Pascal Dupuis' blood clot: explaining what's next for the Penguin forward

Jo Innes

Pascal Dupuis' blood clot: explaining what's next for the Penguin forward image

The Penguins are really good at clotting (in really bad places).

Pittsburgh’s string of terrible luck has continued with the team’s announcement Wednesday that Pascal Dupuis has a blood clot in his lung (also known as a pulmonary embolus or PE), and is out for a minimum of six months. Monday’s vague “chest discomfort” was the warning sign that led to the diagnosis, and the treatment will involve at least six months of blood thinners — something that precludes any involvement in contact sports.

This isn’t Dupuis’ first go-round with clots or anticoagulation. He missed six months last year after a torn and repaired right ACL was quickly followed by a clot in his leg (also known as a deep vein thrombosis or DVT). DVTs can be caused by several things — clotting disorders, prolonged immobility and trauma among them. DVTs are dangerous, because pieces of the clot can break off and travel to other places like the lung, which is what the team’s physician has said was the case with Dupuis this time.

How do you treat that?

In the cases of truly huge life-threatening PEs, it can be necessary to go in and actually physically remove the clot by way of a catheter that’s inserted through the large veins in the groin area (a procedure with a fairly horrifying name — thrombectomy), or inject doses of clot-dissolving medications, sometimes right into the clot. That sort of thing isn’t without risk (like life-threatening bleeding), so it’s generally only used in cases where the PE is going to kill you if it doesn’t come out. In less severe cases like Dupuis’, anticoagulation is used to prevent more PEs from recurring.

Treatment starts with an injectable drug, then progresses to an oral agent. The oral agent takes time to build up an effective level in the blood, which is why you can’t just skip the injectibles. 

Traditionally warfarin (trade name Coumadin) is the oral agent of choice, and the fact that it’s also the active ingredient in rat poison is exactly why it’s not the easiest drug to take. It requires dietary changes since certain foods can increase its effects, and blood levels have to be carefully monitored. It does have the advantage of being reversible, which some of the newer, fancier, more expensive anticoagulants don’t. Those newer anticoagulants don’t require all the blood monitoring, so there’s a lot of risk/benefit analysis to be done before a choice is made.

Tomas Vokoun’s pelvic blood clot was treated via thrombectomy last year, not because it was about to kill him, but because it was impeding blood drainage from his leg and it was close enough to important things (like the lungs) that it could easily have become a huge problem.

I really don’t want a PE or DVT. Help?

Move. Stretch your legs whenever you can when you’re on long trips.

Know your risk. If you’ve already had one, make sure it’s not something genetic that requires lifelong anticoagulation.

Pay attention. One big swollen red painful leg? Yeah, you should go see a doctor. Can’t breathe? Chest pain? Doctor.

Hydrate. Dehydration can increase your risk for clots by causing hemoconcentration (basically, thicker blood).

Don’t smoke. For so many reasons.

Up next for Dupuis? Recovery. He’s made it clear that his priorities are his health and his family. Hockey will be on his back burner for a while.

Jo Innes is a real-life doctor and contributor for Sporting News. Follow her on Twitter @JoNana

Jo Innes