Patriots lawyers attack Deflategate report in lengthy rebuttal

Chris Littmann

Patriots lawyers attack Deflategate report in lengthy rebuttal image

Ted Wells' report on Tom Brady, the New England Patriots and Deflategate stretched 243 pages. The rebuttal from the Patriots' counsel was released on Thursday, spanning nearly 20,000 words, and it leaves no stone unturned in trying to demolish the initial findings.

Titled "The Wells Report in Context," Patriots counsel says "The conclusions of the Wells Report are, at best, incomplete, incorrect and lack context."

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"The Report dismisses the scientific explanation for the natural loss of psi of the Patriots footballs by inexplicably rejecting the Referee’s recollection of what gauge he used in his pregame inspection. Texts acknowledged to be attempts at humor and exaggeration are nevertheless interpreted as a plot to improperly deflate footballs, even though none of them refer to any such plot. There is no evidence that Tom Brady preferred footballs that were lower than 12.5 psi and no evidence anyone even thought that he did. All the extensive evidence which contradicts how the texts are interpreted by the investigators is simply dismissed as 'not plausible.' Inconsistencies in logic and evidence are ignored."

Daniel L. Goldberg, a senior partner in the Boston office of Morgan Lewis is responsible for annotations in the lengthy document.

Among the many annotations, Goldberg addresses the use of the nickname "deflator." Was it about footballs for Brady? No.

From the rebuttal: "Mr. [James] McNally is a big fellow and had the opposite goal: to lose weight. 'Deflate' was a term they used to refer to losing weight. One can specifically see this use of the term in a Nov. 30, 2014 text from Mr. McNally to Mr. [John] Jastremski: 'deflate and give somebody that jacket.' (p. 87). This banter, and Mr. McNally’s goal of losing weight, meant Mr. McNally was the 'deflator.' There was nothing complicated or sinister about it."

On the subject of McNally's run to the bathroom, lasting 1 minute, 40 seconds: "The report does not address whether one minute and 40 is consistent with the time that it takes a gentleman to enter a bathroom, relieve himself, wash his hands, and leave. In fact, it is. Nor does the report consider or acknowledge that, with the start of the game having been delayed, there was no reason for Mr. McNally to rush any efforts to deflate footballs in the bathroom if that was the task at hand. Mr. McNally had already been told that the start of the game had been delayed (from 6:40 to 6:50). He entered the bathroom with almost 20 minutes until game time. There was simply no need to rush were he engaged in releasing air from footballs — a process one would suspect would have to be done very carefully so as not to release too much air from any football. The one minute and 40 seconds in the bathroom was far more likely to have been for exactly the reason Mr. McNally gave."

The Patriots opened their rebuttal by discussing how the footballs were checked before the game, at halftime and after games. They point out how Indianapolis raised concerns a day before the game. Those concerns were passed among high-ranking NFL officials. Despite the Colts’ concerns, the league did not record the pregame measurements in writing.

The rebuttal also includes a clarification about what happened at halftime. They claim a more accurate statement than the one provided in the Wells Report. Here is their statement:

“Using two different gauges (one of which was used for pre-game psi measurements), the League tested only four Colts footballs at halftime. Three of those footballs measured below regulation on the so-called 'non-Logo' gauge. Four measured at or above regulation on the so-called 'Logo' gauge. One Colts football averaged below regulation when taking into account both gauges. As soon as that fourth Colts football was measured, League personnel stopped any further gauging of Colts footballs. Relying on the higher Logo gauge measurements of the Colts football, League officials decided not to add air to any of the Colts footballs. Additional measurements using the same two gauges were made post-game. Post-game, each of the four Patriots footballs measured were well above the required level of 12.5 psi on both gauges (including one that had been overinflated to 13.65 on the Logo gauge). Three of the four Colts footballs measured below 12.5 psi on the non-Logo gauge (a violation of League rules), one measured below 12.5 psi on both gauges (also a violation), and three Colts footballs measured above 12.5 on the Logo gauge.”

Goldberg points out that referee Walt Anderson, who measured the footballs, recalled using the logo gauge for pregame measurements, but Wells rejects Anderson’s recollection. Instead, the Wells report suggests Anderson used the non-logo gauge.

There’s an important distinction because the non-logo gauge recorded a lower psi. On Page 8 of the Wells Report the halftime psi measurements are listed and three of four Colts footballs were below regulation (12.5 psi) on the non-logo gauge. Three measured above regulation on the logo gauge.

Investigators relied on the logo gauge halftime numbers for the Colts, but the non-logo gauge numbers for the Patriots. Goldberg says the reason for that is the investigators wanted to reject the Ideal Gas Law, as provided in the Wells Report. Goldberg says, “Relying on Mr. Anderson’s best recollections, basic science fully explains the drop in psi of the Patriots footballs during the first half.” In other words, Goldberg says investigators didn’t accept the theory science explained the loss of psi in the Patriots’ footballs.

Goldberg says there is “no rationale for flip-flopping” on Anderson’s recollection of using the logo gauge.

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After making that argument, the tone the Patriots take in the blow-by-blow rebuttal points as much to Wells’ hiring as much as his findings.

“The hiring of Mr. Wells and his law firm followed the written notice to the Patriots (on the day after the AFC Championship Game) that the League had already made a 'preliminary finding' that the Patriots may have tampered with the pressure of the footballs. … League personnel, thus, with no basis and no understanding of the effect of temperature on psi, had already prejudged the issues.”

