Comment: Will judiciary livestream be the NRL's version of Judge Judy?

Adam Lucius

Comment: Will judiciary livestream be the NRL's version of Judge Judy? image

Rugby league fans should not expect Judge Judy-type theatrics if the NRL pushes ahead with plans to livestream judiciary hearings.

In an idea first mooted on this website, the NRL is considering allowing cameras in to capture every minute of every case that comes before the judiciary.

Fans will be able to watch the process in full and hopefully get a better understanding of how and why the panel reaches a decision.

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The livestreaming idea has been revived on the back of the wave of the controversy that hit League Central following this week’s Sam Burgess case.

Seeing is believing, the NRL hopes.

It may placate fans who are increasingly agitated but the perceived lack of consistency around judiciary gradings and punishments 

That’s if they can see out a hearing.

Having sat through dozens and dozens of judiciary hearings over the years, I can tell you often the most exciting part of the evening is when the supremes and thin crust ham and pineapples arrive from Arthur’s Pizzas for the media pack to devour.

Now, that’s entertainment.

For the most part, there is a lot of boring to-ing and fro-ing between the player’s legal representative and NRL counsel over the exact interpretation of a charge.  

Video of the incident in question is played over and over and over. 

The three former players on the judiciary panel sit there impassively, doing their best Easter Island impersonations as they try to dissect the evidence.

The only time it gets remotely interesting is when the player gives evidence – and either shoots himself in the foot or convinces the panel he is the closest thing to Mother Teresa in footy boots.

Panel deliberations can take up to an hour, especially in a big case, as we await a verdict.

When it arrives, the verdict is delivered in a whisper, the player either walks out angry or with a relieved smile and social media catches fire.

It will need something to spice it up to be a ratings hit.

Anyone for Judge Gus?

Adam Lucius