'Julian Edelman Rule' a sign NFL waking up on concussions

David Steele

'Julian Edelman Rule' a sign NFL waking up on concussions image

PHOENIX — It may or may not be known forever more as the Julian Edelman Rule, but the medical-spotter proposal that was approved by owners at the NFL meetings Tuesday owes its existence largely to the Patriots receiver’s disturbingly woozy presence after a brutal Kam Chancellor hit late in this year’s Super Bowl.

“We had other examples,’’ Troy Vincent, the NFL's executive vice president of football operations, told Sporting News after making the presentation to owners. “But that’s the one the whole world saw, that everyone could understand. They saw him kind of discombobulated, kind of stumbling around a little bit.’’

MORE: Surprising NFL retirements Other safety-minded rule changes approved | Edelman avoided subject

Vincent, a former player, could relate to that too easily. So could Ben Utecht, the longtime Colts tight end who has gone public with his post-career memory loss to advocate for better neurological care for football players. He has seen video of the fourth of his documented five collegiate and NFL concussions, in a 2007 game against the Broncos, but doesn’t remember it.

On a play in the first half, he went low to block a defender, Utecht said, and had the back of his head clipped by the player’s heel. He was briefly unconscious, then awoke, jumped up, talked to teammates and medical staff on the field, then ran to the sidelines. He was lucky, he said; Colts medical staff kept him out of the game.

Still, he said Tuesday, “Now that would be a perfect example of why a medical spotter would be important.’’

Utecht’s biggest concern is about the expertise and impartiality of the medical professional in charge of the so-called “medical timeout” (the NFL is shying away from that term, putting rules in place to make sure the stoppage of play can’t be used as a competitive advantage). Utecht, the national spokesman for the American Brain Foundation and a featured panelist at the recent South By Southwest in Austin, prefers that a neurologist handle the duties.

“You want someone who is highly capable of identifying these things,’’ he said. “It’s important to have someone who really understands the nature of these kind of injuries." Edelman’s signs of potential concussion were obvious, he said, while his own from that 2007 hit were not, since he leaped up so quickly.

Vincent sees another issue that he wants the new rule to address: “Sometimes, we have to do something to protect the player from himself. This protects the player from himself.

“I’ve been there," continued Vincent, the former Pro Bowl safety for the Eagles. “So speaking from personal experience, you’re in the heat of the battle, your adrenaline is running, you're taught to continue to compete — when ultimately, you need assistance or you may need help, just to be evaluated. And there’s a time, too, where you may not want to show a sign of weakness. We have to overcome those things as athletes, knowing what we know now."

Still, this move is “just another step in the evolution of player health and safety," Vincent said.

“On paper, it looks good,’’ Utecht said, adding that he’s interested in whether the NFL Players Association needs to guard against teams abusing the plan for their benefit. But, he said, “If you have someone whose entire job is to spot players who need help, that sounds really good."

David Steele