The Patriots point to equipment assistant John Jastremski’s lack of experience in dealing with a “media frenzy” that began in the wake of the AFC Championship. The also say that might be a reason for increased communication between Tom Brady and Jastremski: “Mr. Brady’s reaching out to Mr. Jastremski to see how he was holding up in these circumstances is not only understandable, but commendable.”

As for the texts, on which the NFL based much of its actions, the Patriots noted, “The texts that form the heart of this report show two persons with quite uninhibited texting history — and yet NOT A SINGLE TEXT REFERS TO DEFLATING FOOTBALLS TO A LEVEL BELOW REGULATION, TO DEFLATING FOOTBALLS AFTER THE REFEREE’S INSPECTION, OR TO ANY DIRECTIONS FROM MR. BRADY — OR EVEN ANY BELIEF THAT TOM BRADY WOULD PREFER TO USE BELOW REGULATION FOOTBALLS.” 

The Patriots continue to point to the weather during the game and its effect on the inflation of the balls.

To further make its point about the less-than-sinister nature of the two’s texts, the Patriots included this text exchange between Jastremski and McNally:

12:21:46: JM “Whats up dorito dink”
12:22:53: JJ “Nada”
12:22:53: JM “Whens the pong party….im on fire”
12:23:10: JJ “Omg”
12:23:34: JM “Bring it”
16:29:48: JM “You still with your women”
16:29:59: JJ “Yup”
16:33:21: JM “You must have her [omitted out of respect to Mrs. Jastremski]”
16:34:39: JM “You must have a picture of her [omitted out of respect to Mrs. Jastremski]”
16:36:31: JJ “Omg”
16:37:16: JM “You working”
16:37:53 JJ “Yup”
16:39:40 JM “Nice dude…jimmy needs some kicks….lets make a deal…come on help the deflator”

Goldberg’s conclusion? “Certainly there is no way one could reasonably base conclusions that a scheme existed and was implemented to improperly deflate footballs based on these texts, particularly where ball tampering at the AFC Championship Game is belied by science, would have been illogical in concept and improbable in practice, and where it would, if anything, had disserved the quarterback.”

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While noting the air pressure in the footballs during the AFC Championship, Goldberg also points to how the two teams' handling of the balls during the game.

“There were some significant differences between the game play and handling of the footballs by the two teams in the first half. The Patriots had far more offensive plays than the Colts, so the Patriots footballs were used more. … [J]ust before the footballs came in for halftime measurements, the Patriots footballs were being used while the Colts footballs were being held in trash bags. The Patriots ball boys did not use bags, thereby exposing the footballs more to the rain. The Colts footballs were gauged at halftime after the Patriots footballs were gauged and inflated, and thus had an extra 10 or so minutes in the warm Officials’ Locker Room for their psi to equilibrate.”

If scientific evidence explains the drop in psi of the Patriots footballs, Golberg argues, it is definitive there was no tampering. “Rather than engage in that analysis, this investigation made certain assumptions about gauge usage and then speculated about the meaning of texts taken out of context. The report rejects the simple and fully supported scientific explanation for the psi drop and instead builds adverse inference upon adverse inference from speculative and circumstantial evidence in order to develop even the soft conclusions it reaches." 

All of this is not to say that Brady has certain expectations about the way the Patriots’ footballs will be inflated.

“Mr. McNally did know … that Mr. Brady wanted the footballs set at 12.5. This knowledge would scarcely induce him to set the footballs to some other level. The investigators assume that preference for 12.5 psi is really a preference for lower than 12.5 psi — although no text, statement, or any evidence supports that Brady wanted a psi level below 12.5 psi.”

In fact, the Patriots argue, what McNally described was exactly what Wells’ report says happened before the AFC Championship game — that he received permission from the game officials to remove the footballs from the officials’ locker room.

Thus, Mr. McNally had the referee’s permission to remove the footballs from the part of the dressing room where game officials congregate pregame. “He sat with the footballs in the sitting room and then, when the NFC Championship Game that everyone was watching in that sitting room ended, he took the footballs from the sitting room and out into the hallway in full view of numerous League and game officials,” the rebuttal notes.

Further, even after halftime, when psi measurements became an issue, McNally is seen on the security tape walking the footballs back to the field unaccompanied by any game or league official, but obviously with their full knowledge — even more than “general awareness” — that he was doing so.

Goldberg reiterates: “There is no evidence that Mr. Brady ever expressed a desire for footballs lower than 12.5, ever asked to practice with footballs set at lower than 12.5, or ever felt he would be advantaged in any way by using a football set under 12.5. Quite to the contrary, what Mr. Brady explained to the investigators is that the consistency of the footballs and their tactile feel are most important to him, and he cannot even tell the difference if a football is within regulation or a psi or so above or below regulation.”

 At that point, the rebuttal begins to address who knew what when as the investigation went on — and, perhaps more important, how the interviews were conducted during that investigation.

“Since the Patriots were the target of this investigation and since information coming directly from game officials and League officials was crucial — and it was the League that also employed the investigators — Patriots’ counsel requested to be present during interviews of such League personnel.

“That request was rejected.” 

In fact, as he concluded the Patriots’ rebuttal, Goldberg sought to use the manner in which the investigation proceeded to make a larger point:

“It now appears that the Patriots are being severely punished because the Wells investigative team apparently overlooked materials they had in their possession long before their interview with Mr. McNally — scarcely an 'unanticipated circumstance' calling for yet another interview — and refused to disclose their reason for an additional interview. There was no refusal to cooperate by the Patriots.”

Bob Hille, Jordan Heck and Gabrielle McMillen contributed to this report.

Chris Littmann