Jerome Bettis leaks Hall of Fame induction news

Ron Clements

Jerome Bettis leaks Hall of Fame induction news image

Jerome Bettis was so excited he was elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, he tweeted out the news ahead of its televised announcement.

The Steelers confirmed Bettis' honor.

Bettis, who played for the Rams and Steelers — winning a Super Bowl with Pittsburgh in his final season — is among a 2015 class that is expected to include former San Diego Chargers linebacker Junior Seau and former Rams offensive tackle Orlando Pace. Bettis ran for 13,662 yards during his 13-year career to rank sixth all-time in NFL history. Bettis had eight 1,000-yard rushing seasons and finished his career with 15,111 yards from scrimmage and 94 total touchdowns.

Ron Clements