Super Bowl XLIX: The most pressing Patriots-Seahawks questions

Vinnie Iyer and David Steele

Super Bowl XLIX: The most pressing Patriots-Seahawks questions image

The hype for Super Bowl XLIX has begun. The Patriots and Seahawks meet Sunday but between now and then, there are major storylines, pressing concerns and questions that must be answered. Luckily, Sporting News’ NFL writers Vinnie Iyer and David Steele are here to address all things Super Bowl:

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1. The game’s a pick ‘em. Will we avoid last year’s blowout? If not, which team is more likely to get run out of Glendale, Ariz.? 

Iyer: Traditionally, defensive powerhouses have laid more of a butt-whooping in the Super Bowl — last year’s Seahawks as case in point, a la the Bucs and Bears before them. So go with Seattle there. If New England wins, it would need to be a nailbiter.

Steele: It’s hard to believe in hindsight, considering the wreckage Tom Brady does to teams these days, but the Patriots have never blown anyone out in a Super Bowl. I can’t imagine the Seahawks and that defense being blown out, either. If ever they were to be blown out, it would have been last week by Green Bay, and they refused to let it happen. This will stay good and close throughout (not wishful thinking based on that debacle last year with Denver).

2. Who’s got the coaching edge between these sexegenarians, Bill Belichick or Pete Carroll?

Iyer: Carroll has the more inflated ego and better overall mojo going at the moment, but it’s hard to go against that slightly younger Machiavellian mastermind. The Hoodie trumps the track jacket by a nose.

Steele: Belichick has the coaching edge no matter who he plays, so this is no slight against Carroll. Still, Belichick can be beaten, but not because he’s unprepared, and not because he didn’t have a twist or two ready for their opponent. Ask the Ravens a few weeks ago.

3. What’s on the line for Tom Brady’s legacy?

Iyer: Brady grew up idolizing Joe Montana. The kid from the Bay is once again on the brink of matching Montana, and if that happens, it would be those two at the top, a big gap, and then everyone else.

Steele: Just like the last two trips, it’s his chance to be legitimately spoken of in the same breath as the Montanas and Bradshaws, with four Super Bowls. No more qualifiers about going to more Super Bowls than they did, and how it tips the scales in his favor. Win it, especially this late in his career and so long after the last one, and he has his case for the greatest quarterback ever.

4. How about Russell Wilson?

Iyer: To make it simple, if he wins two this early in his career, he would be on the same primrose path taken by Brady take all these years.

Steele: That “elite” debate is tiresome, because it still focuses on aesthetics and stats more than results. But how much can you knock two Super Bowl wins in his first three seasons, and beating Peyton Manning and Tom Brady to do it? No quarterback wins by himself, so Wilson’s legacy should be measured the same way as the others: did you attain the ultimate prize? For him, yes, twice, at age 25.

5. Who's the best cornerback in the game, Darrelle Revis or Richard Sherman?

Iyer: Revis Island is back to marooning everyone as usual, but this is summed up in one semi-famous movie line: Sherman, Sherman, Sherman.

Steele: At this moment, it’s Sherman, because almost nothing good happens when teams throw in his direction. It isn’t like that for Revis today as much as it was a few years ago, which is the slightest blemish on his rep. But Sherman is better now at that whole effect of taking half of the offense’s options away. And that pick early in the Packers game was breathtaking.

6. Your out of nowhere Malcolm Smith-like game MVP to watch would be?

Iyer: First name Luke, last name also Willson. Rob Gronkowski is someone high on the big-name MVP watch, but his upstart counterpart has a great matchup in this game.

Steele: Patriots linebacker Jamie Collins, because still not enough of the public knows who he is or appreciates the freakish things he does. He’s capable of ringing up the spectacular day that would crystallize his abilities for everybody — like, three sacks and a huge interception, or three interceptions and a huge sack — and make him the MVP.

7. Who gets up faster in a collision between Kam Chancellor and Rob Gronkowski, and why?

Iyer: When Gronk smashed, Gronk smash back. Or see Hulkbuster Iron Man vs. actual Hulk.

