Comment: What the unsanctioned pokie session tells us about Seibold's Broncos

Adam Lucius

Comment: What the unsanctioned pokie session tells us about Seibold's Broncos image

How many Brisbane players do you reckon would have been out slapping Queen of the Nile the night before an elimination final if Wayne Bennett was still coach?

The same number of points the Broncos scored on Sunday – zero.

Bennett was big on discipline and commanded respect from those who played under him.

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He shipped players off who were not willing to toe the line and buy into the team ethos.

For Matt Gillett, Corey Oates, Andrew McCullough, David Fifita, Payne Haas and Anthony Milford to blatantly disobey Anthony Seibold’s team edict and sneak out of the team hotel to drain their money at the slots speaks volumes of the problems at the club.

The coach is said to be angered and shattered over the betrayal, ordering the team in for an 8am meeting on Wednesday to lay down the law and kick some heads. 

The fact it was a mix of players who headed out - senior figures and two rookies – illustrates the challenge Seibold faces in owning this team.

Young and old are disrespecting him.

The players weren’t drinking, and hitting the pokies until just before midnight didn’t lose Brisbane the match the next day.

But it’s an awful look.

Perception is everything in sport, especially after a heavy loss.

Just ask Laurie Daley.

He was all set to be offered a new contract as NSW coach until revelations emerged Blake Ferguson and Josh Dugan were drinking at a Kingscliff pub a few days out from the 2017 Origin decider.

It wasn’t a bender and the players had not broken any teams rule, but it was made to look like a night out with Motley Crue after the Blues were belted in game three.

Spooked NSWRL officials couldn’t load Daley’s new contract into the shredder quick enough and he was shown the door.

The perception was the Blues lacked discipline.

Brisbane played like they didn't care on Sunday.

It came after a year of talk out of Brisbane that some players never fully bought into the Seibold way.

He is said to be too intense and rigid.

Well, things might be about to get even more intense and rigid after Seibold’s finished with the pokie rebels.       

Adam Lucius