NHL Draft Lottery: For the love of Connor McDavid, embrace the tank and do it live

Sean Gentille

NHL Draft Lottery: For the love of Connor McDavid, embrace the tank and do it live image

One byproduct of the six month-long race to the bottom known as the 2014-15 NHL season: nhllotterysimulator.com.

Oh, how much time across North America has been wasted — how many work days ruined — by the opportunity to sit at your computer and tap a button until your team wins, in theory, the Great Connor McDavid Derby. First, the site was simple enough, listing each team’s current odds at winning the pick and requiring one simple click to run a simulation.

MORE: Why your team doesn't deserve Connor McDavid | McDavid on teams that could draft him | Must-see first-round photos

The first time we ran it on Friday, the day before the real thing, the result was, uh, interesting.

The actual process is a little more complicated than that; each team will be assigned an appropriate number of potentially winning four-digit combinations. The drawing will entail picking four balls, each numbered 1-14. Whichever team has those balls in that order gets McDavid, universally regarded as the best draft prospect since Sidney Crosby.

Now, the simulation site gives you the option to play with that model — and for as mindlessly addictive (and pointless) as Version 1.0 might have been, the update provides legitimate drama. That sounds weird, for sure, but it’s true. Try it yourself. Maybe the first ball eliminates, say, the Dallas Stars. More teams fall by the wayside, click by click, until you’re done.

Condolences to Jordan Staal, who three seasons after his escape from Pittsburgh is yet again is a third-line center.

This is all a long-winded way of complaining that the same process won’t actually playing out live on Saturday night. The NHL’s rationale for televising the reveal, rather than the actual draw, is understandable enough; it doesn’t want to draw undue attention to the all-out tank battle waged by the Sabres, Coyotes and Maple Leafs.

Putting the lottery on in its own TV slot, rather than as a theoretical afterthought in the Penguins-Rangers broadcast, would do that. Having deputy commissioner Bill Daly stand in front of a camera like a PowerBall employee would, too.

The rebuttal, though, is simple enough; who cares? Hand-wringing over tanking has its place; the NBA has done it for years. Rewarding failure isn’t economically sound. We get it. If it’s that much of a concern, though, reform the process starting next year. The horse has jumped the fence. Embrace the chaos, draw some ping-pong balls on live TV and acknowledge the fact that this is a special situation brought about by a special player. Market your new star.

(As we type, there’s a GM somewhere clicking “draw ball” on the website, wistfully thinking about shaking hands with McDavid on the stage in South Florida on June 26 and doodling “MCDAVID 97” in a notebook with his free hand.)

The added benefit, by the way, would be eliminating at least some of the conspiracy theories. God help the league if any team other than the Sabres wins on Saturday night, because it’s possible to draw up “Bettman rigged it” reasoning, connected by string on cork boards across the continent, for every single other franchise. The league isn’t going to let Arizona fail. The league wanted McDavid in Los Angeles. The league folded under the Flyers’ Comcast money-fueled power play.

True crackpots aren’t going to be denied — “If you enhance the footage, you can see that all the lottery balls are stamped with the same number. Back, and to the left. Back, and to the left.” At least take some of them out when you have the shot. Watching the process unfold through open, televised doors would accomplish that. Don't be surprised to see the league post video of the process. That'd be smart, if anti-climactic.

And obviously, this is all about McDavid; the hype around him would be suffocating if he didn’t seem so capable of delivering on it. As a 17-year-old, he came within nine points of the OHL scoring title despite missing 21 games. That’s staggering.

He’s good enough to do it, though. He’s good enough to get Buffalo’s Tim Murray, whose calculated-ness borders on bloodlessness, saying stuff like this: “I watch him too much, and I think too much about him.” And he should be good enough to make the league embrace the lottery, if only for a night, as much as so many of its teams (and fans) have done.

Sean Gentille