Steele: Gronk. If those two collide, he might be the only one in the stadium getting up; the shock waves would tumble the rest of the players, refs, fans and beer vendors like bowling pins. Chancellor would definitely get up next, and probably only a split-second later, like Apollo Creed in “Rocky II.”

8. Will we at some point stop talking about the fact that Marshawn Lynch isn’t talking, again?

Iyer: A foolish man once said, we would have nothing to talk about if we couldn’t talk about someone who talks about nothing.

Steele: Not this year, sorry. At this moment, some reality TV star, or celebrity news host, or reporter from an overseas station wearing a kangaroo outfit, or a sixth-grader credentialed by MTV, is plotting a way to bait Lynch into an outburst of some kind on media day. And that person will be as big a story as Lynch not talking.

9. If the Seahawks repeat, would it be fair to call them a dynasty, or is it still too early?

Iyer: We’ve loosened our dynasty duration rules since imperial China. To me, it just ain’t a thing until you have three rings.

Steele: Too early. Back-to-back is nothing to smirk at, but as a dynasty purist, I say you have to earn that over a few more years. Of course, if the Seahawks make it three straight, they’re in the club.

10. Who you got scoring the game’s first touchdown?

Iyer: Brady on a quarterback sneak when a very un-McCarthylike Belichick goes for it on a fourth-and-goal on the Patriots’ first drive. Not that I’ve thought about this much.

Steele: Lynch is going to blow a crater into that off-and-on Patriots front seven at some point, so why not as the first player in the game to cross the goal line?

11. Will this whole Patriots deflation controversy run out of air sometime before the big game?

Iyer: Absolutely not. Get ready for that “PSI: Phoenix” marathon.

Steele: Only in our most fevered, Nyquil-laced, Chris Berman-haunted dreams. Here’s a good prop bet: However Roger Goodell addresses it in his state-of-the-league press conference in Arizona, will become a fresh story in itself.

12. Will Richard Sherman or Doug Baldwin have another big rant sometime during the week?

Iyer: Yes. Given Baldwin has taken the stronger Stanford stance of late, smarter money is on him.

Steele: I get the sense that Sherman can turn it on and off at will, and he could conceivably step aside and let his teammates breathe. That available oxygen will go to Baldwin, who doesn’t seem to be able to control himself at all. A good candidate to crash someone else’s interview at some point.

13. Who will be the star of Tuesday’s Media Day?

Iyer: Not expecting any big outbursts from anyone, but I’m going with Brady, only because he’ll probably have to shoot down at least seven marriage proposals on account of him already being married to the world’s most beautiful woman.

Steele: I have to believe reporters will have to camp out the night before to get a good spot in front of Gronkowski’s podium. If he’s at a podium at all — it’s easy to envision him roaming the floor spreading Gronkosity all over the room.

14. These teams love to pull the trickeration. Will we see something like that in the Super Bowl? Bonus: Describe the play.

Iyer: Going with the Seahawks here, because they were the ones with the cojones to execute a fake field goal touchdown at the most crucial time in the NFC Championship game. Imagining Wilson scoring on a wide receiver option pass from Baldwin. Not that I thought about it much.

Steele: The top candidate is going to sound like a lazy pick: the Patriots and Edelman. The clever hook, though: it will be on a kickoff return. They’ll sneak him in on the return team, against the Seahawks’ excellent coverage team, and cook something up with him and Amendola, or whoever else they might put out there. A lateral, a handoff, something. One team or another will need a play like that to win, I have a feeling.

15. If most of America doesn’t care for either team, whom should they hate less and root for in the game?

Iyer: It’s really getting harder to hate the Pats, especially after "Growing Pats." It’s really getting easier to hate the Seahawks because they’re just so darn good. Just root for puppies and kittens and everyone wins.

Steele: Root for the defending champions because it would be a nice change of pace from the usual. Yeah, makes tons of sense, doesn’t it? Honestly, though, if much of America hasn’t reached Patriots/Belichick/Brady/Spygate/Deflate-gate fatigue by Super Sunday, it’ll be a miracle. This show is running longer than Law & Order. Also, there’s still nothing notably unlikable about Wilson so far. Of course, once upon a time, the same could be said for Brady.

