Johnny Manziel gets lame, self-important tattoo on throwing hand

Cory Collins

Johnny Manziel gets lame, self-important tattoo on throwing hand image

Once again, Johnny Manziel's throwing hand is attached to a mistake.

The former Browns quarterback and perhaps the NFL's most mercurial athlete was up early on Sunday morning (US time) to practice his hand-modeling skills via Instagram. And stamped upon his purlicue (look it up) was — there's no other way to say it — an epically lame tattoo. 

MORE: 5 potential Manziel landing spots | A timeline of Manziel trouble-making


JPM 12.6. @rafael_valdez

A photo posted by Johnny Manziel (@jmanziel2) on


In case your brand loyalty and Roman numeral skills are rusty, allow us to translate. That's a Rolex logo, befitting of a guy who bought a gold watch for his Heisman trophy. Beneath it, those numerals translate to 12-6-92 — Manziel's birthday.

Yes, a grown man got his own damn birthday tattooed on his body. 

One could go crazy with subtext analysis. Does Manziel see this as the date of his coronation, the date the world was gifted with his royalty? Is it a money-grab and not-so-subtle Rolex sponsorship akin to that guy you know driving a PT Cruiser with Aquafina logos plastered on its panels? Is the Rolex crown actually an upside-down, five-legged barstool meant to represent Manziel's precarious position in life?

MORE: We thought of 23 gifts that Manziel would love on his birthday

Probably, yes, all of these.

Regardless, it's refreshing to once again see Manziel's unique brand of immodesty made into an artform.

Cory Collins