Video: Referee howler throws the NFL into chaos

David Steele

Video: Referee howler throws the NFL into chaos image

The officials at the Lions-Seahawks Monday Night Football game had an absolute stinker, and unfairly changed the fates of both teams.

Having said that, you'd think nobody could blow a game more than the Seahawks were about to blow it Monday night. Then, the Lions found a way to blow it even worse.

Finally, the officials came along to win the gold medal for botching it.

The Lions losing the way they did, 13-10, is harsh. The Seahawks surviving will be a relief, but will also sting, since they let it get too close. But how the officials botched a batted-ball call on the game's most pivotal play was inexcusable. 

The officials are fallible humans, yes, but they’re humans assisted by more technology than ever before and guided by a rulebook that gets more detailed every year. If everyone can demand that players don’t choke in the clutch, asking the same of the officials is completely fair.

The Lions choked. Just not as big as the officials. The Lions will pay for their mistakes. The zebras should not make them pay extra.

Try to wrap your mind around the domino effect of … OK, let’s try BallBatGate.

The Seahawks (2-2) have a win that could make the difference in the NFC West, where they’re now a game behind the Cardinals and tied with the Rams, albeit with a long way to go. Home-field advantage in the NFC playoffs, which essentially got them into the Super Bowl last year and which the Packers have vowed to take for themselves this time? Also on the line.

As for the Lions … they’re now 0-4, the NFL’s last winless team. Coach Jim Caldwell won’t get graded on a curve. He won’t be soothed by the notion that, well, that should’ve been a win. The NFL isn’t bringing both teams back to finish the last 1:45.

Kam Chancellor gets to remain the hero, for punching the ball away from Calvin Johnson just before Johnson crossed the goal line with the go-ahead touchdown. The Seahawks are 2-0 with Chancellor after going 0-2 without him. It likely won’t come up at the bargaining table: “Well, we got lucky with the refs, we should have lost, so that doesn’t count for you, Kam.”

Johnson is still the goat. Matthew Stafford doesn’t get to be the unlikeliest hero for taking the Lions 90 3/4 yards or whatever it was after being so horrible all night long.

Russell Wilson gets rewarded for the feast-or-famine game he played: more jaw-dropping, eye-popping plays than Michael Jordan in his prime, but two fumbles, one that was returned for the touchdown that gave the Lions life.

K.J. Wright, the now-infamous ball-slapper, unwittingly became a household name by doing what seemed like a smart, instinctive thing, but only because he likely didn’t know the rule, because it almost never comes up, in that situation at that time.

The explanation by the league wasn’t its finest hour. It was a play that resulted in a turnover, in the end zone yet, but as head of officiating Dean Blandino said on NFL Network, it wasn’t reviewable. He revealed that what seemed pretty black-and-white was actually a judgment call, about whether the act was “overt.”

That’s no way to oversee a sport like this, with so much riding on its outcomes and so much sunk into it by players and everybody else.

And it’s the one thing no sport should ever want, for the officiating to be the story. Never mind questioning their integrity — give the participants and the paying customers reason to trust their competence.

And don’t let any of them think their playoff hopes, or their jobs, are up in the air because of it.

David Steele