Jay Cutler hire by Fox Sports is an affront to football fans

Jeff Diamond

Jay Cutler hire by Fox Sports is an affront to football fans image

Say it ain't so, Fox Sports. Jay Cutler? Come on.

This is just a late April Fools’ joke on your NFL audience, right? You can't be serious about hiring such a dour, arrogant, unfriendly, unlikable, underachieving former player to be a color analyst on one of your top broadcast teams.

The most anti-media, anti-fan player the NFL has seen in years is now coming into our living rooms and sports bars via grim hi-def. That is unless a starting quarterback of a playoff team goes down with an injury before or during the 2017 season. Cutler has indicated he may leave Fox in the lurch and return to the field.

Fox and Cutler are telling us he has changed since being humbled by Bears fans and becoming a father. I don't buy it, because I know too many coaches and players who did not like working with him.

I also had a negative experience with Cutler a couple years ago.

MORE: Will viewers like, let alone love Cutler?

My close friend and longtime NFL assistant coach Mike Heimerdinger passed away from cancer in 2011. His family holds an annual charity golf tournament in Nashville in his honor.

Dinger, as he was known, was a longtime Titans offensive coordinator. He also had been Cutler's quarterback coach in Denver in 2007, so Cutler was invited to play as a celebrity in the tournament a few years ago.

I have helped the family with PR and media relations for the tournament. One of my duties the year Cutler came was to help set up media interviews with the celebs.

Now, it was nice that Cutler wanted to support the Heimerdinger family and the benefiting charity. But it wasn't a huge imposition since he’s a Vanderbilt grad. He often returns to Nashville.

There was a dinner and reception the night before the tournament with sponsors and golfers who paid to participate. I did not see Cutler in attendance. Then prior to the start of the tournament, media folks interviewed the celebs, all of whom were nice and cooperative, except for … guess who.

Cutler was nowhere to be found.

Mike Shanahan, Jeff Fisher, Brandon Marshall and many former Titans players talked about Dinger and how happy they were to support the event. They mingled with the sponsors and golfers.

Not Cutler.

As more media requests came in for Cutler, I searched the area and found him essentially hiding in the parking lot. When I told him there were several media requests to interview him, he gruffly said doing interviews was not part of the deal. I told Cutler he could steer the interviews toward Dinger and away from football talk. He reluctantly did one TV interview before he again disappeared until tee time.

Cutler’s behavior that day was unprofessional, but based on his reputation, I should not have been surprised.

The irony now is he will be working in the media business, likely with some of the same people he treated so poorly over the years.

I pity Kevin Burkhardt, the Fox play-by-play man who lost an excellent, personable analyst in John Lynch to the 49ers general manager post. Can you imagine Burkhardt and fellow analyst Charles Davis having to spend 17 Sunday afternoons with Cutler? Not to mention production meetings on Saturdays during the season and having to go out to dinner with him afterwards.

Burkhardt talked a good game about Cutler last week. He said Cutler was "so conversational" and made "great observations" in the mock broadcast they conducted for his Fox audition.

One thing we know for sure: Cutler will not be afraid to call out players who mess up. He did that regularly to his teammates, either in words or in action. Who can forget the Cutler glare or his verbal attacks on his linemen after being sacked?

Cutler was condescending to his teammates, coaches, the media and fans. His unpopularity was never more evident than when he exited the 2010 NFC title game against the Packers with a legitimate knee injury but immediately was accused by players around the league of quitting on his team. In 2014, Bears legend Brian Urlacher said of Cutler: “Financially he is one of the elite guys in the NFL … he just hasn't produced like an elite quarterback."

Cutler’s 11 NFL seasons in Denver and Chicago resulted in a 68-71 record as a starter, a pedestrian 85.7 passer rating, one playoff win and one Pro Bowl appearance. He thought his arm was so good that he could force throws into tight windows, but the results too often were drive- and game-killing interceptions.

My lasting impression is a talented-but-arrogant quarterback who rarely smiled, was not a good leader and was not very coachable.

MORE: Cutler advises Bears on Trubisky

Why was Fox inspired to bring Cutler aboard when there are so many former players with much more star power and pizzazz; good guys who treat people right? He's nowhere close to fellow rookie analyst Tony Romo in personality or Q Score.

Cutler being rewarded with this gig is a sad commentary on the state of TV. I think it's the train wreck mentality — Fox execs believe viewers will tune in to see whether Cutler is as unlikable in the broadcast booth as he was on the field. The network will hope people are pleasantly surprised by his phony new persona.

So I'll plan to turn down the TV sound and listen to the radio broadcasts of any game Cutler is on this fall.

Because I know who the real Jay Cutler is, and that leopard cannot change his spots no matter how hard he and Fox try to convince us otherwise.

Jeff Diamond is the former president of the Titans and the former vice president/general manager of the Vikings. He was selected NFL Executive of the Year in 1998. Diamond is currently a business and sports consultant who also does broadcast and online media work. He is the former chairman and CEO of The Ingram Group. Follow Jeff on Twitter: @jeffdiamondNFL.

Jeff Diamond

Jeff Diamond Photo

Jeff Diamond is former president of the Titans, and former vice president/general manager of the Vikings. He was selected NFL Executive of the Year in 1998. Diamond is currently a business and sports consultant who also does broadcast and online media work. He is former chairman and CEO of The Ingram Group. Follow Jeff on Twitter: @jeffdiamondNFL