Josh Brown apology and release too little, too late

Pat Imig

Josh Brown apology and release too little, too late image

Josh Brown released a statement to Adam Schefter Tuesday. It was an apology. A well-coached, well-thought-out apology that reeks of “I'm sorry I got caught.”

Sure, we already knew he abused his former wife Molly when the NFL suspended him for Week 1, but it wasn't until his private journals were released by the sheriff's office last week that he was put under the cultural microscope. The journals were arguably as damning and incriminating to Brown, Roger Goodell and the NFL as the Ray Rice elevator video.

MORE: Fumbling of Brown case reeks of corporate cronyism

Brown's opening line of his statement to Schefter served as an apology to the New York Giants and owner John Mara because it's not the Giants' or Mara's fault they continued to employ Brown after serving his suspension. Don't blame them that these journals paint a sad, tragic picture that makes everyone look terrible. The opening line also included that favorite League buzzword "integrity."

In his statement to Schefter, Brown made sure to stress the importance that he never “struck” his wife and that “abuse takes many forms and is not a gray area.”

So what does it matter that he never struck her, then?

Brown was put on the commissioner's cozy Exempt List prior to Week 7. Shortly after he released his statement Tuesday, the Giants released him.

Curious timing, huh? 

Not only is this reactionary by the League again — and the polar opposite of proactive — you could almost conclude the League didn't appreciate the extra Tuesday jolt of Josh Brown publicity. Brown became the never-ending story that couldn't be spun any longer by the powers that be. My imaginary Vegas prop shows 2:1 odds the simple phrase "cut him" was texted to the GIants office shortly after the statement's release.

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In the meantime, Brown will have more free time to "be a voice of change, not a statistic," as he put it in his statement to Schefter prior to being booted. Making himself a “statistic” sounds almost as though Brown sees himself as a victim.

His release from the Giants notwithstanding, the apology IS too little, too late. Brown should have released this statement when he was first suspended. It would have seemed more genuine. And if he was so serious and heartfelt about his new cause, why not take to radio or TV to do it?

Sending a note to Adam Schefter was weak. This one reeked of All-Pro PR.

And it's too little, too late for the Giants and NFL. The League should have suspended Brown for six games minimum for violating the personal conduct policy from the getgo. Or the Giants could have taken a stand and cut him after his arrest. Perhaps Mr. Mara should have found out "to what extent" Josh Brown abused his former wife Molly.

Pat Imig is a featured host of “We Are Live!” on 590 The Fan in St. Louis. Tweet him @patrickimig or Email him [email protected]

Pat Imig