Plenty of issues with Goodell's new medical chief

David Steele

Plenty of issues with Goodell's new medical chief image

A pair of sports concussion experts listened to the qualifications and accomplishments of Dr. Elizabeth Nabel, the NFL’s newly-appointed and first chief health and medical advisor. Without prompting, both of them quickly zeroed in on a contradiction, if not a red flag, in the league’s decision.

“From the perspective of the league,’’ said lawyer and professor Michael Kaplen, “my first question is why they picked a cardiologist?”

“I think it’s a good step the NFL is making,’’ said rehabilitation specialist Dr. Michael Marino, “but the fact that it is not a brain injury specialist jumps out at me.’’

Another issue could not be overlooked, one that commissioner Roger Goodell, who appointed Nabel, has had to face throughout the past scandal-filled year. 

Nabel is president of Boston’s prestigious Brigham and Women’s Hospital, which is a partner with the Kraft Group (Patriots owner Robert Kraft’s holding company) in a health-care center bearing the family name at the Patriot Place retail complex near Gillette Stadium. On the health center website is a photo of Nabel in a group that includes Josh Kraft, Robert's son and president of the team's charitable foundation. Kraft family members have sat on the boards of both Brigham and Women’s and the affiliated Massachusetts General.

The bond between Kraft and Goodell has hovered over many of the year’s controversies, sparking debates about conflicts of interest. 

The NFL, however, is not concerned about the perception of a conflict with Nabel. "As you can imagine, Dr. Nabel’s appointment was vetted thoroughly through the Brigham and by the league. We, and others, hold her integrity in the highest regard,'' a league spokesperson said in an email to Sporting News.

Nor is her medical specialty an issue with the NFL; Nabel will participate in and contribute to all of the league's medical committees, including the most prominent, the Head, Neck and Spine Committee.

She was chosen, the spokesperson said, "not for one specific area of expertise, but rather for her breadth and depth of knowledge on many medical issues, including from her perspective as the CEO  of a hospital system. We have experts in their respective fields leading each of our medical committees, including some of the leading neuroscientists in the country, and we are pleased that Dr. Nabel will be able to bring her unique experience to the role.''

A spokesperson for Brigham and Women's addressed questions about Nabel's area of expertise and any potential conflict by pointing out that Nabel's role "will be making recommendations — based on scientific evidence — to the Commissioner and NFL to enhance sports safety broadly.''

Still, Marino said, “I can see how the perception of a conflict would be a concern. Hospital politics are no different from office politics or any other kind of politics. But at the end of the day, Dr. Nabel is still a physician, and you’d believe that she’d be able to separate herself from this kind of politics.’’

Because of that perception, and because her specialty isn't aligned with the NFL's biggest current health crisis, Kaplen said, "Yes, we have to legitimately raise the question ... I'm not asking her these questions, I'm asking the NFL."

Both Marino and Kaplen, whose New York-based practice focuses on brain-injury cases, said they did not know Nabel personally or professionally and did not doubt her qualifications or ethics. 

Her medical credentials, in fact, are near-impeccable, and both her appointment (in which she will work directly with Goodell) and the league’s latest demonstration of commitment to overcoming its ugly history in protecting players’ health and safety have faced no public objections.

Besides her hospital presidency, Nabel is a professor at Harvard Medical School. Last week’s National Wear Red Day, part of the national Red Dress campaign to focus attention on the dangers women face from heart disease, is an outgrowth of a program Nabel started in 2002. 

However, Kaplen said, the contradiction bears too strong a resemblance to one of the league’s biggest blunders in this area.

“It brings back memories of their original Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Committee, when they picked a rheumatologist,’’ Kaplen said.

Former commissioner Paul Tagliabue infamously put Elliot Pellman, reportedly his personal physician, in charge of the committee in the 1990s and 2000s; that choice laid the foundation for, among other problems, the wave of class-action suits by players against the NFL.

Marino gave the area of expertise of the new advisor the benefit of the doubt, to a point.

“Even though it’s MTBI and concussions that command so much attention, it appears there are a lot of long-term health issues connected with playing football for years and years,’’ he said. “I think the lifestyle and the pounding really take a toll on the players.’’

On the other hand, Kaplen said, “NFL players are not having heart attacks on the field. They’re suffering concussions, joint damage, spinal damage, cartilage damage.’’

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David Steele