Teddy Bridgewater's road back from dislocated knee; we map it out

Jo Innes

Teddy Bridgewater's road back from dislocated knee; we map it out image

Vikings quarterback Teddy Bridgewater suffered an unusual and fairly horrifying injury in a non-contact drill this week — a dislocated left knee. The team announced he suffered a complete ACL tear, too, but no nerve or artery damage, which is the key to its expectation he’ll make a full recovery.

Try to come up with a pro football player who has never had an injury, and you’ll be thinking about it for a while. Knee injuries in general, and ACL tears in particular, are regular occurrences. Knee dislocations are, thankfully, fairly uncommon, because there are plenty of ligaments to hold the knee in place and it takes a lot of force to knock your upper leg off the lower one. It’s one of the few injuries that can make an ER doc do a double take. Bridgewater's injury was rumored to have had his teammates vomiting at the sight.

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It also is a true orthopedic emergency, because in addition to all those ligaments, there’s an important nerve and an artery in that neighborhood, and moving bones around isn’t something that nerves or arteries tolerate well.

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That's a big artery! It must be important . . .

This is the back of your knee, and that big artery is definitely important. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The popliteal artery runs behind the knee and supplies blood to the lower leg. An injury to the artery that isn’t repaired quickly can lead to loss of blood supply and potentially amputation. A huge part of the initial evaluation of a patient with a knee dislocation is determining if the distal blood supply (and therefore the artery) is intact. It starts with checking to make sure there’s a pulse in the foot, hunting for said pulse with Doppler ultrasound if it can’t be felt, and potentially CT scan angiography to map out the vessels in the leg and evaluate for specific areas of damage. In Bridgewater’s case, the team has specified that there’s no arterial injury, which is huge.

Nerves are kind of a big deal too.

More important things that run through the knee: Nerves! (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The tibial nerve runs behind the knee and splits into several other nerves including the peroneal. Because of the way the peroneal wraps around the lower leg, it’s particularly susceptible to damage in a knee dislocation. Damage to the nerve is a huge deal, because it can cause a condition called foot drop — an inability to flex the ankle. If you can’t flex your ankle you can’t walk properly, let alone play football. Again, the team has stated there’s no nerve damage, which is huge news.

Knees: Lots of parts means lots of stuff to damage.

The ligaments of the knee: Obviously at risk in a dislocation. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The knee is complicated and has a lot of bits and pieces that hold it together and allow it to flex smoothly. Knee dislocations can result in disruptions of one or more ligaments. Most often both the ACL and PCL are affected. Bridgewater has a complete ACL tear and “other structural damage,” which may sound bad (and it’s certainly not good), but the confirmation that the damage is not neurovascular is promising. Ligaments can be repaired with postoperative function that’s comparative to an uninjured knee, especially in a pro athlete with access to the best rehab programs and the motivation to get better fast.

How does this happen in a non-contact drill?

Bridgewater dropped back to pass and hit the turf. It doesn’t sound like much, but sometimes joints need just the right force applied in just the right way to fail completely. Dislocations are often seen in direct blows from tackles, falls or motor vehicle collisions, but I’ve seen plenty from awkward turns, stepping in holes or off curbs, or “Doc, I have no idea what I did.”

So . . .  recovery?

The initial step in management is to get the knee back in place, which is known as reduction in fancy doctor talk. That’s accomplished with sedation (because only a jerk reduces a big joint on an awake patient) and then literally yanking the leg into place. The next step is assessing the damage left behind. CT angiography can determine if the vessels are intact, and an MRI will show which ligaments are torn.

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If you’re not an athlete and don’t have a lot of damaged ligaments, you can occasionally get away with not having surgery. Months of splinting and rehab may be enough. Of course, most people who dislocate their knees are young, active people, and so they’ll usually require surgery. Damaged ligaments are reconstructed, shaggy cartilage is cleaned up, and nine months to a year of recovery and rehab begins (as compared to around six to nine months for a simple ACL tear).

The recovery starts with minimal range of motion. The patient then continues to awkwardly exercise the rest of the body as well as they can without the use of one leg. After a few months, range of motion increases, more resistance is added, and patients are slowly allowed to do more.

What could possibly go wrong?

Plenty. Aside from the obvious issues with nerve or artery damage (which so far doesn’t seem to be on the table), there’s the potential for long-term joint stiffness, loss of range of motion and strength, pain, blood clots and all the other postoperative problems you can have with any major injury. While some people can return to their pre-injury level of competition, such injuries can end careers. 

Marcus Lattimore (Source: Heathwood Hall Episcopal School)

Marcus Lattimore suffered a similar but more severe injury — he dislocated his knee and disrupted several ligaments while playing for South Carolina in 2012. He was never able to rehab to the point of being able to play in the NFL after being drafted by the 49ers in 2013. Former Raiders running back Napoleon McCallum had a notoriously graphic dislocation associated with arterial and nerve injury, muscle damage and ligament damage. It ended his career.

Bridgewater’s initial outlook is optimistic because of the limited nature of the damage to the joint. The fact he is young and motivated and has access to top-notch medical and rehab staff are also important elements of a successful recovery. What’s not in question is that the recovery will take a long time. Will he be ready to go at the start of the 2017 season? That remains to be seen.

Dr. Jo Innes is a contributor for Sporting News. Follow her on Twitter: @JoNana.

Jo Innes