Tulsa, Charlotte police shootings make Colin Kaepernick's point clearer than ever

Jen Floyd Engel

Tulsa, Charlotte police shootings make Colin Kaepernick's point clearer than ever image

I had this whole thing written on 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick earlier this week, and why he needs to just stand the bleep up. On his feet. With his hand over heart. Being respectful. 

Every damn Sunday. Starting now.

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There are men and women dying over in Iraq and Afghanistan, after all, soldiers coming home in body bags with limbs blown off all because they believe in something bigger than themselves. The very least we, the beneficiaries of this sacrifice, can do is stand and honor the symbols that matter to them especially with our country fighting a war against Islamic terrorists on many fronts.

And then I saw the video of a Tulsa police officer fatally shooting Terence Crutcher, and we all need to take a knee.

As a coach will say, “take a knee” during a practice or game, because a conversation is needed, and we need to talk now. About how all of us can fix what is so obviously broken for our brothers, our fellow citizens, our friends.

Because there have been two shootings by police of African-American men — one unarmed, one possibly unarmed — since Kaepernick last took a knee in a football game.  

How is that even a sentence in America? How has this level of inhumanity become commonplace in a democratic society? And why have we settled for gestures rather than solutions?

Kap has every right to kneel, of course. 

So do the WNBA players, random soccer players and various joiners. First Amendment rights prevail always, and being a rich, privileged professional athlete does not strip one of them.

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You will never hear me telling an athlete to shut up or to talk only sports. I will merely point out there are military wives and husbands across this country tucking children in by themselves because their spouse is half a world away, fighting battles the rest of us were unwilling to sign up for and for these people and their families kneeling feels like a slap, a slap Kap has every right to deliver.

He and his fellow athletes are leaders, and we need to hear from them.

What we do not need are half gestures. No more kneeling or hashtagging or Facebook ranting, as Seattle defensive back Richard Sherman so wisely stated. We need to face this discrimination and violence head on, and enact a solution.

We are living in crazy times where humans trying to escape unspeakable horrors in Syria are compared to Skittles, where our fellow Americans being gunned down in streets simply because of the color of their skin and America is somehow turned into a political rather than a moral issue, where a broken down car can become a death sentence.

I partially blame Fox News and Facebook, whose algorithm brilliantly shows us more of the things we have “liked” and thus has created an echo chamber of opinion. And it is almost impossible to have a productive conversation when neither side is willing or able to consider the other side.

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This is the dangerous polarization of American politics, now infecting an issue that there should be no debate on. What is happening in the streets to African Americans is wrong, is antithetical to our belief system and violates Christ’s golden rule of do unto others as you’d have done to you, or your child.

The stories of Trayvon Martin and Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, et al have been heinous but the Crutcher case in Tulsa is somehow worse for it contains none of the shadows of doubt that have been used to explain away the other deaths. This was just a man, a man with a broken down car and we all need to take a knee.

Why the Tulsa killing impacted me so much was because I had been Terence Crutcher. I was standing by the side of the road not too long ago with a blown tire and when that police officer arrived my only thought was “Thank God. Help has arrived.”

I walked right up to her, my hands by my sides and with zero fear, and help she did.

This is how we all should be treated.

And none of us should be okay until it is so.

I do not believe the answer will come on our knees or with symbolic gestures of any kind. The power is when we all choose to stand up and say enough and demand change. 

Jen Floyd Engel