NRL Finals 2019: Canberra Raiders forward Hudson Young found guilty of eye gouge; suspended for 8 weeks

Adam Lucius

NRL Finals 2019: Canberra Raiders forward Hudson Young found guilty of eye gouge; suspended for 8 weeks image

A series of one-word answers from ‘star’ witness Adam Pompey, and a frank admission he believes in the players’ code of silence, inadvertently helped bury Canberra forward Hudson Young at the NRL judiciary on Tuesday night.

Young was found guilty of eye gouging the Warriors’ Pompey and has been suspended for 8 games, despite the New Zealander declaring via video link he felt no contact to his eyes or eye socket.

Pompey batted away NRL counsel Peter McGrath’s constant questioning over whether Young had stuck his fingers in the centre’s eyes – or eye sockets - while attempting to prevent a try early in Saturday’s game at GIO Stadium.    

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He responded either ‘nup’ or ‘no’ to every question and appeared to be backing Young’s version of events.

That’s before McGrath ripped in an unexpected short ball on his last delivery.

McGrath: "It is a case of what happens on the field, stays on the field?"  

Pompey: "Yeah."

It was a big moment in the case and undoubtedly hurt Young’s chances of earning a not guilty verdict, although judiciary chairman Geoff Bellew did remind the panel they did not have to take a rival player’s evidence into account.

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The rookie Canberra forward had earlier mounted an impressive defence, arguing he was trying to stop Pompey from scoring when his hand accidently came in contact with the Warriors player’s face.

“I was trying to hold him up to prevent a try,” Young told the panel.

“I was trying to grab anything. I grabbed his face and slipped off

“At no point did I make contact with the eye socket or eye. 

“I’d know if I got someone in the eye. There would have been a reaction from the player.” 

Young, who was suspended for five matches for the same offence earlier in the season, looked shattered when the guilty verdict was delivered.

“I just want to thank the panel for a fair hearing, although I’m disappointed with their decision I’ll accept my punishment and learn from it,” Young said after the hearing.

“I’d like to thank Adam and (lawyer) Nick (Ghabar) for speaking on my behalf tonight, it’s much appreciated.

“I’ll now focus on returning to training this week and doing everything I can for the team.”

Adam Lucius