For Roger Goodell, staying out of court on Deflategate might be wishful thinking

David Steele

For Roger Goodell, staying out of court on Deflategate might be wishful thinking image

So far, Tom Brady is just filing an appeal. Robert Kraft is just venting to national websites. The Patriots are flooding the landscape with legalese and re-defining seemingly damning phrases (we’re all trying to drop a few pounds, or “deflate”).

But every aspect of Deflategate has a courtroom in its future. What are the chances that everything that needs to happen to derail one or more lawsuits, is going to happen?

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Lawsuits are not the NFL’s best friends, nor Roger Goodell’s. The Adrian Peterson case was just the most recent example. The suspended Saints players’ suit in the Bountygate case was just three years ago. Plaintiffs are still holding the NFL’s feet to the fire in the class-action concussion lawsuit; the latest settlement was challenged again just last week.

The NFL Players’ Association, which has appealed Brady’s four-game suspension on his behalf, knows this. They’re the ones who went after Goodell and his hand-picked arbitrator, former league vice president Harold Henderson, on Peterson’s appeal of his suspension last year … and got Henderson’s decision overturned in February. 

They also planted their feet on Goodell’s role as arbitrator in his own disciplinary decisions, when they demanded and got a neutral judge in the Ray Rice case.

So everybody must know that the union has the courts as a backup plan if they don’t get the level playing field they want on the Brady case — although it seems crazy to think Goodell will last much longer as the arbitrator there, since the union wants to call him as a witness. This one seems avoidable … but they all seemed to be, until the commissioner overplayed his hand.

Again, ask the vanquished Saints player about that. The union went to federal court to stop the suspensions; an appeals panel rescinded them, and former commissioner Paul Tagliabue wiped them out for good as appointed arbitrator. Jonathan Vilma, who was reinstated after being sentenced to a year’s suspension, has already publicly recommended that Brady “lawyer up.’’

And that’s just Brady’s end of things. The Patriots’ Wells Report rebuttal last week might have excruciating reading even for the trained legal eye, but it was prepared by their legal team and, essentially, provided a blueprint for a case that could be taken to a judge.

Kraft then put a face to it in his interview with The MMQB Monday morning. It’s a face that not only outranks Brady’s in power and influence, regardless of how popular Brady is; it arguably outranks Goodell’s, if only because, as must never be forgotten, the commissioner is employed by the owners, not the other way around.

In the interview, Kraft was careful not to lay any cards down yet: “I’m going to leave it. I won’t say.” However, he had the option of dismissing that as a possibility, and chose not to.

The last, and biggest, instance of owner-on-commissioner crime, Al Davis against Pete Rozelle over the Raiders moving to Los Angeles three decades ago, was as ugly and divisive as it gets. If nothing else worked for the NFL in the last few years, what always did was the owners’ unity against outside threats, whether players in labor disputes or fans in the court of public opinion.

If Kraft and the Patriots believe that the only way to protect their reputations are to go to court, who’s in position to stop them?

Not the commissioner himself, who surely already has a target on his back and might not be able to avoid one on his front, too.

David Steele