastest, strongest team at the end of the day win, it's absolutely ridiculous.

"We stopped our game on the weekend with 30 seconds to go because (Viliame) Kikau got a cramp.

"If a bloke had got a head injury, a neck injury or something serious, then sure, stop the game.

"The amount of time they are stopping the game for is absolutely ridiculous.

"We talk about bringing the interchange down, we need to bring it down."

Australian Jillaroos player Ruan Sims understands the need to appeal to the fans but realises that there are more important things that need to be made sure of before any major decisions are made.

"As long as player welfare is not at risk, then I think we look at it," Sims said.

"If the referees can see that players are deliberately trying to slow the play down and chew up as much time as possible, then nip it in the bud."

Gallen was of the thought that reducing the interchange might actually make the game safer.

"I'll say this about player welfare," Gallen said.

"The fresher the players are on the field, the harder and faster we play, the bigger the impact.

"That's why I don't understand it. I know we are big on head injuries and the collision, but the more tired players are, the more fatigued, the less collisions there's going to be.

"Sure, you might get a couple more hamstrings and calf injuries, but wouldn't you rather have that than have shoulders, knee or head injuries?

"Take the collisions out of the sport by bringing the fatigue into the game."

Angus Reid

Angus Reid Photo