The Gold Coast Titans need to make way for the Central Coast Bears

Adam Lucius

The Gold Coast Titans need to make way for the Central Coast Bears image

Let’s stop the charade, shall we?

Be honest. Who would really care if the Gold Coast Titans wound up tomorrow?

Sure, it would disappoint a few thousand fans but they would soon get over it.

Hey, it’s not as if 80,000 are going to march down Cavill Ave demanding the club’s return.

They’ve become accustomed to having sporting teams euthanised up there.

They don’t call it the Fold Coast for nothing.

Giants, Seagulls, Chargers, Titans – the names have changed over the years but the poor results and general lack of interest hasn’t.

Even Titans chairman Dennis Watt concedes time is running out to get it right.

Speaking a day after Garth Brennan’s sacking, Watt went as far to say the next coaching appointment was ‘the last stand’ in the club’s future, noting there was several franchises ready to take their place at any number of locations.

Brad Fittler has suggested moving the Titans from the Gold Coast to Brisbane to give that city a second NRL team and a game each weekend.

Here’s an even better idea: get the big black Bears back on the road again…back on the road again.

Not out of Sydney – that market’s too saturated – but on the Central Coast, where nearly 15,000 watched a team from Sydney’s eastern suburbs take on a mob from Townsville on Saturday afternoon.

The Central Coast Bears is not a new proposal.

They were headed there 20 years ago before the old North Sydney curse struck and the plan was kyboshed on the back of a series of blunders, some within their control, others not.

It led to the disastrous marriage of inconvenience between Manly and the Bears.

Cyrell and Nic had a better chance of making it.

In 2006, the Central Coast Bears had another crack at gaining a NRL licence, only to be overlooked in favour of the Titans.

On the record, North Sydney officials won’t comment on plans to return to the NRL.

They are wary of giving our false hope and are worn down by two decades of disappointment.

Off the record, they say they could field a team tomorrow and bring tens of thousands of disillusioned fans back to the game instantly if given the green light.

And no prizes for guessing who they’d want to play first up.

Adam Lucius