Tokyo Olympics: Australian gold medal favourite Elijah Winnington's unique journey to his first Olympics

Lachlan McKirdy

Tokyo Olympics: Australian gold medal favourite Elijah Winnington's unique journey to his first Olympics image

For 21-year-old Elijah Winnington, the Tokyo Olympic Games will be like nothing he has ever experienced before, literally. 

Winnington is no stranger to competing at big events, having won gold at the 2018 Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast in the 4x200m freestyle relay. 

But this year's Olympic Games will mark a special moment for him. 

Not only will Tokyo be his first Olympic Games, it will be the first time Winnington has competed overseas at a senior international swimming meet in his career. 

Sure, he's been to Junior World Championships and has cemented himself on the Australian stage, but this represents a leap of a whole different kind. 

When Winnington steps on the blocks for the 400m freestyle for the first time this week, he will be the red hot favourite. 

His time of 3:42.65 at the Australian trials makes him the fastest in the world this year. All eyes, including those of his competitors, will be on him. 

Because of COVID-19, Winnington hasn't had the opportunity to race his fiercest rivals overseas in the lead up to the Games.

It would be a daunting feeling going into your first Olympics without that international experience behind you, let alone with the pressure of being the number one ranked swimmer in your discipline.

But it's a testament to the maturity on Winnington's shoulders that he already feels prepared for the event of a lifetime. 

"I've never raced the people I'm coming up against unless I raced them as a junior," Winnington told media before heading to Tokyo.

"I really have no expectations because I don't know how they race, and they don't know how I race. I'm just going in to just do the best that I can.

"I can only really focus on the effort that I put in in training and the race plan that I can execute on the day. Whatever the others do or whatever the experience is like, I just have to kind of bring it down and narrow it down to just doing what I can control."

You might wonder, what difference does it actually make? The pool is the same, his event is the same, nothing actually changes. 

However, Winnington's only preparation for competing against some of his rivals in Tokyo will be watching them on TV. 

As a result, it might be easy to try and convince him that 'It's just another race'. 

But for Winnington, he feels he thrives under pressure and is hoping the Olympics will take him to the next level. 

"As a swimmer, and in most sports, the Olympics is the pinnacle right? It's the top you can go," Winnington said.

"So it's pretty hard to just sit back and say 'I'm going to treat it like just another meet'.

"But at the end of the day, I like to think that I can perform under pressure and I perform well with nerves.

"So if it makes me a little bit more nervous or if I have a little bit more pressure on my back, I don't actually see that as a bad thing. I kind of like to use that."

Australia's swimming team for Tokyo 2020 will feature 21 athletes making their Olympic debut. 

Among those are other gold medal favourites Ariarne Titmus and Kaylee McKeown. 

It can be a tough task for those around these potential Olympic champions to balance expectations while also preparing them or one of the biggest events of their lives. 

For head coach of the Australian swimming team, Rohan Taylor, he believes the key is to not overwhelm his athletes and ensure they feel they have a relaxed environment to come back to in the Athletes' Village each day. 

"I think the most important thing is not introducing anything new for us and to create an environment where they are comfortable and they can go about and do what they need to do," Taylor said. 

"As coaches and staff that are on the team, we just work to allow them to rest, have a good meal, go and train, give them the facility space and let them socialise. 

"What we're seeing now in the bubble is they love being around each other. They're a very compatible group of athletes and that itself keeps them nice and relaxed but they're also super competitive and they really do want to perform well."

Taylor admits that the lack of international competition due to COVID-19 in the last year and a half could be one of the major issues for his team heading into the Games. 

Along with the increased biosecurity measures in Tokyo, he's hopeful the processes that they've put in place ahead of the Olympics, particular in their training camp in Cairns, will limit any chance of the athletes being distracted along the way. 

That included introducing regular COVID testing throughout their camp to get his team familiarised with the routine.

"I think the biggest thing for our group and every athlete that goes into these competitions is, the last 15 months has been a complete distraction," Taylor said.

"They have navigated through it extremely well. They just need to maintain and continue with that skill set. 

"Probably one of the things that we didn't get access to [in the last year] was that international competition or at least getting some of that competition in. 

"We've done as much as we can domestically and I think the two challenges for this team is getting into the international arena and being composed and performing when it matters."


As Taylor said, it's pretty clear that the Australian Swim Team is a pretty close-knit group.

They love spending time with each other and are always more than willing to bounce ideas and tips of one another. 

It's something Winnington has found from some of the more experienced members of the group, in particular, Mack Horton. 

Horton is the reigning Olympic gold medalist in the 400m freestyle but failed to qualify for Tokyo after finishing third at the Australian Swimming Trials in June. 

His time was actually the third fastest in the world this year, but he was pipped my Winnington and Jack McLoughlin who recorded the top two times. 

While it was a shock to many that Horton failed to qualify for an individual, he hasn't let that stop him from imparting some wisdom on the man likely to take his place on the podium. 

After the Trials, Winnington admitted that Horton was one of his heroes in the sport.

And Winnington already recognises how valuable Horton's advice has been along with other experienced Olympians like Cate Campbell, Emily Seebohm and Cam McEvoy. 

"It's incredible, Mack’s been there and done it. Five years ago he was the Olympic champion, and that's so valuable to have somebody like that who's alongside me in the training pool just you know, giving me tips or even just a casual conversation here or there," Winnington said.

"Even if it's not directly talking about how he approached things because everyone's different, but even just seeing his attitude towards how he I can sort of see how he approaches an Olympics."

"It's not even just Mack, we’ve got Cate and Emily who are four-time Olympians, I'm rooming with Cam McEvoy, this is his third Olympics. I train with Mitch (Larkin), this is his third Olympics. I'm surrounded by veterans that have not just done it once or twice, you know they've been there over and over and over.

"It's really people like that that I'm trying to stick next to, just to make sure that I can approach it the best way possible.

"Each of them says that every Olympics is different, and I have no doubt that this one will be the same."

Winnington will be among the first group of Australian swimmers in action with the Men's 400m freestyle heats taking place on Saturday, July 24 from 8.48pm AEST. 

He's also set to compete in the Men's 200m freestyle which starts the following day.


Lachlan McKirdy

Lachlan McKirdy Photo