Tom Brady’s marketability has plummeted, survey says

Travis Durkee

Tom Brady’s marketability has plummeted, survey says image

Not only will Tom Brady miss four games to start the 2015 season for his involvement in Deflategate, but he may lose marketing opportunities in the process, too.

According to a survey, Brady’s consumer appeal has dropped from the levels of Leonardo DiCaprio and Jack Nicklaus three months ago. He is now closer to the neighborhood of Dane Cook and Martha Stewart in May, the Boston Globe reported.

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“This all relates to Deflategate,’’ said Matt Delzell, managing director of celebrity talent acquisition for The Marketing Arm. “Brady hasn’t been playing and hasn’t been in the news for any other reason between the polls.’’

More specifically, Brady ranked in the top 27 percent of 3,677 celebrities (967th overall) in consumer appeal in February. Now, three months and the Deflategate scandal later, Brady is in the bottom eight percent (3,027th overall). The survey polled 1,000 people out of a “demographically balanced pool of one million consumers nationwide.”

Brady’s weakest category was “appeal,” which the Globe said means “likability and merchandising potential.” Brady ranked 3,570th overall to share the bottom three percent with 50 Cent, Britney Spears and Bills coach Rex Ryan.

“It’s very significant to have somebody who was considered trustworthy drop from the top quarter of celebrities down near the bottom,’’ Delzell said. “Brady has gone to where most professional athletes are in terms of trust, unfortunately.’’

According to the Globe, Brady raked in $7 million in endorsements last year from Under Armour, Movado, Dodge and UGG. That could drop this year as casual consumers connect Brady with Deflategate, instead of his usual lifestyle that includes Super Bowls and a supermodel wife. Brady’s next consumer appeal poll is scheduled for September, but his numbers may not recover considering his name will still be in the news for Deflategate as he serves his suspension early in the season.

“Even though the (deflation) issue may not seem like a big deal,’’ Adam Brasel, an associate professor of marketing at Boston College’s Carroll School of Management, said, “the consequences may follow him for a longer time because whenever he picks up a football, it’s going to be very easy for commentators and fans to remind people about this particular scandal.’’

Travis Durkee