16. Which celebrity would you love to “randomly” bump into at a Super Bowl party?

Iyer: Already bumped into Seahawks Super fan Chris Pratt, aka Star-Lord, earlier this past year, so that was awesome. So I’ll stay in the Marvel Universe and give me my annual answer: Scarlett Johansson.

Steele: Beyonce. I mean, come on. True story: I ran into her in a hallway at the Pepsi Center in Denver the last time the NBA All-Star Game was there. Destiny’s Child was still together and were performing at All-Star Saturday. No Jay-Z in the picture. She was literally just a kid. I actually spoke coherently to her, said, “Good luck out there.” She said … ready? … “Thanks.” I haven’t washed my ears since.

17. What’s on your ideal Super Bowl watching food plate and what are you having to wash it all down?

Iyer: Pizza, nachos, beer, bourbon, lather, rinse, repeat.

Steele: I wish I wasn't saying something as routine and universal as wings, but there’s just nothing better. As a bonus, a pastrami Reuben (corned beef is overrated). To drink, a Dos Equis, in honor of watching some of the most interesting men in the world.

18. Whose fans will own Arizona more during the week, the Seahawks’ “The 12th Man” or Patriot Nation?

Iyer: Seahawks fans killed it all the way in New York City last year, and really, Arizona isn’t that much farther than Tacoma, right? They will fly and drive down in droves to drown out what will still be a ton of Pats fans.

Steele: The Patriots fans don’t stand down to anyone. They take it as a challenge to overwhelm a city. In time, Seattle fans will grow in strength, but for now, only the Steelers and Packers fans can challenge the Patriots followers. Yeah, Cowboys fans, I said it.

19. Crazy about Katy Perry doing the halftime show or just meh?

Iyer: Meh for the singing, yeah for the visual.

Steele: Meh. Nothing against her, she’s pretty entertaining. But she has a really tough act to follow. Bruno Mars was great. And I was there for Prince, in Miami.

20. Past or present, alive or dead, who you would love/loved to see do a halftime show?

Iyer: Nirvana then, Pearl Jam anytime now. Seattle’s Super success is taking me back to my grunge-exclusive awkward teenage years.

Steele: As a D.C. native, it has to be Chuck Brown, the Godfather of Go-Go (Bustin' Loose, okay?). As strange as it sounds to mention him as a second choice, though, next on the list is Michael Jackson. I never got to see him in person.

21. If you could go out for dinner and drinks with one player on each team, who would they be?

Iyer: Gronk. On a bus. Or a boat. Or both. Just check back to make sure I’m still standing afterward, OK?

Steele: On the Seahawks, Russell Wilson, because he has such a fascinating family backstory. On the Patriots, Vince Wilfork. He just seems like a real character, he and his wife, who’s very active and vocal on Twitter. And watching him eat would be a show in itself.

22. Should we still get so excited about Super Bowl commercials? What's your favorite of all time?

Iyer: Everyone knows what they are before they air now, and they’re just not as funny as we think they are. I like Macintosh and “1984,” just because it’s the best ever.

Steele: Nothing will ever, ever top the Mean Joe Greene jersey-tossing spot, in my mind. And no, the obsession with the commercials, treating as a sport in itself, needs to be over right now.

23. This is the second time the Super Bowl has been in Glendale. What’s your favorite Super Bowl site of all time?

Iyer: New Orleans, where the Super Bowl is just part of the bigger non-stop party.

Steele: If they put the Super Bowl in Miami permanently, I’d never, ever complain, even with the stadium off the beaten path (which only matters on game day anyway).

24. Cold, hot, or just right — where you would like to see the game being played where it hasn’t been played before?

Iyer: Chicago. Let’s make it happen, powerful people. Let’s nail the draft and this will happen.

Steele: Chicago. The weather can’t possibly be worse there in winter than in Minneapolis, and it’s about to go there for the third time. And it’s, you know, Chicago. The best part about the Bulls dynasty was going to Chicago every year for the Finals.

25. Will we be talking about this year’s Super Bowl as a classic for years to come?

Iyer: Yes. Let’s go out there and make it the best ever, Patriots and Seahawks.

Steele: This one will be. Two teams built so differently, with such different strengths, and with so many reputations and legacies on the line — it would be a shock if something unforgettable didn’t happen.

Vinnie Iyer and David Steele