Marcus Mariota beats Winston, Brady to top NFL jersey sales

Travis Durkee

Marcus Mariota beats Winston, Brady to top NFL jersey sales image

Marcus Mariota hasn’t won an NFL game, and hasn’t officially won the starting job for the Tennessee Titans. However, the rookie quarterback can put one victory under his belt — he has the top-selling jersey in the month of May, according to sales from the NFL’s official online store.

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Top overall pick James Winston came in at No. 2. Tim Tebow’s No. 11 Philadelphia Eagles jersey makes its debut at 15th. Yes, the same Tim Tebow who's reportedly struggling in OTAs.

Tom Brady’s No. 12 is still flying out of stores as the third-highest selling jersey despite his recent involvement in the Deflategate scandal.

Odell Beckham Jr., who recently landed the cover of Madden ’16, continued his rise to national stardom with the fifth-highest selling jersey, while the Seahawks as a team landed the most jersey’s in the top 25 with four, including their 12th Man jersey.

Travis Durkee