Four changes that would improve Hall of Fame voting

Jesse Spector

Four changes that would improve Hall of Fame voting image

"If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it," sure, but that does not mean that something that works cannot be improved.

Hall of Fame voting, as currently constituted, works. There are issues with it that can be addressed, but where critics call for a full overhaul, a lot of what is wrong with the system could be addressed with some tweaks.

There are problems dealing with the candidacies of players from the 1990s and early 2000s, before testing began for performance-enhancing drugs, but it is pretty clear that the eventual answer will be for a special committee to consider that era, after the Hall gave little guidance to the voters from the Baseball Writers' Association of America on how to deal with candidates like Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens.

Why unchecked PED use should be handled differently than rampant amphetamine use in other eras, or other kinds of cheating that baseball celebrates when players get away with it, is a question one would have to ask the voters and the Hall. Dealing with this specific era, though, does not indicate that the entire system is broken.

Mike Piazza, this year’s top vote-getter left waiting, at 69.9 percent, next year is likely to become the first player to overcome significant steroid rumors to reach the Hall. Piazza supporters say it is nonsense that rumors, and not evidence, have kept their man out of the Hall to date. They are right about that, but wrong to claim Piazza not getting in so far is an indication that everything is broken.

Catchers historically have had to wait to get into the Hall. The only backstop inducted on the first ballot was Johnny Bench. Yogi Berra and Carlton Fisk made it on the second try. If Piazza makes it next year or the year after, he will be only the fourth catcher to make the Hall with a wait of five years or fewer. Gary Carter, at six years, is the only other catcher who had less than a decade of waiting.

The waiting game feels silly. If someone is a Hall of Famer, why does it take several years to recognize it? This is a fair question, and perhaps the most annoying part of the process. It is important to remember that the Hall is a conservative place, and that it is better to err on the side of keeping some deserving candidates out instead of letting the wrong candidates in, because once they’re in, they’re in for good.

Where the Hall’s process succeeds is in its openness and flexibility, especially in comparison to other sports, where voting by small committees can ensure that if a player receives only lukewarm support the first time his name comes up, he might never again be considered.

There could still be more openness and more flexibility, and that is where the tweaks come in:

1. The limit of 10 players per ballot has to go. The BBWAA has requested that the Hall raise the limit to 12, but really it should be unlimited. If there are more than a dozen players on the ballot who meet Hall of Fame criteria, voters should be able to select all of them.

2. Votes must be made public for the sake of accountability. More and more writers are releasing their ballots every year, and while there will always be head-scratchers out there, it should come as little surprise that the most egregious ballots are not among the publicly released, like the person who voted for Darin Erstad, which confused even Darin Erstad.

3. The ballot should be streamlined. Thirty-four players were up for election, and nearly one-third of those players — Erstad, Troy Percival, Tom Gordon, Aaron Boone, Tony Clark, Brian Giles, Rich Aurilia, Eddie Guardado, Jason Schmidt, Jermaine Dye and Cliff Floyd — never had even a slight chance of gaining election. Their presence on the ballot only really served as clutter, and combined they received nine votes. A ballot with 20 to 25 players on it would be a lot more manageable.

4. Incorporate the fans’ voice into the process. After all, who is the museum for? There should be All-Star ballot-style punch cards available at the Hall itself — one per visitor — and the Hall should send such a ballot to anyone who requests one. Tally up the fan votes, and anyone getting more than 75 percent gets an extra vote in the BBWAA balloting. More important, the public release of the fan ballot results would give the voting writers a better idea about who baseball fans actually want to see in the Hall, which should be an important consideration.

The Hall of Fame is not going to have a system designed for instant gratification. Making a few changes, though, can help smooth the divide between fans impatient to see their heroes in Cooperstown and a conservative institution with a long history of making candidates wait.

MORE: Fans coming around to Bonds, Clemens?

Jesse Spector